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Tanya out.

Who's the guy who can't open his eyes and talk at the same time? Every time he starts talking in the studio his eyes close. Really annoying. And agree about Rishi, hopeless, offers absolutely nothing. And I'd like to know their tipping for charity stats, looks like they are guessing more than I usually am!

Googled it, Jim McGrath. He gets right on my wick.
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I liked Francome, couldn't give a crap if he couldn't pick his nose. I can do that fine myself :). I suppose at least channel four have put an effort into putting racing on for the general public.
Clive - lack of knowledge in presenters is annoying in the same way it would be with any tv programme. I like homes under the hammer but would be most annoyed to see it being presented by a tv chef for example. Pointless stats don't come into it.
Some interesting views in there.

I once witnessed McCririck in action at the track. I was never a fan, I admit, but some of the things he was saying to some young women were shocking.

If he'd made the remarks to my daughter I'd gladly have decked him and done the time for it.
Francome is sorely missed. Rishi is terrible, Balding patronising, Cunningham smug. Luck, Plunkett and McGrath just about OK. Don't have a problem with Tanya. One that has actually surprised me is Mick Fitz - I was ready not to like him but he's growing on me.

Overall the new programme has less warmth than the old. We see even less of the horses. I fail to see how it's an improvement - if anything it's worse.
Thanks, Deeg.

Benny I have been banging on about this for years, we can find just about anything we want to know about the horses, form, tips, whatever, on-line. What the television channels can give us, that we can't get anywhere else, are views of the horses. But for some reason (perhaps bookmaker influence) they seem very reluctant to do that.:confused:
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Davids2009. Is "lack of knowledge" getting one small fact wrong, as is so often seized upon by so many here? That's the point I'm making.

And overall I would rather listen to an amiable big picture merchant an some smelly pedan in an anorak
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One thing that would be great would be a complete moratorium on having that appalling man Jeremy Kyle on any racing programme for ten years - he was bloody everywhere last week .
Channel 4 will begin their build-up to the Grand National with the launch of their advertising campaign on Tuesday night.

Next month's Aintree meeting will be broadcast for the first time on the channel next month and the station have planned an extensive marketing campaign.

Channel 4's Street Race, filmed in Liverpool's Everton Park and featuring stunt horses and jockeys racing through the city, will premier this evening at 9pm across all Channel 4 networks.

A number of specially-commissioned programmes have also been announced including How to Win the Grand National, presented by veterinary expert Mark Evans and examining scientific formulas behind equine victories.

Channel 4 Racing's Emma Spencer and jockey Mattie Batchelor feature in a Grand National-themed Come Dine With Me while Alan Carr's Grand National Specstacular: The Night Before the National and a special edition of Saturday Brunch on National morning are also planned.

The channel will show five daily races with some new advances, including a tracking camera that will be able to elevate from a running rail height to a reach of 18 feet giving unparalleled views of the 40-horse field.

A dedicated Becher's Brook fence camera will be reinstated covering iconic head on shots while award winning aerial cameraman, David Manton, will film the event for the first time in a twin-engine, low noise helicopter.

The Superloupe Hi-Motion cameras will be at Aintree to capture the event and raceday action, recording at speeds of 1,000 frames per second and a new fence sound system will also be in action.
Channel 4 will begin their build-up to the Grand National with the launch of their advertising campaign on Tuesday night.

Next month's Aintree meeting will be broadcast for the first time on the channel next month and the station have planned an extensive marketing campaign.

Channel 4's Street Race, filmed in Liverpool's Everton Park and featuring stunt horses and jockeys racing through the city, will premier this evening at 9pm across all Channel 4 networks.

A number of specially-commissioned programmes have also been announced including How to Win the Grand National, presented by veterinary expert Mark Evans and examining scientific formulas behind equine victories.

Channel 4 Racing's Emma Spencer and jockey Mattie Batchelor feature in a Grand National-themed Come Dine With Me while Alan Carr's Grand National Specstacular: The Night Before the National and a special edition of Saturday Brunch on National morning are also planned.

The channel will show five daily races with some new advances, including a tracking camera that will be able to elevate from a running rail height to a reach of 18 feet giving unparalleled views of the 40-horse field.

A dedicated Becher's Brook fence camera will be reinstated covering iconic head on shots while award winning aerial cameraman, David Manton, will film the event for the first time in a twin-engine, low noise helicopter.

The Superloupe Hi-Motion cameras will be at Aintree to capture the event and raceday action, recording at speeds of 1,000 frames per second and a new fence sound system will also be in action.

Fair play to them. Getting racing on their flagship chatshow is a big thing for the sport and they're clearly chucking some money at this.
News released yesterday that J T was out of his coma obviously not reached Nick Luck or C4 some 24 hours later, glad to see they have their finger on the pulse
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And did I imagine it or was he talking about Danedream running this season? Hasn't she just been scanned in foal to Frankel?
No they were on about Danedream as well as BC but I was busy making a cake in the kitchen at the same time so I wan't sure I was hearing it right. I'd forgotten Danedream had retired and thought no more about it until I read later that she has scanned in foal.