Snow snow and snow

Quite a bit here - well, it feels like it even though it's probably only 2 or 3 inches. Down the yard in Surrey they've a good 6 inches or more! Mind you the small amount we've had was enough to mean I had to walk a few miles to do the 'oss, cutting across fields and graveyards and things!

Dog, horse and the other horses on the farm are all quite happy though!



That's are lovely shot of her, are the other ones of the 'osses.

Is that the madam who gets her knickers in a twist come November time?
Cheers Colin.

Yes, she is indeed the one who goes into one over fireworks - thunderstorms too for that matter. She's getting worse with age and just gets worse each time she hears them it seems, poor old girl. I had to resort to ACP and still that doesn't stop her from getting wound up, it helps her a lot though.
Only about 1cm this morning in Cheltenham area. We're having short showers at present. Racecourse looks rather pretty. Ground pretty solid, though.
Looked beautiful on my way to work this morning - which is just as well as my 20 - 30 minute journey took me an hour and a quarter !! It took longer to get the first 3.5 miles than it did the other 10 - oh the joys of town life!! Made to feel longer by someone telling me hed turned the heating up and gone back to bed....grrrrrrr !!!
AND it was crap snow - we tried and tried to have a snowball fight at work, but it was WAY tooo powdery - so we made angels instead.

Had to smile on my way home - there was a snowman directing traffic on a roundabout.... and now Im not out in it,I can appreciate how pretty it makes everything. Even my garden looks just as good as the award winning one up the road...... :)
No buses in London. Tube lines in disarray.

Except the bits of the tube I use to get to work, of course, and then arrive to be told that HR had sent out an email saying the office was closed and nobody had to come in. As if I am going to check emails at half past 6 when I have to get going.:confused: Out of 80, seven of us turned up.
Shadow Leader they are really beautiful pictures, any more or does anyone have some to add?
I nipped out to get some more beer at superbowl half time this morning and there was a full blown 10-a-side snowball fight in the street outside. Very funny!

It's just taken me 2 and a half hours to get back from work though, which is not so amusing.
I nipped out to get some more beer at superbowl half time this morning and there was a full blown 10-a-side snowball fight in the street outside. Very funny!

It's just taken me 2 and a half hours to get back from work though, which is not so amusing.

Rookie mistake.....if you had the common sense to buy enough beer as to render yourself incapable of going to work this morning, you wouldnt have had the problem of getting home from work at all....

I suggest you always have enough beer in the house for such occassions as snow falls and blizzards..................slight frosts, winds, rain, that really bright sunshine that can affect your vision when driving, fog, mist, misty fog, misty rain.....
Del Boy, he speak good sense.

Nice photos, Shadow. I hope those creatures are suitably grateful for the sacrifices you make for them, such as forgoing sociable weekends in Dublin.
Lovley photos - my collie used to love the snow, she's tear about in it like a mad thing
I think animals love the change in the landscape as much as we do

It's been great watching the news and local news - Cambridge under snow, and even the students let alone a lot of the kids int he UK have never seen as much snow in their lives. Neither have a lot of young drivers of course, which has led to some silly road accidents...

I drove into town (15 miles round trip) to stock up on food and to bank a couple of long-awaited cheques; if it goes on too long we could well get snowed in where I am, right off the beaten track and up a dirt road!
Snow at last in Somerset - an extremely unusual event! However, -4 last night so it's means no help this morning, all the water lines will be frozen - the parlour water heaters is on, though, so not too bad - but lot's and lot's of lugging water buckets to stock...

If we've any energy left after all that, we're all meeting up to go sledging on Big Hill on my farm, with the prmise of one of the tractor's to pull us back up the hill! Will take camera...

Just hope I don't end up like one of my best chums yesterday - she slipped on black ice and broke her wrist :(
Adopted a stray cat recently. Lovely to watch him playing in the snow yesterday, trying to catch snowflakes, instead of huddling up in the hedge to keep warm as he had done before.
Blimey, that was a bit of a marathon! As I guessed, all water troughs in the various cattle sheds were frozen up, which is really unusual as cattle drink very constantly and we've a lot of cattle in, so they usually drink frequently enough to keep the water flowing. Several lugged buckets of hot water later and all the exposed (although lagged) alkathene pipe has been defrosted and they are running freely again!

The dogs and cats are haing a great time playing in the now and the three dogs and two of the cats came around with me to do the outside feeding. The dogs were wearing their costs, which the catz found irresistable for some reason and every time we stoppped one of the cats tried to jump on Lily... weirdo!

Beautiful morning until a few minutes ago and it's starting to snow again - should be sledging in a little while!!