The Next President?

Originally posted by Euronymous@Feb 6 2008, 07:22 PM
Huckabee got five States :what: I don`t beleive in God, but if i did i`d put down Katrina and the current Tornados they`re having down to him being pissed off with the ###### the so called Christian Conservatives get up to all in his name.

I'd be lying if i said the same thought hadn't occured to me.

I genuinely don't know which way the polls are facing at the moment. I'm relying on my instinct and judgement, though I readily admit, for all my alleged insights, I've got this one entirely wrong.
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Feb 5 2008, 11:14 AM
On the Clinton murder conspiracy theories:
The only one of these deaths I've studied in the past in any detail was Vincent Foster.
The account given here in the link, bears no relation to any study of the death that I've read.
From the information I gathered, it was impossible for Foster to have shot himself since he would have had to be a contortionist - the bullet went in the back of the head**. He was left handed iirc - it's a while since I looked all this up- so why was the gun in his right hand?- and there were numerous other things which didn't add up in the official version.

I don't know who killed Vince Foster nor why, but I am pretty convinced he didn't kill himself. The report by Starr is intruiguing, I may follow that up [tho not til after Cheltenham :P ] since most if not all of the research I did pre-dates it.

I agree that 99% of the crimes laid against the Clintons by their enemies are fantasy - but I wonder sometimes of these multiplying stories weren't encouraged by their political machine to obfuscate the crimes they really have committed. No Clivex, I really don't like them, not at all. They have a long record of mendacity and manipulation, and disregard for the law. Nor do any of my American friends like them in the least - not by any means all of them Reps either.

People always make fun of conspiracy theories, but cover-ups do happen. The original account of Kennedy's death was a lie -- they knew right from the start there had been bullets from more than one direction. Most of his head was shot away. Those present at the autopsy had to sign top-level security gagging orders, which they stuck to for very many years, in spite of knowing the official account was a pack of lies.

** This was not reported in the official report of the death, but researchers have found witnesses who saw the body.
The key for Clinton in terms of delegates is going to come on March 4, when Texas and Ohio (two states her campaign expect to win big in) come in to play. The problem is, however, that virtually all of the states in the run-up to March 4 favour Obama (Potomac states the main primaries in between are confident Obama holds). Will Clinton be able to sustain her momentum is the big question really. After all, Obama's people were adamant they would have captured a number of key states (including New Jersey, which gave Hillary a big scare) as all the momentum was with Obama.

Huckabee has a natural base in the South, so it's really not surprising to see him running so well. The real implication, however, is that he's absolutely killing Romney by splitting the "traditional conservative" vote.
Do you think money will be an issue trackside? Reports suggesting Obama has a big advantage in cash reserves and that Clinton is running out of donors who haven't already hit the limit. I'm guessing she'll find it if she has to?
the trouble with conspiracy theories Headstrong is that they are frequently kicked off by those with a real hatred for those targeted. And the "evidence" is skewed to fit

Fine example is are the 9/11 and 7/7. Usually put about by the far left/far right and islamists (all pretty close anyway) and more often than not targeted at the jews of course (all three of those groups thrive on bigotry and share common "enemies")

So cover ups and half truths work both ways. But if you investigate on the net there are naturally going to be more sites pushing the theories than those standing by the accepted version of events

If they can't bring themselves to vote for a Texan democratic President, there's no way they'll vote for a women or a black man from the outside

I think that you might find that the cartoon impression of Texas as full of racist JR Ewings is some distance from the truth. Isnt tarring Texans with same brush the same as tarring all blacks or muslims with similar prejudices? and if not...why not?
Simple historical fact Clive, find me the last time Texas voted for a non female, non white, democrat? I'd be very interested to know if you could find one
Your facts are as wrong as your prejudices.

Female Democrat governer of Texas in the 90's

Given her high profile and seeing as, I seem to recall, was mooted as a possible first female president..suprised you didnt recall this one

Not good

You seem to believe that certain parts of america are as likely to vote in women/minorities as Saudi arabia would be likely to vote in a jew.

Have you not heard of Bobby Jindal too?
Originally posted by clivex@Feb 7 2008, 10:04 AM

So cover ups and half truths work both ways. But if you investigate on the net there are naturally going to be more sites pushing the theories than those standing by the accepted version of events

Agreed Clivex, one must be very careful indeed about conspiracy sites on the web, but my research on the Foster death was all done closer to the time - before the internet was even a possibility!
A few bits circulating in various blogs and forums about how McCain and Huckabee appear to be helping each other's campaigns along (or more specifically hurting Romney).

With McCain in pole position for the Reps, will he look for a conservative running mate to ensure that he has his party behind him and help quash the outbursts such as Coulters above?

PaddyPower have a market simply for the Republican Vice President Candidate and Huckabee is available at 6/5.

That looks simpler than backing for VP with the Hilary/Obama factor in play.

Any thoughts?
This market from PaddyPower made me laugh...


Next Scandal to emerge regarding a 2008 US Presidential candidate?

Singles Only. Applies to only Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. Must be a new scandal and not anything previously reported pre Jan 2008. Must be confirmed by Bloomberg, CNN or Fox News.

9/4 Adultery
3/1 Campaign Financing Irregularities
3/1 Tax irregularities
5/1 Drugs abuse
5/1 DUI
10/1 Draft dodging
10/1 Fraud
12/1 Gay/Lesbian affair
16/1 Prostitution
20/1 Bigamy
50/1 Shop Lifting
80/1 Terrorist link


Some shocking value in there, as per most special markets. 3/1 Campaign Financing Irregularities is interesting though. A figure quoted yesterday that made me sit up and listen was that Obama was grossing $1 million per day in campaign funds. Unsurprisingly this has got Hilary concerned.

It has to be worth her team having a stab at an accusation don't you think? An accusation would at least make Bloomberg, CNN or Fox!
Absolutely, but the market is for the 'next' scandal and there is along time until that nomination is sewn up. But perhaps the drugs issue will rear its head before then?
Originally posted by betsmate@Feb 7 2008, 04:49 PM

With McCain in pole position for the Reps, will he look for a conservative running mate to ensure that he has his party behind him and help quash the outbursts such as Coulters above?
Surely he will, it makes perfect sense

On the drugs thing, why do so many people imagine that everyone who has smoked a joint in their youth has tried crack? Or is it just black people who are so suspected?
Obama has written about his experiences with trying drugs, including cocaine, in his book(s).

Also, the veracity of such a claim does not affect the Paddy Power market.
OK thanks, but sniffing coke and using crack are not the same thing...
I suppose having been in my early 20s in the late 60s I have a more laid back view of these things than some...
but sniffing coke and using crack are not the same thing...

Only because one has a reputation for being used by rich, white people and one by poor, black people.

It's still essentially the same substance being abused, yet the notoriety and aura of fear that surrounds crack means that it is considered to be much worse - hence my supposition that any expose involving Obama's drug use would turn the 'blow' he admitted to taking into 'crack'. Instant shock value and revulsion.
12/1 about queer affair looks enticing----according to SS attached to Bill he has free rein to hunt hookers--discreetly ---he gets nothing at home and she has been known to order her female posse when he is out with the boys.
La La La ---the Republicans will hold on to it however, no point in bringing it up until it is a Lesbian V A Vietnam veteran and it may never be----on Betfair she is now 3rd fav.
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Feb 7 2008, 06:30 PM

It's still essentially the same substance being abused, yet the notoriety and aura of fear that surrounds crack means that it is considered to be much worse -
It *is* much worse - about ten times stronger and ten times +++ more addictive, or so reports say
[I'd no more have ever tried crack than Id try skunk or heroin]

I agree tho about the black/white aspect to this - but Obama is getting such a 'god guy' reputation and aura that any dirty tricks will backfire badly imo

The Hillary lesbo angle is going to be much more entertaining :rolleyes: