Even if i was a voter for independence i would be pretty shocked at the arrogance and sheer naivety of the SNP leaders. Playing on the sometime paranoia that lurks with some north of the border is irresponsible too.
Shoddy politics.
I hear they got a brief poll-bounce on the back of the Fat Man and Knick-Knack's accusations of bullying.
This is entirely in keeping with the Scottish pysche, which has an inherent distaste for what is "unfair". This is especially potent, when painted in a landscape of "English oppression".....what with you'se cnuts having the jack-boot on our throats for centuries n'that, ken?
Anyway, what the Fat Man, Knick-Knack and all of their ilk forget, is that this demonstrable indignation will shortly give-way to a stoic-pragmatism; a Scottish character trait which came about as a result of you'se cnuts having your jack-boots across our throats for centuries n'that, ken?
Scots will eventually look beyond this facade, and instead focus on the cold, hard, facts. Which is where the Yes campaign will fall flat on its stupid, doughy, arse.....mainly because the 'facts' are all stacked against their argument, and there are enough sensible, grown-ups in this country, to see right through them.
Jerry-mandering the eligible constituency to include 16yos was an attempt to get uninformed votes for the Yes campaign, and I cosider it to be an affront to democracy. My youngest lad isn't far short of 16yo, and I wouldn't let him pick his fu*cking nose, let alone a nations fate.
For the sake of balance, I should point-out that I consider Scottish MSP's of all stripes (Tory, Labour, LibDem, Green, whatever) to be a shower of useless ba*stards. They couldn't run a bath.