The Random Rant Thread 2010

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People who always know the morality of other people's actions; without knowing the circumstances nor the motives involved -- easy jibes that one just tires of hearing or reading.
People who drop their prescription off in the pharmacy then don't ever bother coming back for them - leaving us with no storage space for more prescriptions and some poor sod having to put all 300 (patients not items) back to stock three months later. It takes an awful long time to peel of the old labels :mad:
People who move to the 'countryside' and then moan constantly about muck on roads, tractors on roads, mud on their vehicles, plus want street lighting in their village....yadayadayada - just feck off back to the suburbs, why don't you all ?

Inability to reverse in narrow lanes.... what's with this ? Just as many men as women before the usual sexist rubbish appears. Why can't people reverse using their wing mirrors ? Should be mandatory in the driving test...

You missed off the most annoying part of the townies in the coun'ry problem - Chelsea bloody tractors. I'm sorry but it is nearly always the women at fault here - mums on school runs are horrendous. They drive fast down the middle of country lanes, don't concentrate as they're too busy bending round to see to the kids or chatting on their handheld mobile phones and think nothing of running other cars, horses or pedestrians off the road. Oh, and the reason they have to drive in the middle of the road is they can't possibly get a speck of mud on their Chelsea tractor, God forbid.

As Songsheet says - bog off back to the bloody towns!! Then get a smaller car - an A reg Fiesta was good enough for my Mum to drive us around in, why is it now compulsory to only travel kids in people carriers or immaculate, mud-free Chelsea tractors?
Townies have the same problem as rustics, though: Yours Disgusted letters every week to the local rag to call for a cull of pigeons/gulls/homeless hostels/fast food/cars/bicycles/motorbikes/tourists, you name it. Why the ferk live in a big town or city, if you really want to live in a catatonic state in suburbia? Go and die quietly by degrees in Milton Keynes or Basingstoke!

Britain is a country rife with discontent about someone or something, all the time. If you shot all the pigeons, someone would then bleat about nothing for the resident peregrines to eat, so even that wouldn't be satisfactory.

And now I'm ranting about other people ranting... :blink:
NEVER EVER GO BACK! Six years wasted is a harsh way to look at it. Probably x number of good years/times and things just fizzled out or it had run its course.
Six weeks? Ive had morning wood last longer. How do you get with someone, break up, take him back and break up again in six weeks?
It's hell this evening... I want to chuck a nice old hobnail-cut whisky decanter into auction, and I'm having to empty it frisht.. fisht.. fersh... hic!
Actually... no. But it turned out to be the last of the Jack Daniels. I like the bourbons and sour mashes more than whuskies, tbh. Favourite is Rebel Yell, which seems to be very difficult to get hold of, then Maker's Mark, JD and his cousin, Jim Beam. Different flavours, all of them, but all very mellow and smoooooth.

As for blend or not - I'm quite happy with Famous Grouse for the blends. I tried Bell's at Christmas and found it just a little bit 'light'. As for the straights, I find Glenfiddich dry and thin, although I did enjoy a bottle of Talisker for its smoky aroma and flavour. But as whatever they are is drowned by cold Pepsi (sound of Scotch drinkers falling off barstools), it could be Old Speckled Kecks and I'd not care. I haven't had the stuff for ages, in fact. Just fancied one tonight and that meant I could then wash the old decanter. I inherited it when Mommie Dearest died, it's not really something I'd bother with - and in many households the liquid wouldn't even last long enough to get decanted!