Snow snow and snow

It wasn't too bad in the Mendips today.

Taken last year at Cheltenham racecourse but probably looked the same today
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The sledging looks a laugh Songsheet!

When I was a kid the whole village would turn out in weather like this to sledge in a downhill field behind the church. In my day there was a ski jump left there from an old cross country course so many would go over that as well even though invariably they'd end up in the ditch and the whole runs would become black ice within a few hours and get treacherous! Sadly the ski jump is no more and the village doesn't turn out en-masse anymore, it's changed too much.
I dunno what it is about where I am but it very rarely snows here. We got a little on monday and the weather forecast was for 20 inches in the North West on tuesday, but when I woke up and looked outside it was dry as a bone:confused:
Typical ruddy Gloucestershire this morning, given a warning about a hard frost and black ice, not one of the main roads in the County was treated and all the roads were slick. The gritters appeared just after 8.15 - by which time there had been a few nasty accidents on the more hilly roads.
No, definitely nothing like a Boxer!

My bunch have the best of temperaments, as Troods, Isinglass, Krizon, Jinnyj, Diminuendo and Muttley will hopefully confirm but defnitely do have their bonkers moments!![/IMG]

Yes, can confirm they are gorgeous, friendly - and well behaved! My kind of dogs really :)

Weather here today seems to have moved from snowy to rainy, sleety and very very windy. Horrible, I prefer the white stuff. Just spoke to a friend in Cheltenham who says it is okay there, no snow or rain and same at Newbury. So far .....
Lovely pics everyone.

Cats won't go out this morning (without being carried) the garden's disappeared!
My cats are wild and crazy guys, went out, ran around and came back in all soggy and disgusting. :p The real feral lives out all the time but was most keen on his grub last night and even agreed to me standing close by while feeding.

Great pic of dog Shadow Leader! Love the look on the face.
Cheers Isinglass :)

We must've had 3 or 4 inches last night, more than we had initially - she went crazy in it! Just galloped around like a mad thing, scooping it up in her mouth too; she's supposed to be an old dog!
She certainly is, Shadow. My neighbour came home from walking her dog this morning. He's only a youngster and looked totally bewildered by all this white stuff. She says that she got more exercise than he did, running around and trying to get him to play.

Some of the local kids have gone up Cleeve Hill as there is a small hill fort up there so all the banks and ridges should give them some good sled and snow board rides. The snow is deep enough up there at the moment to give them a soft landing.

We had one lad in Casualty last week who - full marks for creativity - did his ankle when he fixed a pair of skis to his skateboard. Novel idea and he said he had a great ride until crashing!
Really interesting to see how the horses react to it - a certain two-time Christmas Hurdle winner's been having the time of his life in it!

I hate it personally.
I hate it when it's like it is here today - grey, murky, the snow's virtually gone and what's left is slushy and disgusting. Mud everywhere and standing water - vile!
A few more of the snow taken in on one of my walks yesterday, and at Virginia Waters this morning!








