The Gordy Elliott Horror Picture Show

yeah, when it was taken isn't relevant, shouldnt have mentioned it. I'm sure he trusted the person taking the photo at the time, but even from his youth, it would be very damaging. Got to think if it was faked, it would be a different message that they would have put out in response. As you said, he needs a narrative. Maybe being as non-committal as possible gives them the most space they can to come up with something, even a deal with the leaker.
If true then he is fucked and so he should be. If that was your horse you would want to rip his fukcing lungs out!
No racing authority can allow him to hold a licence after this - the welfare PR would be a disaster. Can you imagine the scenes if he was to lead-up Tiger Roll in a third Nash.

It’s over for him. Jesus Christ - what a fu*cking idiot.
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What a ******* clown. Last thing racing needs as well. Especially with all the eyes that will be on the sport in the coming weeks.
If i had horses under his care id be withdrawing them immediately. Absolutely wild.

Probably wrong time, but I’m being selfish. How bad is the punishment going to be? Am i getting rid of all Gordon Elliot trained AP bets as soon as i can or what?
Cant see how they can allow horses to run under his name at Cheltenham i really can’t. All its going to take is for one of his horses to break down on the track, and you know what’s coming.

A massive blow to racing, and national hunt racing in particular. How they get themself out of this Ive no idea.
The horses will run at Cheltenham.

I hate the picture but a man's made a mistake. I don't see it like the replies above. He's not finished at all.
The horses will run at Cheltenham.

I hate the picture but a man's made a mistake. I don't see it like the replies above. He's not finished at all.

I see your point Slim.

Logically though, how can they not chuck the absolute book at him for this? This is national news and tarnishing the sport again.

Not sure what will happen now, but don’t see how he can recover. Pressure will be on the likes of Chevely Park and the O’Learys to withdraw their horses asap.

Whatever way you look at it, its an absolute disaster. I also wouldn’t put it past the BHA to stop Elliot running his horses here. Complete an utter disaster. Hope the knob who leaked the photo gets filled in an all.
All the owners are sticking with him for now. I think that says a lot for his care of horses. I wish the photo didn't exist and it's beyond stupid but it's not a video of him flogging a horse. It feels like people think he killed the horse.
All the owners are sticking with him for now. I think that says a lot for his care of horses. I wish the photo didn't exist and it's beyond stupid but it's not a video of him flogging a horse. It feels like people think he killed the horse.

Ive genuinely no doubt what so ever his horses are well cared for. Unfortunately, a lot of the population hate racing, and in this snowflake generation won’t let this die. The authorities can’t just slap him on the wrist for this, i don’t envy those who have to make these decisions.
Literally, peoples horses, peoples livelihoods, punters AP bets.

They don’t do enough, they’ll get it in the neck. They ban him, a lot of people are affected.

If it is from over 4 year ago, what clown has kept the photo that long. Some bitter barstewards in this world.
I think we should just let the investigation run its course.

I imagine more details will come out then and the authorities can decide upon the most appropriate and proportionate action.
“Without thinking, I sat down”. Yes, on top of a dead horse, posing like a game hunter does, like you’ve killed the horse.

This looks so bad because it is so bad. He has to serve a long ban.
The horses will run at Cheltenham.

I hate the picture but a man's made a mistake. I don't see it like the replies above. He's not finished at all.

Im with this

He didn't shoot the horse himself.

He shot himself in the foot but a bit of perspective needed

Worse things will happen in yards both sides of the sea today and we will never know

For the very badly written statement, he deserves punishment but for him to be hung, drawn and quartered is snowball thinking
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Think it is better for him to be viewed as stupid than callous. He has no doubt been in touch with the main owners over the last few days and knows their feelings by now. He can transfer the name of the stable to Keith Donoghue, for example, for a while. Will take time for him to be rehabilitated and probably best to do the over-the-coals interviews in 6 months time than being front and centre come cheltenham.
He didn’t shoot the horse, but anyone who doesn’t know what’s going on with this story - and I’m really struggling - will assume he has shot the horse. The only thing missing from that pose is Gordon Elliott with a rifle over his shoulder.
The horses won’t run because he will have his licence suspended by the BHA under honesty and integrity grounds with particular reference to animal welfare.

To paraphrase Sir Alex Ferguson no one person is bigger than the sport.
His apology and statement is pretty crass. You’d have to clamber all over the poor horse to get astride it like that, not just sit down to take a phone call. It’ll take a lot of living down even if people stick with him. Whether they do or not remains to be seen - they’ve got their own reputations to worry about.
Regardless of my personal opinion - which is similar to the comments from Slim and Granger, I don't see how the horses can run under his name at Cheltenham, or any other meeting.

But it doesn't take long to transfer the name to another licensed trainer does it?, assuming there's somebody available.

When trainers die, it's been the case that horses have run in a spouse's name the very next day hasn't it?
Will his horses be allowed to run? Thats all i need to know, so i can rid of the bets. Speaking with my pocket here i know with more important concerns at large.

Petitions online now to ban him for good. The damage this photo has caused is irreversible.
Just been announced that Betfair have ended their association with the Elliot yard

You'd think this is the beginning of the end for him as a top level trainer
Horses are a cert to run. Can’t penalise the Owners for the transgressions of the trainer.

He’ll get a 6-month lie-down between May and October, and the license will go into someone else’s name in the interim.