St Nicholas Abbey

St Nicholas Abbey looked in top condition I thought when he worked after racing at the Curragh with two stablemates (one blinkered, Beethoven? Fencing Master?).

Had his front legs bandaged for his work though, whatever that means, Jinnyj is usually the best for that explanation!
Good to hear Gamla....was it a serious piece of work or just the usual racecourse work they do.

Completely forgot to get back to you yesterday - I was rushing around an airport at the time! Hope you had a good weekend.
Was an excellent weekend thanks Gal, unexpectedly really enjoyed Shelbourne Park too, fantastic atmosphere. Curragh a nice enough track but needs some money spent on it really to get up to scratch with the top UK tracks.

Couldn't really see as they went right over to the far side of the Curragh to be honest out of view, thought he looked fantastic though. Wish I'd taken my camera but decided it was too big to fit in my hand luggage!
He worked with Rainforest and Silver Fox....due to run somewhere in the next 3 weeks to month.

Surely the Champion at Newmarket is the obvious race for him?
Do you think they'll throw him straight back in at the deep end in a Group One?

I thought the Dundalk race was a possibility with a tilt at the Breeders Cup with him?
St Nicholas Abbey looked in top condition I thought when he worked after racing at the Curragh with two stablemates (one blinkered, Beethoven? Fencing Master?).

Had his front legs bandaged for his work though, whatever that means, Jinnyj is usually the best for that explanation!

Could be anything - he may be knocking himself, it may be he has had joint problems and by bandaging you are giving a little support. It may be nothing - virtually all horses in the US get exercised in them as routine.
I think he is the type of horse that could go straight into Group 1 company - but we will see. Breeder's Cup sounds a big ask off just one prep run plus the prospect of fast ground is not ideal for him I would not have thought.
Is fast ground guaranteed in Kentucky in November though?

I presume Hong Kong wouldn't be on the agenda? They're running out of time with him really this season if they want to bag a big one.
There is talk of another racecourse gallop before he runs again – if he did that a week or so before the Arc it would set him up nicely for the Newmarket Champion.

I would think racing him in the Arc would be unlikely now that he missed the Niel. Think he could get away with first run back in the Newmarket Champion but not in the Arc.
I'd say that Gal is right and the Champion Stakes is the target. It is almost certain to be less competitive than the Arc. It would be great to see him back.
From Brian O'Connor's blog on

There seems to have been a general consensus that one horse that never again would be seen in the races that count was St Nicholas Abbey. So his appearance after racing at the Curragh was interesting in itself.
For a colt that didn’t over-impress physically in the Spring, he looked notably well in himself as he tailed two stable companions in a piece of work that could hardly be described as strenuous.
Despite all the scepticism though he is still around and Ballydoyle seem to be persevering with him. Aidan O’Brien said afterwards the piece of work could bring St Nicholas Abbey on very quickly in terms of readiness for a race. It will be fascinating to see which one it might be.
Any more word on Elusive Pimpernel?

I e-mailed John Dunlop and was just sent this short reply:

From:Marcus Hosgood <>

The horse is well but unlikely to race again this season.

Marcus Hosgood Racing Secretary to J.L.Dunlop
St Nicholas Abbey is due back 10th October at The Curragh....sounds like a prep for the Breeders Cup rather than the Champion Stakes?
... or an end of season reconnaissance mission to see is he worth persevering with for next year? The breeders Cup sounds a tough job for a horse who hasn't been toughened up by a full programme of training /racing. I suppose it depends what he's been doing on vacation, maybe he's been kept on the go all along. It doesn't sound like it though.
Could be that too....didn't they do this with Scorpion? Returned in this and went then to the Breeders Cup meeting?
Could be that too....didn't they do this with Scorpion? Returned in this and went then to the Breeders Cup meeting?

Scorpion was given the softest ride of all time in that race by Fallon after drifting like an absolute barge.

Plenty in the gambling industry were very suspicious that afternoon.