The Random Rant Thread 2010

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gearoid
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Yep, but if you listen to the current Macdonald's ad, DO, they have a bob as a pound.

"Take the pound, or one bob, or a quid, or even a squid."

(It was the word slang that I couldn't recall through the drowsy fug of various (legal) drugs).
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People who can't walk in a straight line. You are all lined up to overtake them and they veer to whichever side you are going for, so you adjust to go the other side and buggered if they don't change direction and still get in your way!
The "good old days" before nostalgia, when seven pence ha'penny was eighteen pence

OK, I'll bite...

Sevenpence ha'penny in old money would be about 3½p. Eighteen pence in old money would be a shilling and sixpence, which would be 7½p in new money.
See, DO's not just a pretty face, y'know...

Yes, Reds, a bob was a shilling, and you never said 'bobs' for plural, so a bob or ten bob, but not ten bobs, while ten shillings was all right! 10s was in note form, too. 2s 6d was half-a-crown. A tanner was sixpence, which was half a shilling, and there were also farthings, all in the last half of the last century.
I didn't know it was going to be orphaned, did I? I hate endless cut-and-pastes, which just take up huge amounts of space. Your 't' from can't has been orphaned, too. Please try to reunite it with its parents.

It wasn't aimed at you, Krizon! :)

It would be nice if the forum software would carry forward the last post from the previous page to the next page ... if you see what I mean.

(I've tried to answer several times, but w. Firefox 3.5.7, no text was being picked up & the software complained at less than 1 character in my post! This is using IE ...)
See, DO's not just a pretty face, y'know...

Yes, Reds, a bob was a shilling, and you never said 'bobs' for plural, so a bob or ten bob, but not ten bobs, while ten shillings was all right! 10s was in note form, too. 2s 6d was half-a-crown. A tanner was sixpence, which was half a shilling, and there were also farthings, all in the last half of the last century.

I think it might have been about 1960 that farthings went out of circulation. I think they had a wren on the tails side (the 'reverse' for the technically minded).

I don't recall ever referring to 1s 6d (1/6) as eighteen pence, though. Could that have been a regional thing? I do remember my older cousins calling 5/- a dollar, so they also called half-a-crown (2/6) half-a-dollar, but that might just have been local slang.

Footballers who were very good with the ball at their feet were called "tanner ba' players", because a tennis ball, with which they practised their close control, cost a tanner in the olden days.

I also remember being sent on a errand to the local butcher's with a hand-written note by mother. I looked at the note and asked for "One and fourpence worth of frying steak". After an exchange of weird looks between me and the butcher he asked me to let him see the note. "Right," he said, "a quarter of frying steak." I really felt a total eejit. I could only have been about 6 at the time.
Negotiating through Liverpool Street station with the following:
People who stop dead in front of you for no reason.
People who wander all over the place sending texts.
People who are too idle to carry their bags and drag those small wheelie things that you can't see as they are too small. Why bother??
People who wait until they're at the barrier and decide to start looking for their tickets.

Unseamed vein here. Don't start me off about the actual travelling...
Negotiating through Liverpool Street station with the following:
People who stop dead in front of you for no reason.
People who wander all over the place sending texts.
People who are too idle to carry their bags and drag those small wheelie things that you can't see as they are too small. Why bother??
People who wait until they're at the barrier and decide to start looking for their tickets.

Tell me about it :lol:

Thank God they've opened the new tunnels at Kings Cross, I don't need to fight my way down platforms anymore!
Never mind Liverpool St stn - any of those at any time is infuriating! The number of times I've come to a standstill trying to guess where a texting, wandering blurry iriot with wheelie bag will go next...

Arses who kick cans around in the street at 3.00 a.m. and think it's hysterically funny.

Drunks in general, especially the loud variety. Okay, get pissed, but have the grace to slide to the floor quietly and stay there until you sober up. Don't let the whole world know what a prat you can be by bawling and shouting, keep your vomit strictly to your own shirt, and piss up your own front door. I thank you!
People who move to the 'countryside' and then moan constantly about muck on roads, tractors on roads, mud on their vehicles, plus want street lighting in their village....yadayadayada - just feck off back to the suburbs, why don't you all ?

Inability to reverse in narrow lanes.... what's with this ? Just as many men as women before the usual sexist rubbish appears. Why can't people reverse using their wing mirrors ? Should be mandatory in the driving test...
Tell me about it :lol:

Thank God they've opened the new tunnels at Kings Cross, I don't need to fight my way down platforms anymore!

Paddington's the same.
People who stop as they step off the bottom/top of escalataors.
Women with three oversized handbags - buy one big one you stupid moos and hold it in front of you.
People who insist on reading papers/books when the tubes are so packed and using your shoulder blades as their paper/book rest.
I just hate the morning to work routine via public transport. To counteract it and to restore some individuality, I do the opposite to the lemmings. If they are all rushing off the train I ll wait until last. On the way into the city rather than walk into the back of people I cross over to the empty footpath at the other side.
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