The Gordy Elliott Horror Picture Show

Harvey on the TV this morning:

"This is the worst thing I have ever seen [in my racing life]"

Utter pish.

Doping scandals all over the world down the years.

Perception and perspective are as much the issues as the photos themselves.
Julie Harrington is on The Opening Show this morning to discuss the GE case amongst other things, with no sign of Chapman listed among the other contributors thank God.

existential-crisis only exists because people like her cant keep their traps shut and let it die a natural death..'Every time someone publishes something it gives the negheads a reason to stirs up trouble........BHA should move on to more important like doping, cruelty, cheating
And the other guy interviewed (Paul Heywood?) said something stupid about Elliott's name being mentioned as soon as one of his horses crosses the line at Cheltenham.

The worst thing ITV (or indeed any of the racing media) could do would be to mention Elliott's name at any point during the meeting.

Casual viewers looking in will be looking for any opportunity to rubberneck anything negative. Don't give them anything.

If one of Elliott's is in view, mention the horse and the current 'trainer'. The average inlooker will have no idea if it's one of Elliott's.

If they want to go and dig into the details to find out if it's an Elliott horse, let them waste their time.

And I do wish Mick Fitz would stop going on about 'five-star' accommodation for horses. They're not living in the Ritz. I imagine in smaller yards where money is very tight, accommodation might fall well short of three star, let alone five star.

I can remember when the trainer of an Irish Cheltenham winner back in the 70s almost boasted about leaving the horse out in the field all winter because it toughened the horse up. I've no idea if it's true but it's what he said.
I think Luke has just summed it up well on the Opening Show. It’s all about the portrayal to the ignorant. And I completely agree with him that to an extent Racing lives in it’s own little bubble. But with the arrival of social media, it simply is impossible to continue in that vein. Social media is a dangerous tool when used as a means for rabble rousing (look what happened in the US in response to Trump’s venting on Twitter). And when you are rabble rousing towards those ignorant of the sport, the vast majority are easily led and will believe those who shout loudest.

We all know that the very vast majority of horses in racing are looked after in superb conditions which cannot necessarily be same in other equine sports. But racing is the largest sport and it’s also the most visible one in all forms of media for good or bad. And it’s also one that combines sport with betting which to many people tarnish it further. To a non supporter we are seen as “cruel people who force horses to run getting whipped into the bargain for our pleasure and so that we can make financial gain”. Can you see how easy it is to peddle that one to someone who doesn’t understand? What Gordon has done is to reinforce these views by non supporters. And brought Racing into disrepute. There is no escaping that fact.

I would be doubtful that he’s actually reading the toxic tweets towards him that are abounding. If he’s got any sense, he’s chucked his phone out or at least turned it off for the next six months. And I hope that this ban is exactly that. A ban from racing. From being involved in any yard. It will not do for him to remain there and have any involvement. A punishment should be exactly that. A few years ago I was asked to take over a yard from a trainer who was banned by the BHA for laying horses. It was a joke as he was allowed to remain in the yard. So he continued to train under my name and continued his practices as before (not running horses on their merits) and I had zero control. I pulled my licence after six weeks.

I hope he spends the next six months doing something useful possibly in a charitable way and reflects on what a complete idiot he’s been. Yes of course we all do stupid things but the implications and the fall out from this are huge. And for what it’s worth, I had the highest regard for him as a trainer
Funny old thread this - started off with shock, horror all round and finished up as a storm in a teacup.
Not a good explanation from Chamberlin there. "GE sat on a horse who had a heart attack", Made it sound to casual viewers that he caused the heart attack.
ITV doing their best to make sure it stays in the headlines anyway, really taking the **** now.

I accept that they couldnt simply ignore it and were duty bound to discuss it but between the morning line and now the main programme they are talking the mickey out of it.

Sums this week up quite well for me....

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So apparently the brilliant Denise Foster will take over the reins. Excuse me for my complete and utter ignorance but how is someone who has trained ten winners between the two codes over the last five years classed as brilliant? I mean it’s on my level (and never got asked :mad:) but seriously!? Oh but it’s OK because Gordon is still there to “assist” so that’s alright then. No it’s NOT OK in my opinion. It’s a load of utter bollox.

And actually before you all attack me and preach mental health issues at me, Gordon Elliot made a huge mistake. A mistake that has horrified the general public...the uninformed general public I will admit but he has still portrayed our sport in a very negative light. And this is simply not acceptable. I had nothing at all against him. I think he’s been a brilliant trainer over his career. I love backing his horses especially at Cheltenham. His rise to the top to take on the might of a Mullins has been nothing short of superb. But he has made a mistake and he should not be allowed to carry on with just his name removed from the “winning trainer” slot.

This sport that we all love and follow on a daily basis is not in a position to be complacent. Social media has proved how powerful it is. And racing is going to be even more under the spotlight than ever before after this. We need to hope that there are few fatalities at Cheltenham and Aintree or this really is going to be a problem. I read today that Carrie Symonds (who I fear is a dangerous influence) is currently looking at fishing as a sport and whether fish have rights. Do not dismiss comments like this because these people shout very loudly and they are gaining in support.
I think enough has been said about the rights and wrongs.

He still has a career to rebuild.

I think his punishment was one of public opinion and sentiment rather than malice. Championship winning trainers across the water have doped horses which is a worse offense

The sport now needs to celebrate its good side
Groups like PETA are going to use this picture for years. I actually received a leaflet from PETA the other day, something I’ve never received before. I haven’t looked at it yet: I was just going to return to sender but I’m going to check it out.
During the ban he'll get no prize money?
Yet he'll still have all of his staff wages to pay, best part of 100 staff.
Anyone who has access to social media this week, it's been brutal on him.
Yet people still want more?
If the yard is transferred to her name, she will be paying the wages. And yes she will get the prize money. That’s how it works.
Yes trainers in this country who have been found guilty of doping horses SHOULD be heavily penalised. ALL cheats (and that’s what they are) should be properly dealt with.
So yes I do want more. If it had been me or any smaller trainer, you can bet 100% there would have been a lifetime ban. He has brought racing into disrepute. Simple. And he is someone at the very top end of the sport, a near household name. It’s the same as if a premier league footballer was seen kicking a dead cat around Wembley for a bit of a laugh in front of his mates.
So no I’m not sorry that he’s feeling bad and has been hounded over social media. He doesn’t have to read it any more than Meghan Markle does.
If the yard is transferred to her name, she will be paying the wages. And yes she will get the prize money. That’s how it works.
Yes trainers in this country who have been found guilty of doping horses SHOULD be heavily penalised. ALL cheats (and that’s what they are) should be properly dealt with.
So yes I do want more. If it had been me or any smaller trainer, you can bet 100% there would have been a lifetime ban. He has brought racing into disrepute. Simple. And he is someone at the very top end of the sport, a near household name. It’s the same as if a premier league footballer was seen kicking a dead cat around Wembley for a bit of a laugh in front of his mates.
So no I’m not sorry that he’s feeling bad and has been hounded over social media. He doesn’t have to read it any more than Meghan Markle does.

He didn't cheat.
If the yard is transferred to her name, she will be paying the wages. And yes she will get the prize money. That’s how it works.
Yes trainers in this country who have been found guilty of doping horses SHOULD be heavily penalised. ALL cheats (and that’s what they are) should be properly dealt with.
So yes I do want more. If it had been me or any smaller trainer, you can bet 100% there would have been a lifetime ban. He has brought racing into disrepute. Simple. And he is someone at the very top end of the sport, a near household name. It’s the same as if a premier league footballer was seen kicking a dead cat around Wembley for a bit of a laugh in front of his mates.
So no I’m not sorry that he’s feeling bad and has been hounded over social media. He doesn’t have to read it any more than Meghan Markle does.

But that’s a totally different scenario to this. He didn’t dope anything and he didn’t cheat ( not in an equine sport term anyway [emoji1787]). There is not and never has been any question of welfare issues at the yard and he hasn’t been “convicted” of doing anything remotely underhanded - there is absolutely no case to answer that would need a lifetime ban.

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