The election 2015

I would agree that the tory cabinet does not give that impression but milliband and to an extent corbyn were hardly disadvantaged
Boris Johnson is far from retarded.

If you're good enough and want it enough you will always make it in life, too many people want something for nothing. I don't see why being born clever and rich can't be a good thing.
Tom & Jerry ... urm ... should be fun anyway

It might be interesting to see how long the goodwill to asylum seekers lasts now in the media given that this is Corbyn territory. Wouldn't be surprised to see a subtle shift back to business as usual all of a sudden in the next few weeks
Nearly half the shadow cabinet refuse to serve under him. These weren't blairs people they were millibands

I can't barely think of one cabinet or shadow cabinet mo who has refused tos reve a new leader because of idealogical differences. This is extraordinary

Even Margaret Beckett who's in the left of course, has "regretted" the victory

his speech was dreadful. Truly clueless. Horribly out of his depth
Come on. There must be some smelly students who want to defend this car crash leader..:lol:

could he have a worse start?

He makes foot look like Bill clinton
It's like rolling the clock back 30 years.

For 'disrespectful not singing National Anthem' read 'disrepectful wearing a donkey-jacket to the Cenotaph'.
It's the icing on the cake. The cast iron vote loser. I can see labour being the fourth largest party in terms of vote if this carries on. I'm no monarchist but quite frankly the anthem is the anthem l I bet he wouldn't sing Jerusalem or land of hope and glory either.

frankly as a fine article last week concisely pinted out, him and his tiny clique of guardian reading losers loathe this country

it's every blunder and lunatic decision since day one. He is incompetent and it's abundantly clear from day one that his party has no confidence in him. It will get worse

the appointment of that shadow chancellor, who is clearly a nutter and horribly out of his depth, sums him up.
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PM questions should get more views than eastenders today.

Now that Labour have the AntiChrist as their new leader, apart from death by old age or "other means" quick can he be removed for damage limitation?
Their only hope is that he resigns. I cannot really see a coup but unless hes gone by xmas the party is finished

Even with his removal the party is terminally tainted.

Simply put the voters are thinking "you chose Him??????"
It's the icing on the cake. The cast iron vote loser. I can see labour being the fourth largest party in terms of vote if this carries on. I'm no monarchist but quite frankly the anthem is the anthem l I bet he wouldn't sing Jerusalem or land of hope and glory either.

I'd like to see you try and sing 'Land of Hope and Glory'! - it ain't easy

To be honest his republican credentials are well documented, so I'd tend to the view he'd look a bigger hypocrite if he suddenly started doing so. Quite apart from it being a crap song anyway. In fact I'm sure it started out as a rallying call sung at the close of London musical halls in 1745 against the Jacobite rebellion, hence the verse which they've airbrushed about "rebellious Scots to crush". Consequently it was adopted, although there is a theory that it was subversively satirical (God save the King - because only he can etc) and then goes onto describe the King by all the things he wasn't and that very few held him to be (noble, gracious etc). It's not a particularly pleasent song

I should note that there is a current English cricket captain who you were heaping praise on the other day who also refuses to sing it. Perhaps you might like to condemn him too?

As regards Jerusalem, that (strangely enough) has a much deeper association with socialism and ought to be more acceptable to him. I think you'd be very hard pressed to argue that William Blake was some kind of patriotic nationalist extolling the virtues of Britain and establishment in particular which he regarded as self indulgently corrupt and immoral. Indeed he was tried for treason (and acquitted) for allegedly having said "damn the king"
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The faux uproar over him not singing is like something Spike Milligan would have written. Much of Corbyn`s popularity is because he`s not a phoney. Blair, Cameron, Osborne, et al are all phoney`s. If Corbyn, a Republican, had sang the anthem (which, I suspect many of us think is faintly ridiculous, anyway) he would be perceived as a phoney. And the right wing media would have slaughtered him as a hypocrite. Just wait till he wears a white poppy:).

PS:Written before seeing Warbler`s post above, which, of course, as usual, is spot on!
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I'd like to see you try and sing 'Land of Hope and Glory'! - it ain't easy

To be honest his republican credentials are well documented, so I'd tend to the view he'd look a bigger hypocrite if he suddenly started doing so. Quite apart from it being a crap song anyway. In fact I'm sure it started out as a rallying call sung at the close of London musical halls in 1745 against the Jacobite rebellion, hence the verse which they've airbrushed about "rebellious Scots to crush". Consequently it was adopted, although there is a theory that it was subversively satirical (God save the King - because only he can etc) and then goes onto describe the King by all the things he wasn't and that very few held him to be (noble, gracious etc). It's not a particularly pleasent song

I should note that there is a current English cricket captain who you were heaping praise on the other day who also refuses to sing it. Perhaps you might like to condemn him too?

As regards Jerusalem, that (strangely enough) has a much deeper association with socialism and ought to be more acceptable to him. I think you'd be very hard pressed to argue that William Blake was some kind of patriotic nationalist extolling the virtues of Britain and establishment in particular which he regarded as self indulgently corrupt and immoral. Indeed he was tried for treason (and acquitted) for allegedly having said "damn the king"

Not the point though is it? If you want to get elected , which frankly he doesn't, you sing it . Whosngoing to notice if you do? A few left wing bigots at the guardian?

What at it tells the rest of the labour MPs is "be prepared to lose your seat because I'm sticking to my principles" Labour has a leader that empathically doesn't want power.

to compare with Alastair Cook is just plain daft

what also makes me laugh is all this talk of "authentic" . He hasn't the faintest idea what his position is on a whole range of issues and avoids the media at every turn. Authentic what? What was that Peter sellers film?
Isn't it obvious (although not to the slower posters) taht if he had sung it then his easy answer is "it's simply my country's anthem" and left it at that?

but its its not the monarchy he hates is it?
Being There?

Yes although in truth he clearly isn't all there

the real calamity is the appointment of McDonnell. Amongst other things, His repeated inisistence on nationlisation without compensation is surely the most economically damaging policy ever suggested. The tories will absolutely rip him apart on that and he simply won't have an answer

i don't think the pmq is a bad idea but he will have to tackle bigger issues than publics questions about "what you going to do about the dogshit on my doorstep" or "can't the pm shift those fcking pikeys in the car park"
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to compare with Alastair Cook is just plain daft

Cook would almost certainly sing it being a good middle England choirboy, Eoin Morgan makes a point of deliberately not singing it, You described him as; "Morgan is just a star" (or were you momentarily talking about Piers?)

I really think it's none issue, and to his credit Cameron was spoonfed a typical Tory backbench non question at PMQ's which sort to lend him an easy line into the national anthem non-issue. In the past I think Cameron would have sought to make some childish play out of it, but answered all the points raised apart from rising to the silliness of the national anthem, pointedly he clean ignored it
Its not a none issue with voters. Simple as that. And many might rightlyvask why he can pay tribute to ira bombers and not the country's monarch

You tell me how something which will clearly lose tens of thousands of voters and yet probably not gain a single new one, is not an issue? A tiny compromise? It's not an issue that he clearly has no idea of the reaction and the effect upon his chances of at least maintaining a decent share of the vote?

too many live in their little guardian echo chamber and haven't a clue about the real nation.

Is that difficult to understand?

And now his office has announced he us going to sing it in future. So much for "authentic" and non issue eh?
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Dan Jarvis won't be standing for leader wants to spend more time with his kids after wifes death in 2011,get your money on him for future leader after one of the remaining misfits have taken up the position he's a certainty and maybe double it with him being PM be interesting to see what prices are floating around..:cool:

Hope you took heed,got some massive prices relative to true chance now 6/1 fav to be labour leader!!
Oh my god. Corbyn was banging abbot years back.

Really didn't need the image of flabbot sitting on his face over the cornflakes this morning
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"the image of flabbot sitting on his face over the cornflakes"

Well Diane, whatever tickles your fancy I suppose but it's more comfortable and much more lubricious for both parties if the cornflakes are allowed to soggify in milk first

Now I know why Jeremy has a beard

Is it possible to unimagine things? That is a seriously horrible mental image. I want to take my brain out and scrub it with bleach.