Shannon Matthews Found Alive, Unharmed

Originally posted by Colin Phillips@Apr 3 2008, 07:27 AM
:D OB, Merlin has mentioned that above! :D
No, Merling said he'd been arrested. He's now been charged. There is a difference.
[quote...I am not being egoistic but if you read back on this thread, I have said all along that there's something strange with/about all the family............


The mother of schoolgirl Shannon Matthews has been arrested in connection with the alleged kidnap of her nine year old daughter.
Karen Matthews, 32, was arrested last night and is being held for questioning at an undisclosed police station in West Yorkshire on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.

A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said: "Police investigating the alleged abduction of a nine-year-old girl have arrested a 32-year-old woman in Dewsbury on suspicion of perverting the course of justice."

The spokesman said no further details concerning the woman's arrest were expected to be released until lunchtime today.

The arrest comes as it was revealed that Michael Donovan, who has been charged with abducting Shannon, slit his wrists while on remand at Leeds Prison.

Michael Donovan, 39, the uncle of Shannon's stepfather Craig Meehan, was in custody awaiting trial, charged with Shannon's kidnap and imprisonment. The incident reportedly happened on Saturday night and he was taken to hospital before being returned to prison.

Mr Donovan, a former computer programmer, was arrested on March 14 after the nine-year-old was found at his flat.

Shannon went missing in Dewsbury, Leeds, on February 19 and was discovered after a 24-day police search involving hundreds of officers and a team of 60 detectives.

Mr Meehan, 22, a supermarket fishmonger, was remanded in custody last week on 11 charges of possessing child pornography.

Mr Meehan's sister Amanda Hyett, 25, and their mother Alice Meehan, 49, Mr Donovan's sister, are currently on police bail respectively on suspicion of assisting an offender and attempting to pervert the course of justice.
Yes but you must not judge them Merlin.
They are innocent until proven guilty yes? shrug::

The fact is that this rats nest of a family is typical of our country in a lot of areas.
Absolute scum the lot of em and there's nothing at all we can do about it
ALthough things 'appear' to suggest that all the family are in on it we shouldn't jump to conclusions re Karen,Shannons Mum. It may all turn out that the others are all innocent of any involvement in her abduction. I have as much faith in the British Police as I do the Portugese.Then again,pigs may fly :suspect:
Yes but you must not judge them Merlin.............The fact is that this rats nest of a family is typical of our country in a lot of areas. Absolute scum the lot of em and there's nothing at all we can do about it

Interesting extension there, harry.
What a mess!!!

It transpires now that they'd approached the McCans for a donation from the find Maddie fund. I haven't really followed this one to the same extent, but could it be that money is the motivation?

You hide your own daughter with a relative (possibly with a promise of all sorts of new toys etc, she was hiding afterall). Then you report her missing and start up a search. You do all the sobby, sobby photo shoots, in the full knowledge that the McCanns can't fail to be aware of your own plight. Then after a few weeks of echoing the same sentiments and hurt that have been coming out of Portugal/ Leicestershire, you approach them with tales of poverty and a family torn apart in anguish and uncertainty, and try and get (an as yet undisclosed) amount of money out of their not insignificant fund. Two or three weeks later Shannon turns up.

Surely not???????????????????? but then some people are just so low they could crawl underneath a snake
apparently they made several approaches about money from the fund. Did they think it would just be handed over in readies, no questions asked?
Originally posted by clivex@Apr 8 2008, 03:03 PM
It transpires now that they'd approached the McCans for a donation from the find Maddie fund

Is that right?


Superb stuff

Im pissing myself here....
I know I shouldn't Clive, but that was half my reaction too.


You couldn't make it up. It's the sort of thing that a sit com scriptwriter must have wished they'd thought of. There's no shortage of scammers and hoaxes associated with the Maddie fund, but what extrordinary lengths people will go to
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Apr 7 2008, 11:34 AM
[quote...I am not being egoistic but if you read back on this thread, I have said all along that there's something strange with/about all the family............

.. and of course this is the most important thing when talking about a case like this.

Good lord.
Tout Seul
Mar 31 2008, 11:50 PM
I'd rather wait for someone with access to all the facts to make a judgement. In the interim it would seem reasonable to keep the poor girl away from the wider family.
It is not like watching Shameless. These are real people in pretty shite circumstances.

Today in the Times.
"Officers are also looking into suggestions that the inspiration for a fake kidnapping may have been provided by an episode of the popular Channel 4 comedy drama Shameless, which was broadcast a few weeks before Shannon was reported missing.

In the show, about a large, dysfunctional family living on an impoverished council estate, a mock abduction of the youngest member of the family, Liam, is staged by his elder sister, who uses an intermediary to demand £500,000 for his safe return. "
Shannon Matthews mum charged over 'abduction'

MUM Karen Matthews was charged last night over the alleged abduction of daughter Shannon.

Matthews, 32, will appear in court this morning charged with child neglect and perverting the course of justice.

The mother-of-seven is said to be distraught at the possibility of losing her children and is likely to be put on suicide watch.

Matthews had been questioned for two days over the disappearance of nine-year-old Shannon, who was missing for 24 days from the family home in Dewsbury, Yorkshire.

Michael Donovan, 39, the uncle of Matthews's partner Craig Meehan, 22, has already been charged with abducting the child.

And Meehan has been remanded in custody on child porn charges unrelated to the Shannon inquiry.

Matthews was arrested on Sunday night after breaking down in front of friends. She sobbed: "I don't want to go to prison. I can't stay in a cell."

Matthews will appear before Dewsbury magistrates today.

Detectives have been probing attempts by people claiming to be associated with the Matthews family to get money from the fund set up to find Madeleine McCann.

They spent at least an hour talking to McCann family spokesman Clarence Mitchell.

Mitchell said: "The man was aggressive and seemed to be asking for money along the line of: 'You have money, we don't - can we have some of yours?' "An illiterate request came in by email and that was it raised our suspicions."

He said he had passed on all he knew to the Shannon inquiry team and they would be in touch again if they needed a formal statement.

At the weekend, Donovan was taken to hospital after slitting his wrists in prison. He was returned to his cell after treatment.

Meehan's sister, Amanda Hyett, 25, and mother Alice, 49, are on bail after being arrested over alleged offences related to Shannon's disappearance.
Received a text this morning saying aparently the police are interviewing her mum not over the alledged abduction, but how the **** she got 5 different men to sleep with her.
Mrs O made a similar remark last night when the matter appeared on the news.

There's also a report in at least one of the papers today saying the woman's sister and her husband reported Ms Matthews five times to the police over the care of her children. She alleged that Ms Matthews didn't buy nappies for her kids and instead sellotaped a plastic bag to the kids' bums, that she didn't hold the babies to bottle feed them, just propped the bottle against a cushion while she went and did other things, among other allegations.

While rather saddening reading, I can't say I'm too surprised. The mother is as much a victim of the self-centred society we've had to put up with for a generation or two, a society the gutter media have encouraged.

I suspect there are many, many children out there who are unloved and unwanted.
All that this family lacks is a decent PR machine whereby they could get away with answering as many as 40 questions about what actually happened, happily point the finger at a innocent party (who co-operated fully with the police), produce "new" witnesses out of thin air, and then have a nice little earner off a newspaper that vaguely pointed the finger at them
The mother is as much a victim of the self-centred society we've had to put up with for a generation or two, a society the gutter media have encouraged.


There have always been useless parents and people who are simply inadequate.

Some people are simply "not up to it". The "it" being life.

I feel sadness for all involved rather than anger
Yes, such poor parents have indeed always existed but since the early days of the industrial revolution we've had influential figures pricking social consciences into helping the less fortunate.

We had two world wars forcing us to help each other in times of crisis.

But for at least 30 years we've had certain sections of the media pounding us with the message that there's nothing wrong with putting number one first, indulging ourselves to the exclusion of everyone else because someone else will always cover up for us. These media glamourise behaviour that would have invoked shock and scandal in us a generation ago.

Kids stopped having proper role models and those kids are now the parents of today (in some sad cases, the grandparents).
Originally posted by Dave G@Apr 9 2008, 11:36 AM
Received a text this morning saying aparently the police are interviewing her mum not over the alledged abduction, but how the **** she got 5 different men to sleep with her.
:laughing: :laughing: she must have a hidden!! agenda??????
This is a really sorry state of affairs - mainly I feel sorry for the kids involved especially Shannon. Very sad if they really have done a 'Shamless'' although hopefully slightly less traumatic for the little girl - although who knows?

Sometimes I wonder what the country's coming to - and what can we do about it? I don't have any children and not planning any in the near future :nuts: but maybe one day and sometimes I do worry about what kind of place their going to grow up in.
Originally posted by Desert Orchid@Apr 9 2008, 11:44 AM
Mrs O made a similar remark last night when the matter appeared on the news.

...... hile rather saddening reading, I can't say I'm too surprised. The mother is as much a victim of the self-centred society we've had to put up with for a generation or two, a society the gutter media have encouraged.

I suspect there are many, many children out there who are unloved and unwanted.
Mrs O isn't the only one. But then I think that often, when these kind of harridans come on the screen, and you hear they have numerous children... They're just the kind too you see chasing prison vans and thumping on the side while screaming obscenities, when one of their neighbours has been caught out in some mischief! But we shouldn't jest, it's no laughing matter.........

I can't agree the woman is a victim. We have free contraception in this country, but no sense of responsibility - and no encouragement from the state/benefit/tax system to get people to either pay for or care for their own children. Instead we have a system which encourages having children without the means or even the will to look after them - for too many women it's a meal ticket
Ah! Absence of contraception is the problem so. Maybe we should just sterilise the Gamma Minors and be done with it.

(Oops. I'm dead.)