The Random Rant Thread 2010

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People who stand on the left handside of escalators in the tube stations instead of walking. If you want to stand , the signs state 'stand on the right'. Just because you are too lazy to walk, don't hold the rest of us up.
The two wankers in BMWs on the M4 on Saturday who were playing 'tail-gate chicken' with each other slowing down to 40 mph in the outside lane ,with no brake lights, and absolutely no consideration for anybody else on the motorway.
Get their numbers (even if you have to write them with a wet finger in the dust on your dash, as I've done in the past) and report the feckers. We have 'Operation Crackdown' online in Sussex and I reported a twat who tried to run me off the road when three lanes became two - he'd only had a mile to work out what to do - and got an e-mail reply back saying although the car didn't show up on a database of wankers, he was now on it. At least, I told them, if he is involved in a future accident, you'll know he was driving aggressively and dangerously before.
People who stand on the left handside of escalators in the tube stations instead of walking. If you want to stand , the signs state 'stand on the right'. Just because you are too lazy to walk, don't hold the rest of us up.

People who get annoyed at people using escalators for what they were designed - to save you walking up or down stairs :)

Seriously, though, I have mixed feelings about this one and I'm pretty sure I've been guilty of standing 'on the wrong side'. The escalator culture in London strikes me as quite different from the ones in Paris, Madrid or Barcelona although it is about 30 years since I used any of them so it may have changed. Certainly in shops up here the norm is just to stand there (which sometimes annoys me but then I think maybe they're right, why shouldn't I just chill and let the esc take the strain). So when people like me find themselves out there in the big world they're not to know. It isn't necessarily laziness.
Went to see Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck last night. Jeff Beck - at best self indulgent crap (though he played it well). I did not pay a fortune to listen to his wailing guitar riffs. Nessun Dorma FFS, on a guitar. On the other hand EC was brilliant but then he would be compared to his support.But why play Moon River when he could have played Layla???
One other whinge: O2 must be the crappiest venue in London. Third time I've been. Each time I vow never again. Mind you I boycotted it in it's former life. Should be dismantled and towed out to sea.
Exactly. If you're in a hurry go up the stairs.

There are signs all over the place which say 'stand on the right'. And the culture in London is to walk up or down the escalators on the left. In a shop/shopping centre you're not hurrying to catch a train which if you miss it will mean standing on a wet, cold platform for anther 20 minutes for a train which will get you home an hour later than the one you missed because someone couldn't stand on the right hand side.
My point is that if you're from London or are used to using the tube system, you'll know that. People like me wouldn't. Why should I be expected to look about for signs when all I want to do is go up or down an escalator? Are the signs multilingual?
a) there usually isn't any stairs

b) the signs are obvious and numerous, all the way down

c) if you insist on repeatedly standing on the left at rush hour, you're gonna get yourself hurt
Why can't they just instal chutes for those that were too lazy to get up earlier in the first place? People in a rush really only have themselves to blame.
Why go to the expense of installing special chutes when you can just get the dawdlers to stand on the right? :)
a) there usually isn't any stairs

b) the signs are obvious and numerous, all the way down

c) if you insist on repeatedly standing on the left at rush hour, you're gonna get yourself hurt

true, true and people learn after a few shoves!

welcome to London!
Why can't they just instal chutes for those that were too lazy to get up earlier in the first place? People in a rush really only have themselves to blame.

It's nothing to do with being lazy. It's a rush because one finishes work at 5 and has two tubes to get to a main line station in under 40 minutes to catch a train to get home to complete a 12 hour day. If work let me leave 15 minutes earlier, and the tubes never broke down, or had no customer 'incidents', or no signal failures, or no driver available, or not held at red signals to 'even out the service',there'd be no problem.
We're so useless in the UK at breaking free from time constraints. Surely, provided the employees put in the standard amount of hours per week, there should be a sensible system in every company, whereby those who live farthest away don't have to bust a gut to try to get in for 9.00 a.m, but could arrive at 11, say, and work later or catch up on a Saturday morning if they got really held up? Provided you banged in the requisite hours every month, most offices can handle people coming in at different hours, thus removing the idiocy of the twin rush periods. (One can hardly call them 'rush hours' any more, since they clearly stretch to far more than that in many areas.)

And on that note - why on earth don't racecourses start much earlier and finish earlier, so that racegoers and racecourse staff aren't decanted into the full flow of the rush period after the 5.00 pm race? Simply daft.
My point would be: remember the days of the old school yard. We always had to go right/left in school. Similarly, keep the wall on your right side. Given there are some amongst us of similar age it must have been the same?
No running in the corridors, keep to the right when you walk along them. No talking in assembly, or in class when teacher was present. Hats to be worn straight on the head, not tilted to one side or have their crowns dented or otherwise deformed into amusing shapes. 5 minutes late for school, detained in 'small break time' for lines or essays. Major tardiness - detained for lines during lunch, parents informed if it happens again.

I managed to get to 'S' for 'Standardbred', writing alphabetically through Collins Guide to Horses as part of my small break detentions!
I don't know how people handle 9-5 jobs - it would kill me starting and finishing at the same time everyday. Of course that is one of the reason's I was hounded out of the Civil Service...In after 9 but out before 4 they did not like.
No running in the corridors, keep to the right when you walk along them. No talking in assembly, or in class when teacher was present. Hats to be worn straight on the head, not tilted to one side or have their crowns dented or otherwise deformed into amusing shapes. 5 minutes late for school, detained in 'small break time' for lines or essays. Major tardiness - detained for lines during lunch, parents informed if it happens again.

Those all still apply in our school except that hats aren't allowed indoors, talking in class only if the activity requires it and lines are no longer considered appropriate. Essays reflecting on inappropriate behaviour and the impact thereof are the fashion.
It's nothing to do with being lazy. It's a rush because one finishes work at 5 and has two tubes to get to a main line station in under 40 minutes to catch a train to get home to complete a 12 hour day. If work let me leave 15 minutes earlier, and the tubes never broke down, or had no customer 'incidents', or no signal failures, or no driver available, or not held at red signals to 'even out the service',there'd be no problem.

Don't take me so so seriously, G-G :)
Feb 26th is apparently Work Your Proper Hours Day and UK employers get £26.9 billion of free labour every year through unpaid overtime with the average employee working 57 days for free. let's you calculate your unpaid overtime - I get off quite lightly, only doing 15 unpaid days a year.

Obviously that doesn't include the time most people spend travelling to and from work which means not much time to rest and relax before it's time to do it all again tomorrow.
wow - thats interesting - I do 137 unpaid days a year according to that, and since Ive been back there Ive got better about putting my foot down with the not staying for free lark....

go me (though obviously must do better!!! and dont tell my bosses - they will expect it !!)
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Essays reflecting on inappropriate behaviour and the impact thereof are the fashion.

I believe it was Krizon who commented on my propensity to babble on unnecessarily (oftentimes bullshit) when I did the Leopardstown review.

Now at least you know where I honed my technique!
Oooh, waayyy too harsh - again! And not true, Tracks, not true. What I did manage to say (after I'd self-edited it down to a readable length!) was that what you put was fine for personal reference, but over-long for publishing. I'm well known to babble, necessarily or unnecessarily, so I'd never criticise anyone for doing that!

(She says, taking far too long to state the obvious... )