Should They?

The Nicholson Chase has been a great success since its introduction, attracting as it has some of the very best horses in training to a corner of Ireland where demand for good horse racing definitely exceeds supply.

There is always a buzz at the track on the big day but racecourse facilities are not up to coping with the numbers who attend. It is a very big circuit, the far side of the track is a long distance away from the enclosures and for the ninety per cent of racegoers who can't get into the very small stand viewing is poor.
I think Down Royal is a really good test of a horse. Never been there, mind, and probably won't add it to my list on hearing this.
is this referring to paul nicholls, or the post above? trainer wants to give english fans another chance to see the best chaser in years and years, and thats all you come out with?

There is a perfectly good pattern of suitable races in the early part of the season. English fans have had, and hopefully will have, plenty of opportunities to see Kauto Star. And, I'm not sure why the nationality of fans need come into this.

The particular merit of any horse is irrelevant in commenting on how ridiculous and arrogant it is of his trainer to wish a race to be framed just for one horse.

He has plenty of horses and suitable gallops at Ditcheat. If he wants a race set up just for his beloved Kauto (who, no-one is allowed to criticise, remember), I suggest he has that race at home.

Otherwise, he would be well-advised to stick to the current pattern, which contains an abundance of suitable races for Kauto Star.

Does Nicholls want to add race planner to his current positions of Champion trainer and RP editor?
Kauto's record suggests that whatever races they run him in, it hasn't prevented him from being at, or very near, his best in the King George.
Nicholls has not demanded a new race, try reading the actual quote.

Although he is wrong when he says 'there is nothing in this country' The 'unless someone comes up with something' does not constitute an arrogant 'frame me a race or I'll sulk'.

I hope they do frame another race and leave it there. I'm sick that all the nice conditions races that previously were run in this country have either been dumbed down into handicaps 0-145 or have disappeared altogether. There have been a succession of races slashed from the programme by shortsighted raceplanners at the behest of whining bookmakers who can not bear to see a top class chaser win a conditions chase at 1/5.

So bring back some of those races, Wincanton, Chepstow, Haydock, Ayr etc etc and you might all see the better horses a little more.

And another thing.. what exactly is wrong with The Charlie Hall Chase..... for many years a starting point for Gold Cup horses and yet studiously ignored by Knight every season that she whinged about no races for Best Mate, and seemingly forgotten about again now.
yes they did... and it was met with total derision on all the forums..interesting how kickable Hen Knight is compared to Nichols

same situation exactly..different reaction though :whistle:

I think this thread has been pretty negative to Nicholls...
Well, if JCR decides to put on a race for Kauto, I'd be happy for it to be at Market Rasen :D
cotton wool doesn't seem to be being mentioned much either;)
I dare say that's because Kauto hasn't been wrapped in cotton wool until now (6 runs last season, 6 the season before). He's been at the top long enough to merit a quieter life.

(That isn't intended to reflect negatively on Hen's campaigning of Best Mate, incidentally)
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And another thing.. what exactly is wrong with The Charlie Hall Chase..... for many years a starting point for Gold Cup horses and yet studiously ignored by Knight every season that she whinged about no races for Best Mate, and seemingly forgotten about again now.

Had that thought myself, UG. I seem to remember a few less than flattering comments about the surface in recent years though? At least I think it was Wetherby.
Thats right Trackside, last season and the one before I think. Plenty of nice horses from top trainers have run there this season though.

For what its worth I think the track is certainly just a shadow of its 80's self, but it would seem to be back in favour, if never as good as it used to be.
I dare say that's because Kauto hasn't been wrapped in cotton wool until now (6 runs last season, 6 the season before). He's been at the top long enough to merit a quieter life.

(That isn't intended to reflect negatively on Hen's campaigning of Best Mate, incidentally)

He has run some of his best races when given time between them..something which PN now realises is important...whereas HN decided that from day one with BM.

I don't want to reflect negatively on either horse or trainer..just pointing out that HN was treated rather differently by the public compared with PN for coming to exactly the same conclusion on how you win top races over a decent period of time with one horse.

I could never understand the criticism of HN tbh...would PN have won 3 GC's with BM?..I don't think he would tbh
He has run some of his best races when given time between them..something which PN now realises is important...whereas HN decided that from day one with BM.

I don't want to reflect negatively on either horse or trainer..just pointing out that HN was treated rather differently by the public compared with PN for coming to exactly the same conclusion on how you win top races over a decent period of time with one horse.

I could never understand the criticism of HN tbh...would PN have won 3 GC's with BM?..I don't think he would tbh

Would Kauto Star have won Tingle Creeks, King Georges, Ascot Chases etc etc with HK? He would not have had a chance....

Paul Nicholls is a superb trainer, but there is nothing in the formbook to suggest Kauto Star needs time between his races. Just went through a lull early in the year and they could not put their finger on it so came up with that. I think its a shame that he will only have 3 runs next season but at the same time the campaign Kauto Star has had is nothing compared to the Best Mate campaigns who not only wouldnt run more than 3 times but equally avoided remotely unsuitable conditions. Yes he won three Gold Cups but Kauto Star's achievements blows him out of the water which is not necessarily BM's fault.
I'm not comparing the horse's abilties - they are both different animals

Why would you run a horse like these two in a race where the conditions don't suit???...I can't see how thats good saying that BM wasn't run in conditions that didn't suit is just common sense surely?

Both trainers have different point was..whether you believe him or that PN has now decided that to get the best out of KS he NOW needs breaks bewteen his may not look like that in the past but he said thats what is happening in future..the same conclusion HN came to with BM

There would have been no point in running BM in 2m races when he wouldn't have won them..if HN had done that then she would have looked daft

I have not suggested BM is anything like the animal KS is..but they were/are both top horses in their respective times...BM's itinerary was always being ridiculed and maligned but now KS has a similar campaign mapped out with a ready made race thrown in it seems that its acceptable

At the end of the day..the final results are what counts..BM won 3 GC's..anyone that thinks thats easy just because a horse only runs 3 times a year is kiddin themselves...just to run in 3 GC's is an achievement never mind winning em.

HN will never get the credit she deserves from some quarters..I wonder if she was an Irish trainer it might have been viewed differently :whistle:
An Irish trainer or Paul Nicholls...any other suggestions?

An Irish trainer called Paul Nicholls?

Yes a race should be named in Kauto Star's honour but not until he has retired. For me put his name to a race at Kempton over the xmas period along side his only true likeness Dessie. Only those two greats have shown the distance versatility at top level 2 miles or 3 mile plus and over a sustained period or time. For me maybe changing the Feltham would be the race.