Tanya out.


Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
I wouldn't be a fan of Tanya -in my opinion she often contradicts herself and fails to bring any real interpretation of the betfair market to ch4 viewers.
For some strange reason I read her tipping pieces on the RUK app-they are possibly the worst written pieces of journalism in the English language.
On Wednesday she wrote ..."I just wish I got more of a steer as to whether it was giving the right insight " and "its hard to get enthusiasm".
On Thursday another rambling piece where she contradicted herself.In my opinion these were the words of someone who is unhappy or under pressure regarding work.
In the RP today it said " former Ch4 member returned to the screen yesterday...and will continue to appear when Tanya Stevenson is otherwise engaged".
Ch4 have received some criticism for their new look and I wouldnt be surprised if Tanya is gone by Derby day.
ah..Tom was back yesterday..is that who they who they meant?

i don't rate her at all..she is very disjointed and stumbles nearly every sentence.

wouldn't give her one ;)
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I presumed Tom was on duty yesterday because Tanya was due a break after Cheltenham.

90% of C4 viewers wouldn't know whether or not she was interpreting the market well. I think she's safe because she's a successful woman in what is generally regarded as a man's sport.
Not the most articulate, full of her own self importance and constantly promoting Tom Segal - except of course when he is tipping about 30 losers in a row.

Having said all that she isn't the main the reason they are losing viewers and I seriously doubt that she will be getting the boot. DO makes a relevant point about the male/female balance amongst presenters.
Your first two lines would be exactly what I think.
I find the fact that the RP are commenting on who is absent from Ch4 on a Saturday afternoon interesting-is someone from Ch4 feeding them information?.
Usual bullshit from Carl Hicks who used to praise up the BBC coverage of Royal Ascot and Aintree after it was over despite the coverage being shall we say "not very good". Now he's doing the same routine with C4, praising his own team despite some of them being at best "average".

To be fair, Mick Fitzgerald is not one of my favourite presenters but felt he had a good week.
Are they losing viewers ? That is somewhat of a surprise considering how lowbrow and **** Highflyer's production and presenters were . Then again Cunningham , Persad and Fitzgerald are annoying as hell but less annoying than Thommo and McCririck
Don't remember ever being unhappy seeing any of the old cast. But Clare balding is annoying every time she's on and the other guy from bbc, not sure of his name, is just clueless. Feel embarrassed when he's interviewing jockeys / trainers due to his lack of knowledge. He never has any follow up questions when someone responds to his standard questions. Was on yesterday talking about the midlands national and there was no analysis or anything added. All he did was give the name of the horse he thought would win. How has he got a job presenting horse racing on tv?!?! Most annoying. Of new additions like Cunningham at least has an opinion. Mick Fitzgerald never been huge fan as pundit but he's been improving.
Clare Balding is in a different league - if anyone finds her annoying that can only be personal taste. Persad is annoying because he is a fool, Fitzgerald because he blithers and Cunningham thinks he is much cleverer than he is and his extended metaphors are cringeworthy.

The old C4 team were terrible - Alastair Down was good but Lesley Graham , Thommo and Cattermole were execrable . McCririck appalling and Tom lee was terrible too - I was sorry to see him back .

Francome was amusing but could not tip coal and was endlessly inaccurate
Viewership was down pre-Cheltenham but given the state of the racing its not surprising. They were touting better Festival figures earlier in the week.
Clare Balding is boring
The only reason I see for her taking this Job is for fathers connections.
Clare Balding is in a different league - if anyone finds her annoying that can only be personal taste. Persad is annoying because he is a fool, Fitzgerald because he blithers and Cunningham thinks he is much cleverer than he is and his extended metaphors are cringeworthy.

The old C4 team were terrible - Alastair Down was good but Lesley Graham , Thommo and Cattermole were execrable . McCririck appalling and Tom lee was terrible too - I was sorry to see him back .

Francome was amusing but could not tip coal and was endlessly inaccurate

:lol: Tell it like it is mate... they all speak very highly of you. The camera only loves a few of us!
:lol: Tell it like it is mate... they all speak very highly of you. The camera only loves a few of us!

Oh well - they missed their chances by not giving us the jobs ! By the way I knew Binocular was sunk when you didn't appear last Tuesday !
Are they losing viewers ? That is somewhat of a surprise considering how lowbrow and **** Highflyer's production and presenters were . Then again Cunningham , Persad and Fitzgerald are annoying as hell but less annoying than Thommo and McCririck

The only figures released confirmed a 12% reduction.

Sadly, I think we have lost track of what is most important about the game - the horses. Do we really need to see (so many) presenters on-screen so often? Even when a presence is deemed necessary for an on-course interview it is often very debatable whether the viewer obtains any useful information. It is a shame they don't take a leaf out of Equidia's book where the presenters are kept very much in the background.
Who's the guy who can't open his eyes and talk at the same time? Every time he starts talking in the studio his eyes close. Really annoying. And agree about Rishi, hopeless, offers absolutely nothing. And I'd like to know their tipping for charity stats, looks like they are guessing more than I usually am!
The only figures released confirmed a 12% reduction.

Sadly, I think we have lost track of what is most important about the game - the horses. Do we really need to see (so many) presenters on-screen so often? Even when a presence is deemed necessary for an on-course interview it is often very debatable whether the viewer obtains any useful information. It is a shame they don't take a leaf out of Equidia's book where the presenters are kept very much in the background.

Yes exactly - where have all the horses gone? They are hardly seen.
Its all down to personal taste and i tend only to watch the races anyway

I think the so called lack of knowledge of some presenters is overplayed. I can just imagine some personality free billynomates shouting "aha!" when Thommo or someone didnt get right the winner of the lincoln in 1972 or wheatever. And his mum congratulating him whilst bringing him his afternoon tea and bj

I do know someone that knows Tanya well and he says shes lovely but IMO she is simply not a screen natural. And thats what is forgotten about Francome. His tipping is irrelevant (who really cares?) but he had that relaxed natural way about him and a genuine dry wit

Claire i like in many ways but can veer towards sounding patronising

Never thought id say this but i really like Alice. Shes got something about her which perhaps noticed more when you see her actually at the races. A good.... you can often tell
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