Snow snow and snow

It's snowing again here on and off as well, sometimes fairly heavily. Like yourself Songs, we've no water so it's a case of lugging bottles of water down to the yard and breaking ice on waterbuckets and troughs. My walking stick is good for breaking ice - it's got a metal spike on the bottom so does the job nicely!!
Tiring, ain't it? Did the outside water trough for the two mares but simply couldn't do the colt's one at all - will have to wait for the tele-handler for that later this morning but there's loads of snow for them to melt meanwhile! Have to own up that I've still got some boxes to muck out but I was so hungry I decided to come in and have some porridge first! They won't take too long, though.

At least everything's been fed and watered, which is the priority!
It is - I'm all done though! :p My fella's building up a nice mountain of hay though, he's not eating a lot of it at the moment so the mountain's getting higher and higher as I keep adding more slices to it!

Mind you I've only one to do myself - the other two are taken care of elsewhere :D

That's where my stick comes in handy, Songs - I broke the water for two other horses at the farm yesterday with it but nothing else would have done so I'm sure. The ice was a good 2-3 inches thick and it was only repeated hard blows with the metal spike on the end which did the job. Get yourself down to Millets and get one!!!
...and as for riding, forget it!

I've been led to believe there's a good six inches covering the gallops - not that you could get to them at the moment. I also believe they're trying to clear it at the moment - that'll be a long job.
Adopted a stray cat recently. Lovely to watch him playing in the snow yesterday, trying to catch snowflakes, instead of huddling up in the hedge to keep warm as he had done before.

We have some ferals (well, not so feral anymore) and a stray as well. But there is still one farm cat who has turned wild and lives in a shed down the bottom of the village. We put feed out for her and pray eventually she will come in (before she has kittens). It is lovely when you have tamed one or given a stray a home and you can see them play - a sure sign they are happy and well. :)

Oddly enough we also had a stray collie living in the village, but thankfully she has been taken in by one of the dairy farmers and is having fun herding the cows!
Oh dear, Grey.... I heard that Belgium smells abit... you mean even the snow smells?:blink:
Well - as you can see from the photos, that was a bit disappointing. Between 9.30 am, when it was defnitely still freezing and an hour later, the sun came out and it was positively hot! The snow started to melt so quickly, we headed up the hill sharpish but there just wasn't enough to sled on.

So, we went onto the top where it's level and there was a little more snow, hitched the old bonnet off Phil's truck that easily coped with three kids behind the Massey and He drove the tractor in a reasonably tight circle so they got plenty of speed up and had a great time.

Wurzel sledging! Sorry it's so blurred but I was laughing so much camera shake was an understatement!

My photography skills are pants but my excuse for this is that they were going pretty fast at this point behind the tractor!

Still going...

Going home - snow melting fast now!

That looks SUCH fun, Jules! Its what snow is all about - sledging, lots of dogs and kids out to enjoy it - seems like you were all having a great time!
GREAT fun! Have not done this since I was a child.

Bet it was cold once everyone stopped moving about. Brrr. But nothing a nice cuppa would not solve. (Or something a bit stronger). :)

I was really looking forward to my dog walking today but the dog in question ran about for 10 minutes and then barked and barked asking to go back and curl up on the sofa on her fur rug! I figured if you cannot beat it join them ..... so we brewed up a stew, and got out the videos and made a fire.
Songsheet what breed are them grey dogs in you're picture?, great pictures btw
Thank you, IS - 'great' they ain't but fun anyway!

The grey dogs are Weimaraners - a breed I've owned for 30 years this year!!! That's Hat the Scat, her daughter, Lilo Lil and her son, Bert (who is owned by bloke driving tractor in photos - two of the kids on sledge are his, the other is one they found on the way over ! :lol:).

Lil and Bert are generation eight on from my first Weimaraner.
No, definitely nothing like a Boxer!

Weimaraners are gundogs - they should be willing to please, biddable and reasonably 'soft'. In reality, they are 'hardest' of all the gundogs (in their native Germany, they are successfully used as police dogs as well as hunting dogs).

I've owned several different breeds of dog but these are the smartest, funniest and most beautiful of the lot. I know just as many people who can't abide them having come across aggressive, problem Weis. They are a breed that have to be very well-trained or they are a complete nightmare - mainly because they are pretty bright. I work mine as proper gundogs on our shoot and I do believe that's why they are so well-balanced - doing what they were bred to do.

My bunch have the best of temperaments, as Troods, Isinglass, Krizon, Jinnyj, Diminuendo and Muttley will hopefully confirm but defnitely do have their bonkers moments!!

Hattie below helping raise my Hungarian Wirhaired Viszla's puppies last year..