So You Think - substance or hype ?

Interesting to note when the Cox Plate actually happens. When So You Think won it as a 3yo in late October 2009, he had only officially turned 3 that August, and as a November foal was still technically a 2yo (he did get a huge WFA allowance, as you would expect). It's a bit like running the Eclipse at the end of March.
Would Canford Cliffs's (or any top miler for that matter) potential stud value actually be increased that much by a win over 10f?

I understand the obsession with dropping mile and a half horses back to 10f to some extent; does the same apply to milers stepping up? As someone not particularly well-versed in the world of commercial bloodstock I would certainly be interested to hear any views.
Possibly not, although SYT has been hyped so much that his scalp looks good on the CV. Frankel wouldn't look bad either though.

I'd be surprised if they didn't go for the Sussex with Canford, then again they may want to prove he is a little more versatile.