The Champion Hurdle 2010

Where is the person who was giving out about Meade's campaigning of his horses relative to Henderson's?
I am not so negative with Zaynar today,
he jumped well in the main, surely was not fully fit and the winner is unexposed.

I dont think this was ideal but still has a good chance in AMrch in the big race.
A Zaynar win would have put us 64pts clear at the head of the TTF. Fecking typical that the wheels come off on a 1/14 chance.

Henderson better avoid me at Cheltenham. I'm of a mind right now to boot him hard in the sphericals if I see him. :mad:
The going was disgusting at Kelso today, so while it may be surprising ZAYNAR was beaten, as suny says, he jumped decently enough and was quite possibly saved from over-exertion at this stage.
I think he will come on much the better for the run. Henderson did say that the ground didn't suit but he needed the run. I think it will put him spot on for the champion now. Although my previous thoughts of him winning are now changing
I thought Zaynar's hurdling was sloppy today even allowing for the testing ground.

N. Henderson is quoted as saying he would have gone straight to the festival had Kelso been off today then said the horse was blowing a house down after the race and even halfway!

I do wonder about the man sometimes. Punjabi was trained in public as far as I am concerned in the Boylesports this season. Even allowing for the usual "today is important but he will come on for the run" comments beforehand.
Henderson should have had maple syrup poured on his head - so many waffles! That apart, ZAYNAR gets four rather late-in-the-day backhand taps from Geraghty, who really has only tapped his shoulder up to then, and that seemed to be to keep him from lugging left to the grandstand rails. No real smacks, which is why I think they've saved him a bit. QUWETO going chasing, anyway, according to Graham Wylie - amusing that they were getting frustrated at finding a decent chase for him, and decided to resort to this today in order to keep him fit!
I think the ground prevented him from doing anything like he normally does. Quweto could be an interesting novice chaser to follow next season. Looks like he might need sofrt ground though.

Back to the Champion Hurdle, looks like Zaynar was given a soft ride by Geraghty and if anything it looked more like an exercise for him than a race
For the record, this race did not suit Zaynar so I think he was always vulnerable in this type of race. Slowly run and a small field.....I would expect a much better showing come March.

What I did not like was his attitude - at times he looked to be trying to hang in right behind the winner up the straight. I have had doubts about his attitude in the past so maybe I am reading more into it than I should be just something about him today that made me think he will need cheek pieces and more!
I don't want to seem as if I am getting at Henderson just because Zaynar got beat today. I have a lot of respect for his abilities obviously, his record speaks for itself.
It just seems to me to be a noteworthy misjudgement saying he was ready to go to Cheltenham without a run if needs be and then to see the horse running as if badly in need of the run.

I resign myself to eating humble pie and declaring NH the master of getting horses ready for the big day come March 16th. My only hope is that it is Punjabi winning again, my only ever successful antepost bet when he won last year!
Haha it is true that NH does indeed get his horses fit for Cheltenham. I mean look at Punjabi last year, was kept quiet before Cheltenham, had a prep run and then he goes and wins it at a big price and people are surprised.

Wouldn't suprise me if both punjabi and zaynar are up there at the finish
Haha it is true that NH does indeed get his horses fit for Cheltenham. I mean look at Punjabi last year, was kept quiet before Cheltenham, had a prep run and then he goes and wins it at a big price and people are surprised.

Whilst the beaten Henderson-trained favourite was accused of not being 100% fit, if I remember correctly?
Ah good point Mr Flynn. You are of course referring to Binocular last year who apparently wasnt 100% fit. To be honest I do think NH makes reasons for why his fancied horses dont run well.
I can't think of a trainer who doesn't! They have a list of reasons (aka excuses) longer than the menu of a Chinese take-away.
For the record, this race did not suit Zaynar so I think he was always vulnerable in this type of race. Slowly run and a small field.....I would expect a much better showing come March.

It was anything but slowly-run, Gal.
Fans of Zaynar should remember that Rooster Booster only just scraped home in his final prep at Sandown (Agfa? from Self Defense?) in desperate ground.

I wouldn't read too much into yesterday's race.
I didn't see yesterdays race but I remember being unimpressed with Zaynar at Ascot last year.For me the better the race the better he will perform.
FWIW (not much!) Hardy Eustace was beaten in the Red Mills (albeit giving all sorts of weight away) before his first CH win.
Really surprised to see people critizing Henderson, in fact the trainer that did it badly was for me Howard Johnson, ruining the mark of the horse that could have won a big hcp in a big meeting.
Really surprised to see people critizing Henderson, in fact the trainer that did it badly was for me Howard Johnson, ruining the mark of the horse that could have won a big hcp in a big meeting.
I think criticism of Howard Johnson is always implicit, Suny!