The Gordy Elliott Horror Picture Show

I agree with Jinnyj except that I am sorry if he’s suffered any really over the top abuse on social media as has been reported.

My grandson was banned from the TV today and told to hand over the remote. So he gave it to his sister and assisted her in finding the right programmes. Given that I relied on him to get the racing I wanted I was mighty relieved, although my wife has gone next door to see hers.
Jinny i fear the day that they ever ban fishing for that will be the day mother and father finally murder each other. I should imagine divorce rates around the will sky rocket as a result. 90% of the anglers i talk to say they do it to get away from the Mrs.

I think Elliot should have been banned for life. With the sport living on borrowed time its very hard to make the defensive argument that race horses are really given the highest standards of care and attention when the opposition can now whop out that photo, he's basically handed the animal rights groups a silver bullet. The only defense you have against that is to be able to say that its a rare occurance and that the person involved is no longer involved in the sport, not that he was given the summer off. I personally think the punishment is a joke.
If the yard is transferred to her name, she will be paying the wages. And yes she will get the prize money. That’s how it works.
Yes trainers in this country who have been found guilty of doping horses SHOULD be heavily penalised. ALL cheats (and that’s what they are) should be properly dealt with.
So yes I do want more. If it had been me or any smaller trainer, you can bet 100% there would have been a lifetime ban. He has brought racing into disrepute. Simple. And he is someone at the very top end of the sport, a near household name. It’s the same as if a premier league footballer was seen kicking a dead cat around Wembley for a bit of a laugh in front of his mates.
So no I’m not sorry that he’s feeling bad and has been hounded over social media. He doesn’t have to read it any more than Meghan Markle does.

Sorry, where has he cheated or doped horses?
My grandson was banned from the TV today and told to hand over the remote. So he gave it to his sister and assisted her in finding the right programmes. Given that I relied on him to get the racing I wanted I was mighty relieved, although my wife has gone next door to see hers.

Can you pass my address on to him?
Jinny i fear the day that they ever ban fishing for that will be the day mother and father finally murder each other. I should imagine divorce rates around the will sky rocket as a result. 90% of the anglers i talk to say they do it to get away from the Mrs.

I think Elliot should have been banned for life. With the sport living on borrowed time its very hard to make the defensive argument that race horses are really given the highest standards of care and attention when the opposition can now whop out that photo, he's basically handed the animal rights groups a silver bullet. The only defense you have against that is to be able to say that its a rare occurance and that the person involved is no longer involved in the sport, not that he was given the summer off. I personally think the punishment is a joke.

I think you need to find another sport
Which of these two actions would you judge to be most detrimental to the greater good of global humanity.

1. Sitting on a dead horse.
2. Running a horse in the Saudi Cup.
I thin k the punishment as presented to the public was appropriate and proportionate.

How it is being effected is a joke.

He should not be allowed inside the yard (or any other yards for that matter) for the six months.

He can afford to go six months without working and/or rent some place to live for six months.

That said, I accept that any ban in this country would be effected no differently so it is what it has become, basically like one parent wanting to go hard on a misbehaving wean and asking the other parent to carry it out. The latter approaches the wean sternly, takes him/her into a closed room and gives him/her a sweetie and says not to do it again.

(As in the original Heaven Can Wait film, with Don Ameche, which I can 100% recommend to anyone.)
To get his name off the racecard at Aintree and Cheltenham.

To stop him from attending Cheltenham and Aintree

They got their pound of flesh.

I actually think the ban is irrelevant. The damage of the picture alone is punishment enough.
Having to answer people from within the game is fair punishment.
I agree with that, Frankel.

It’s a disrepute charge, and it’s the reputational damage that’s the real punishment here.
Must admit - I’m surprised he’s allowed to assist. Six months off completely, yes. Obviously not simple to police assuming he lives at the yard, but as DO says, the punishment on paper is sound.

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I thin k the punishment as presented to the public was appropriate and proportionate.

How it is being effected is a joke.

He should not be allowed inside the yard (or any other yards for that matter) for the six months.

He can afford to go six months without working and/or rent some place to live for six months.

That said, I accept that any ban in this country would be effected no differently so it is what it has become, basically like one parent wanting to go hard on a misbehaving wean and asking the other parent to carry it out. The latter approaches the wean sternly, takes him/her into a closed room and gives him/her a sweetie and says not to do it again.

(As in the original Heaven Can Wait film, with Don Ameche, which I can 100% recommend to anyone.)

I think that’s right, except that it would have the unfortunate knock-on effect of punishing the owners by having their horses less well trained for six months.
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I think that’s right, except that it would have the unfortunate knock-on effect of punishing the owners by having their horses less well trained for six months.

Slightly harsh [emoji1787]

Just imagine though - “ XYZ has been banned - take over the yard of mostly superstars for six months and have a
great time” it’s a dream!

Think of the handicap marks they could be on next

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From RP

Noel and Valerie Moran have told the Racing Post their 20-strong team at Cullentra House will remain at the yard in the care of Denise 'Sneezy' Foster.

That is good news for supporters of JCB Triumph Hurdle favourite Zanahiyr who is set to run under Foster's name at the Cheltenham Festival on Friday week. The Morans are also responsible for leading Pertemps Final fancy The Bosses Oscar and they have nine entries in total at the festival.

Noel Moran said: "After a very difficult week for the team at Cullentra House, and now that the investigation is concluded, we would like to confirm all 20 of the horses we have in training with Gordon will remain at Cullentra House.

"Ever since we started working with Gordon our horses have received top-class care from all the dedicated staff at Cullentra. They get the most professional care imaginable and I have long been amazed at the love and attention all the staff show to these

"Some of the messages we received during the week from the caring and committed stable staff at Cullentra would make a grown man cry. The love they have for the horses came across loud and clear and sometimes that goes unnoticed by us owners. We look forward to having many more winners with the team at Cullentra and we wish them all the best at Cheltenham next week."

As expected, the Gigginstown House Stud horses will also remain at Cullentra House. Racing manager Eddie O'Leary said: "It's great to have a bit of certainty going forward, for us and for all the owners. It stabilises the ship. I speak for Gigginstown, and I would imagine all the owners here, in wishing Sneezy the very best of luck and I hope she has a fantastic Cheltenham."

Philip Reynolds, the owner of 2018 RSA Chase winner and leading Grand National fancy Presenting Percy, is also happy for Foster to train his team.

Reynolds said: "I commend the referrals committee on what I believe is a fair and balanced finding. I'm pleased Gordon has accepted it and I welcome the statement he released afterwards.

"Here's hoping we can all put this saga behind us and look forward to happier days on the track. I've no doubt Denise will do a great job, her own motto of 'Heart at home and use your head' will serve her well over the next period. I wish her every success & offer her my full support."

So four of the top five owners at Cullentra remain.
A heavy article by David Walsh (complete with big splash of THE picture) in the Sunday Times today. Headed up:

Look beyond Gordon Elliott’s callous pose and you will find stories of neglect, of abandoned racehorses. The authorities must do more about welfare
A heavy article by David Walsh (complete with big splash of THE picture) in the Sunday Times today. Headed up:

Look beyond Gordon Elliott’s callous pose and you will find stories of neglect, of abandoned racehorses. The authorities must do more about welfare

Oh ffs

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Biggest punishment is Envoi Allen moving yards.

I think David Walsh's headline is right, re racing protecting itself from PETA etc.
This is the beginning of the end.
It will take some time but horse racing will become a historical event in our lifetime if we live reasonably long enough.
I am 55 so expect to see life after horse racing; when Brough Scott made the forecast at an ITBA meeting in 1989 I thought he was mad.
Not any more.
Nick Luck reported this morning how four people , yes FOUR, stopped a race meet going ahead at Golden Gate Fields this week by tying themselves to railings/gates.

Re the horse (Festival winner 1970s) that was outwintered, had he not a dust allergy or have I the wrong horse ?
This is the beginning of the end.
It will take some time but horse racing will become a historical event in our lifetime if we live reasonably long enough.
I am 55 so expect to see life after horse racing; when Brough Scott made the forecast at an ITBA meeting in 1989 I thought he was mad.
Not any more.
Nick Luck reported this morning how four people , yes FOUR, stopped a race meet going ahead at Golden Gate Fields this week by tying themselves to railings/gates.

Re the horse (Festival winner 1970s) that was outwintered, had he not a dust allergy or have I the wrong horse ?

If it has taken 30 years to get to here, I think we will be ok. I would think that there is a world of difference regarding the average thoroughbred's welfare in 2021, compared to 1989.
I think it will survive ok, but become softer and softer (not necessarily a bad thing). Whip will probably be the first to go, followed by another reduction in the severity of fences and moving to artificial surfaces (gulp) to avoid atrocious and/or damaging ground conditions.
Re the horse (Festival winner 1970s) that was outwintered, had he not a dust allergy or have I the wrong horse ?

I have no recollection of that possible aspect but I didn't mean to present it as an instance of cruelty. I presumed it was deemed normal back in the day not to bring some horses in. I would have turned 15 in 1970 and grew up in a rural community with horses often out in the fields. It never occurred to me that they were brought it overnight regardless of the weather.

As recently as 2010 I stopped on my way to work one day to try and help a horse I'd noticed. Back then, I was leaving home at 6.30am to get to work for 8am so this would have been about ten minutes into my journey, say 6.40. A fence wire had become lodged between its hoof and its shoe and it was trying to free itself.

I've no idea how long it was like that but in theory it could have been all night, I suppose.

(There was a happier footnote, no pun intended. I couldn't free the horse but there was a sign nearby with the phone number of a local farm. I phoned them and explained. They said it wasn't theirs but they knew whose it was and would see that something was done. I passed the field on my way home and the horse was out in the middle of the field.)
This is the beginning of the end.
It will take some time but horse racing will become a historical event in our lifetime if we live reasonably long enough.
I am 55 so expect to see life after horse racing; when Brough Scott made the forecast at an ITBA meeting in 1989 I thought he was mad.
Not any more.
Nick Luck reported this morning how four people , yes FOUR, stopped a race meet going ahead at Golden Gate Fields this week by tying themselves to railings/gates.

Re the horse (Festival winner 1970s) that was outwintered, had he not a dust allergy or have I the wrong horse ?

A week of weirdness just got weirder. I has Ed down for about 42.
Id say the whip has less than 5 years left. In terms of racing, who knows. Itll go eventually though
I think it will survive ok, but become softer and softer (not necessarily a bad thing). Whip will probably be the first to go, followed by another reduction in the severity of fences and moving to artificial surfaces (gulp) to avoid atrocious and/or damaging ground conditions.

AW jumping didn't work last time, and they're unlikely to provide a safe surface in the forseeable, either.