The Random Rant Thread 2010

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10 new pence was 2 shillings.
Don't forget that decimalisation coincided with rampant inflation, so it wasn't quite the rip off that people think it was.

You're right. How could I forget that after having it drummed into me at school for 2 years before decimalisation?

I accept too that inflation was very high, but still can't lose the suspicion that quite a few took advantage of the confusion.
ITV. Imagine a programme with some the worst possible people in it:
Titchmarsh - Personality lobotomy
Meat Loaf - Talentless fat ****
Kathryn Jenkins - Skank who thinks she's a china doll. Fuck off.

When I channel surf I should really avoid anything that ITV may have created.
If I was an MP this is what I would be asking questions about, not this Iraq War yawnfest.
What is it about some guys that get to shift from one top job to the next, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake?

He must be some kind of smooth talker.

He nearly ruined Celtic, then Royal Mail. I despair for ITV.
What a strange coincidence: I was sharing a lunch table with our Dope Witness at Lingers today, an old boy who'll be 80 next month, and has worked in the testing units for 25 years. Crozier is exactly who we talked about in the exact terms of your remarks, DO! Amazing, isn't it? We were ranting about the Mutual Support Society among the world's top brass, and wondering what persuaded Lord Goldsmith to so radically change his mind about the legality of the invasion of Iraq, following his jaunt to the USA? I said, how about the assurance of £250,000 a year for a few tours on the highly lucrative speaking circuit, as an example? No need to really do much more than blither to the converted at Yale and Harvard Business School and trouser riches beyond the dreams of Croesus. It worked for George Bush Sr., for Bill Clinton, and it's working beautifully for Blair, so why not add another crony to the endless list on this mutual hand-holding circuit? It doesn't matter if one bank falls, another in the linked chain of cronyism will pick up the top-management detritus and furtle them into some other position, whether they end up in retail, or 'consultancy' - whatever the moniker they get, they'll continue to backslap each other through their venal little lives, while millions of people whose lives they've quite possibly damaged for many years to come take the hit.

You don't have to believe in a conspiracy of Star Chamber/Illuminati/secret societies - they're plain to see, and as ugly as the warts on W.C. Fields's nose, and they really don't give a damn, my dear.
You don't have to believe in a conspiracy of Star Chamber/Illuminati/secret societies - they're plain to see, and as ugly as the warts on W.C. Fields's nose, and they really don't give a damn, my dear.
It even happens on a small town scale. I have lived here all my life and I see people that I was at school with, plumbers, carpenters, etc. that have always managed to pick up the plum jobs in the good times and keep going through the bad times, despite not being particularly good at their respective jobs.
There is a common denominator, know locally as the "Forty Thieves"!
Marks & Spencers charging 5p for a plastic bag to save the world, when every single item on sale is plastic wrapped. Absolute joke!!!
Robson Green - fishing extremely or whatever it is he is supposed to be doing.

The one good thing about Murray losing is there won't be a picture of him anywhere later today/tomorrow double fisted with his mouth as wide open as it can go. I think he must practise that look in the mirror.
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G-G: there's an egg-swallowing snake which unhinges its jaws to enable it to gulp down birds' eggs, whole. He reminds me of that - it's unearthly, like some terrifying alien creature, about to devour babies in one go.
To be fair - and I'm conscious that he is a slimy git - it is the trade unions that are killing Royal Mail, not Crozier. ITV looks a sinking ship though, so I'm sure most are pleased he is joining.
Computers. Mine has picked up a virus (email scam and I fell for it). Blue screen of death. Phoned Dell on Saturday said they'd phone tonight and they did: to tell me they have a glitch in New Delhi!!!! Lost 2 hours pay; have paid for a warranty with Dell; am using a decrepit laptop that I can barely see; and am generally pissed off with hardware, software, viruses and Dell!
One other whinge: my keys keep sticking on the laptop.Any WD40?
Computers. Mine has picked up a virus (email scam and I fell for it). Blue screen of death. Phoned Dell on Saturday said they'd phone tonight and they did: to tell me they have a glitch in New Delhi!!!! Lost 2 hours pay; have paid for a warranty with Dell; am using a decrepit laptop that I can barely see; and am generally pissed off with hardware, software, viruses and Dell!
One other whinge: my keys keep sticking on the laptop.Any WD40?

Did you pay for software support if not they won't support you anyway seeing as it's a virus and not something they sold you with the laptop.

What kind of warranty do you have ?
Bookies trying to sucker punters into mug bets.

Robbie Keane is just 7/2 to score twice tonight, and just 16/1 to score three times.

While I accept the odds against scoring three shouldn't necessarily be true multiplied odds of the brace - if he did score two and Celtic got a late penalty he'd almost certainly be offered it to take - 7/2 would be only fair odds to score once on the night.

No doubt there will be plenty of Celtic fans swept along on the tide of euphoria over the signing (it's no big deal, I reckon, since his scoring rate in his career isn't as good as Scott McDonald's although Keane is a better player) willing to take the odds, but they're mugs, even if they end up collecting.

I reckon there might be a wee bit of value in opposing Celtic tonight. I reckon the bookies might over-factor the Keano effect into the odds. Celtic players still don't read each other's game.
Was he spotted in the pub near the ground the night he couldn't get into a Liverpool-Everton match?

Most Irish Celtic supporters also support a team from England as well, just as many home-based Celtic fans have leanings towards certain premiership sides.

My brother would say he was a Man U fan because Denis Law was his hero. I used to call myself a Spurs fan because I once picked up on the cheap a white top and navy shorts (no markings on either) in a sports shop clearance sale!

I wouldn't read too much into it