Dormant account
Thanks HT, I have carried out your suggestion, and I am pleased to say [ thank god] the results were negative. As I haven't seen NL today, I am feeling quite a bit better. Until the next time.............. :blink:
It sounds like a diseased liver to me trudi. I'm afraid you may only have weeks to live. Hope this helps.Originally posted by trudij@Oct 7 2006, 11:23 PM
Doctor Tom - I keep getting flutterings in my chest, and my legs ache when i lay down.......
what could be the cause??
Bloody hell Gearoid...or is it Nick?! Or Martin? Or Ryan? C'mon - which one of my colleagues are you really? I only ask as I fear that soon enough we'll have to re-employ a large section of our workforce as they are going to die of nob-rot or syphilis, knowing the seedy dives they all happily boast about visiting on a regular basis.....Originally posted by Gearoid@Oct 8 2006, 05:47 PM
Dear Tom of honesty. I spent a week chasing Greek schoolgirls and have nothing but a bloodied stump in my crouch area. What is this the symptons of?
Redge Stumpy