Shannon Matthews Found Alive, Unharmed


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Here's some welcome news - Shannon Matthews has been found, seemingly unharmed, in the bottom of a divan in a house in Batley.

A man has been arrested.
Thats wonderful news , after all this time i thought she would'nt be found alive
...who are not going to be seeing her for a while, she's been put under an emergency protection order, and placed with a foster family while further investigations are carried out by the police.
Thrilled she has been found. Obviously more to come out about this. She was evidently found hiding in the divan of a bed.
Still not been returned to Mother who now is considering legal action.
Very strange. A mighty can of worms I think
One of 7 kids 5 different fathers the mother seems unstable to me (excuse the pun :D ) and obviously going to milk the benefits system to the hilt!!! I think the girl would be better kept away from her and her cronies............. and put in care or put into foster care.. thats my opinion........... :eek:
I'd rather wait for someone with access to all the facts to make a judgement. In the interim it would seem reasonable to keep the poor girl away from the wider family.
It is not like watching Shameless. These are real people in pretty shite circumstances.
Well pardon me samaritan but I'm making a bloody judgement based on what we have seen which is enough when you look at them. :suspect:
And what do we see today the stepfather aged 22 has been arrested for having PORN of children on his P--C.............

A wonderful set up hey????????????????

I am not being egoistic but if you read back on this thread, I have said all along that there's something strange with/about all the family............

I doubt very much that this young girl will ever be sent back to live with these people??? and foster care is the next move............
It has been obvious from the start that there is something strange about this family. But the children at least deserve our sympathy and decisions on their future need to made with care (no pun intended).
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Apr 2 2008, 10:50 AM
And what do we see today the stepfather aged 22 has been arrested for having PORN of children on his P--C.............
In the interests of legality and accuracy, he's been arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children.
Originally posted by Grey@Apr 2 2008, 11:35 AM
It has been obvious from the start that there is something strange about this family. But the children at least deserve our sympathy and decisions on their future need to made with care (no pun intended).
I think this is a bit of a strange statement to come out with - you can hardly judge anything of this sort based on the usual conjecture which is the backbone of the British press nowadays.

What started alarm bells ringing to me was the fact that the child wasn't returned to her family after being found - I can't recall this being the case in any other instance of this type.
You're right, I've overstated it.

There were already certain signs that they might be strange before Shannon was found but to say it was obvious is an exaggeration.