The Next President?

Not only has he won 9 in a row he has won them with far larger margins than predicted and he is winning in her strong categories.
She has now resorted to lying --or is it contradicting herself??
Obama has become a political phenomenon and has managed to survive the Clintons' crude onslaught with grace and aplomb.
The prospect of a "Billary pesidency" is dying and Obama as a black,partly brought up in a Muslim country can transform America's badly tarnished image.
I find myself (inexplicably) rooting for a Republican who is pledging to continue the war in Iraq.

I intensely dislike Clinton, and I think Obama is a spoofer.

Maybe Obama will prove the doubters all wrong, but I have a funny feeling that when Mr. and Mrs. Middle America hit the poll booths in November, they will go for the experience and solidity of McCain.
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@Feb 20 2008, 10:12 AM

Maybe Obama will prove the doubters all wrong, but I have a funny feeling that when Mr. and Mrs. Middle America hit the poll booths in November, they will go for the experience and solidity of McCain.
The long simmering reports about McCain having an affair look like they are about to get out big style...

I hope they do as I don't want to be caught with my own pants down! :D
Originally posted by trackside528@Feb 20 2008, 07:53 PM
The long simmering reports about McCain having an affair look like they are about to get out big style...

I hope they do as I don't want to be caught with my own pants down! :D
Do you have any specific information on that ?
Believes it's referring to a relationship McCain had with a lobbyist during his previous campaign for president (2004).

How much of an impact it will have I'm not sure. NY Times article highlighting past ethical indescretions due out tommorrow apparently..
Thanks for that trackside but I doubt it will lead to anything as I think it is untrue.

I think McCain will win the General Election in a landslide
Obama is too young and inexperienced to give McCain a decent fight, who would have thought 18 months ago that any Republican had a chance in this election. After Dubya would have thought they were all tarred with the same brush.
Apropos of nothing.

The depth of the debate in this thread illustrates something that has intrigued me for years - the fascination in the UK/Irl with American politics. I wonder if any horse racing forum in the USA are considering how the Fine Gael transfers will disburse after the seventh count in South Kerry. Similarly, I wonder how many of us (excl Warbler) would be able to discuss the geopolitical ramifications of the recent Pakistan elections with the same know how? I wonder why this is, as technically there are far fewer variables than in most democracies.

I was in the company of the US Ambassador* to Ireland recently and he mentioned that he was at some primary school thing and started making small talk with a kid of 10/11. He patronisingly asked him if he knew there was a 'big' election in America this year? The kid replied that he thought that the electorate would vote for 'Hillary's experience as he wasn't sure they were ready for a black President.' Mr Amb said he was 90% certain he would not get that sort of reply in the USA.

(*I know I badger name droppers here. Lest anybody is tempted I have already called myself a cnut for that one.)
Weird. Reading the story, I didn't think there was all that much to it.

Then I read the McCain statement at the end. Protesting too much?
Anyone know where we in Europe could watch the debate tonight between Clinton and Obama? Its on CNN but I am not sure if it is on the version available on the Sky version?
I'm sitting through it right now (required watching), but I'm not at home.. as far as I'm aware, it's not being shown online..

No fireworks anyway yet, hasn't kicked off at all tbh..

The problem with the McCain story is that it undermines that which he has been supposedly fighting for years to prevent (lobbyists dominating politics). There is a lot more dirt on him than people seem to realize. Will this alone destroy him? No way.
Thats the point Trackside. Nobody cares if he shagged her. Its the hypocrisy that damages.

Ref the debate.

Hilary said that Barack was a plagarist.
Barck said Hilary was insulting his supporters and voters.

Thats about it.
Debate was a waste of time that will have no impact on the race.. and now I'm tired as ****.. :angy:

Interesting that Hillary hinted for the first time (at least that I know of) that she might not get the nomination..
Have there been any hints as to who Obama and Clinton might choose as running mates? Would either accept being at the bottom of the ticket and combining forces?
I think she'd be pretty well forced into taking him, as he certainly seems to be able to reach some key voters that she can't (under 35's) and it's him whose ignited interest in the race. Failure to recognise that and make some concession to it, would damage her chances. Not sure he'd want her though. He would be better advised to take someone with a southern base I'd have thought. Not sure I 'd want to be on a plane if she wasn't aboard too :suspect: If she were VP heaven knows what she might be capable of :D

The two of them don't really appear to get on that well though, even though they're not that far removed politically. It would be a bit of an unholy alliance
My thoughts exactly Warbler :suspect:

I'm amazed how many people swallow Hillary's attempt to be the girl next door
Gaps seem to be closing in both Texas and Ohio. Texas congressional district system definitely favours Obama as well (districts with high African-American representation play prominent role given how reliable they have proved in the past).

Not over just yet though IMO. Clinton will fight tooth and nail in Ohio and Texas, where the demographics seem to suggest she might just be able to stem the Obama tide (particularly in Ohio).

Her campaign's been a disaster from beginning to end, truth be told, from Mark Penn's "inevitable" strategy in Iowa right up to the decision to forgo Wisconsin. Perhaps the sacking of Patti Doyle, after a horrendous couple of weeks on her part, will begin to turn the tide, though it's probably too late.

Not a happy camper....I think its time she took a risk. The media are not going to go after him so she may as well. Granted it might back fire on her but she needs to do something.
Obama is perilously close to wearing out his welcome with the media. Unfortunately for Hillary, the real hardball questions aren't likely to be asked of him until the general.