Video replays back up tonight, though ATR races still not available.
Click on the race you're interested in, in the horse's form, then scroll right down to the bottom for video replay; it won't work unless you're already logged in.
Works fine for me on Firefox.
No replays from ATR tracks yet, but they're freely available on their own website.
This used to be my go to website, but it's so bad now I have found alternatives and permanently given up on it. What the Racing Post have done to their website is poor, but the Sportinglife is the worst change of a website I've ever seen. Somebody/people need firing, as it is truly awful to the point that I genuinely found myself getting wound up trying to use it.
I suspect they were vain enough to believe that what they've done are improvements, and that the busiest time of the horseracing calendar was the best time to relaunch.
The truth is they've achieved the opposite. I've completely abandoned Sportinglife, and I only use Racing Post for what I absolutely have to. Certainly from my own group of friends they feel exactly the same, and from everything I read on here it seems it's widely true.
The problem they have is after scoring such an awful own goal, getting people back will be difficult with the amount of information now widely available elsewhere. People are creatures of habit. That's if they're smart enough to even try of course, which from the correspondence I've seen so far seems highly unlikely.
I reckon any of the others that were smart enough to speak to the right people to get the content and format absolutely right would corner the market. The truth is not one of the sites available get it 100% right, but the rest are currently easily better than these two. When you think RP and SL were clearly first and second for most racing fans, it's not difficult to see that their online platform and content is being run by clueless idiots, and their senior people are either too lazy or web incompetent otherwise it could have never happened.
One thing for sure is that there's a window of opportunity for someone right now.
I wouldn't give the fart from my rear-end to cool Bruce Millington's soup, hence I've never bothered singing-up for their membership nonsense........and Hell will freeze-over before I do.
Being a leech who gets what he needs from their form database (when it's working), and who has many other sites he can go to for news, I'm not one to really crab the site (beyond pointing-out its self-evident, all-round shittiness)..........but there are almost certainly people on here who fork-out real money, for the privilege of viewing whatever mince they hide behind their little magic 'member' shield. Are any TH/RP members inclined to bin their payments, due to the execrable nature of their online offering?
Tinpot outfits like the Post likely don't give a toss about customer opinion, until they start to feel it in their pockets.
A bit like that Jag you had. :lol:
Yup, I'm cancelling my RP membership. It was an indulgence anyway as I'm not really a punter (I was using it for bloodline research) but between the lousy redesign and the fact that being an Essential member is no longer enough but increasing amounts of content are hidden behind the Ultimate membership level, it's an indulgence I neither can nor want to justify any longer.