The Road to the 2017 Champion Hurdle

So......can we conclusively say that the clock is bollocks if you go skint, EC1?

Relax, pal.....I'm only pulling yer leg. :cool:

i know :)i use more than the clock Grass...its you that thinks thats my limit

i will say this though..all this six figure bullshit i here from Euro..tells me those that do and don't know about survivng....people that talk like that..A) lack confidence..and B)..have never been in a position where they need to live off their wits

i read a lot of talk on here from folk that its a hobby to used to be a hobby to me..unfortunately at chance of getting another job in my town is about the same as Blair getting Labour leadership all looks a lot different when it matters does this game..focuses the mind..i like it though

i tell you what though..i love getting up in a morning now..i don't have any travel costs or pay tax..thats nice..when its cold and wet..i don't there are plusses.
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Surviving? Living off ones wits?

To bet professionally I'd want a nice cushion, because I don't get involved that often and so when I did I'd have to have proper money on if it was my only form of income.
Presumably, Euro fancies a six-figure tank, in order that he doesn't have to live off his wits?

I would personally hate to have to bet, to get a scratch together/pay bills. It's hard to think of a more tedious existence, to be honest, because it would reduce an interesting and diverting intellectual challenge, to basically a job. The thought of having to bet every/most days just doesn't appeal to me at all.

I have a mate in a position not dissimialr to yourself, EC1; complementing a small pension (he took early retirement) with whatever he gains from his betting. He used to be out every Saturday afternoon, punting the horses (he was good) and doing fixed-odds on the footy (he was better). He would be parked in the pub all week when the Festival was on, and was always on-parade for the King George on Boxing Day too.

No fu*cker has seen him in three years. He lives about a quarter-mile from me, but only ever leaves his house to buy an RP in the morning, before disappearing again to chip away at arbs on Betfair for the next 10hrs, or to punt 1/5 pokes in footy matches. He used to love his racing, but betting for a living has removed any enjoyment he gets from the sport.

It's not a path I would ever choose to follow myself......and I'm personally quite happy to bimble along as an enthusiastic amateur with an opinion.

FWIW, there was a time - thankfully, in the reasonably distant past - when landing a bet would have been the difference between a bill getting paid by me, or not. As an existence, it's not for the squeamish, and I admire you for having the balls to do it. I just hope that you have the discipline not to get bored, and to manage your tank in an orderly fashion. For me, I just know I would go potless through the tedium of it all.

Good luck with it.
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i don't work like that Euro.. i look for two or 3 real negay=tives a day..they bread and butter..then i look for bets with potential and stcick em in multiples or win bet..some days i might have one lay..another day its lays and wins.

i'd like to do what you are saying big and irregular..but it don't suit me..i need to keep reality at least every two days that i know what i am doing is working..its like a confidence boosting exercise

there is no..right way..imo..and all those "pro's" who say there is..are writing books or being paid pundits..if you making it don't need books and punditry
Presumably, Euro fancies a six-figure tank, in order that he doesn't have to live off his wits?

I would personally hate to have to bet, to get a scratch together/pay bills. It's hard to think of a more tedious existence, to be honest, because it would reduce an interesting and diverting intellectual challenge, to basically a job. The thought of having to bet every/most days just doesn't appeal to me at all.

I have a mate in a position not dissimialr to yourself, EC1; complementing a small pension (he took early retirement) with whatever he gains from his betting. He used to be out every Saturday afternoon, punting the horses (he was good) and doing fixed-odds on the footy (he was better). He would be parked in the pub all week when the Festival was on, and was always on-parade for the King George on Boxing Day too.

No fu*cker has seen him in three years. He lives about a quarter-mile from me, but only leaves his house to buy an RP in the morning, before disappearing again to chip away arbs on Betfair for the next 10hts. He used to love his racing, but betting for a living has removed any enjoyment he gets from the sport.

It's not a path I would ever choose to follow myself......and I'm personally quite happy to bimble along as an enthusiastic amateur with an opinion.

FWIW, there was a time in the not so distant past, that landing a bet would have been the difference between a bill getting paid or not. As an existence, it's not for the squeamish, and I admire you for having the balls to do it. I just hope that you have the discipline not to get bored, and to manage your tank in an orderly fashion. For me, I just know I would go potless through the tedium of it all.

Good luck with it.

i don't have a choice Grass.,,life has made it so

i assume you are a relatively young guy..30s 40s...i'm not...and there is only one thing i'm half good at..can't do owt else anymore tbh...the stuff i'm good at physically...i am no longer physical enough:)..and my office skills are held by 8 year olds these days

i never been happier tbh..i have no great expectations..i just grind out a living..from something i know..not much different to anyone else really..i still leave the house..unlike your mate:)..but i am not what you would call a social animal now...but if put in company..i can leave a few in the shade who get out loads and have bever seen a 5f catterick handicap:)
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Interesting term grinding away. Is that the only way if it's your only form of income?

I think it is and so that's why I couldn't do it. Betting irregular and at the prices I do means long losing streaks are inevitable occasionally. That would be a lot harder to

deal with if it was one's only income. And when said streak was over and a nice winner popped in I would think the overriding emotion would be relief rather than **** you

fist pumping.
Presumably, Euro fancies a six-figure tank, in order that he doesn't have to live off his wits?

I would personally hate to have to bet, to get a scratch together/pay bills. It's hard to think of a more tedious existence, to be honest, because it would reduce an interesting and diverting intellectual challenge, to basically a job. The thought of having to bet every/most days just doesn't appeal to me at all.

I have a mate in a position not dissimialr to yourself, EC1; complementing a small pension (he took early retirement) with whatever he gains from his betting. He used to be out every Saturday afternoon, punting the horses (he was good) and doing fixed-odds on the footy (he was better). He would be parked in the pub all week when the Festival was on, and was always on-parade for the King George on Boxing Day too.

No fu*cker has seen him in three years. He lives about a quarter-mile from me, but only ever leaves his house to buy an RP in the morning, before disappearing again to chip away at arbs on Betfair for the next 10hrs, or to punt 1/5 pokes in footy matches. He used to love his racing, but betting for a living has removed any enjoyment he gets from the sport.

It's not a path I would ever choose to follow myself......and I'm personally quite happy to bimble along as an enthusiastic amateur with an opinion.

FWIW, there was a time - thankfully, innthe reasonably distant past - when landing a bet would have been the difference between a bill getting paid by me, or not. As an existence, it's not for the squeamish, and I admire you for having the balls to do it. I just hope that you have the discipline not to get bored, and to manage your tank in an orderly fashion. For me, I just know I would go potless through the tedium of it all.

Good luck with it.

He's delivering drugs for old people now....i **** you not. Saves him perving over Rachel Riley all day!
Interesting term grinding away. Is that the only way if it's your only form of income?

I think it is and so that's why I couldn't do it. Betting irregular and at the prices I do means long losing streaks are inevitable occasionally. That would be a lot harder to

crucial point you make would do it ....12 months ago i'd have said..thats not for me...but needs focuses the mind..for the first time i thought more about money management than form or time figures

i don't know how old you are either Euro..but let me put you in my are are pretty good at this game..which i think you are..what would you do if you only had a small pension each month...a decent lump sum saved..but not enough if eeked out over 7 years until state pension kicks state pension for another 7 years..bearing in now have no all you have to do is keep warm..sleep and eat:)..oh..and feed the cat:)

i think if you were in that would have a good look at what your strengths and weakness's on the weakness's..and then move forward..what else are going to do if ordinary "work" don't need you anymore...and believe me..when you hit 60 your chance of employment ain't much above zero.
I think I would grind day to day, for average stakes. But my bread and butter that I get involved in now I would step the stakes up in. would grind day to day:)

which is what i do

but..what do most folk do in their day to day jobs?

when i took redundancy there were a few others took it...they liked the idea..ooh i will do this..i will do that...well..reality is..there is only so much golf you can play..only so many holidays you can take...then you sit at home and think..what is the point of the whole that point..a person could easily go a bit daft..seriously..the mind can take you funny places when your whole life routine changes from going to not having that regime,

The beauty of horse racing is..each day is a challenge..there is no boredom..whereas many people who pack in work have no challenge..and so they vegitate..have to play silly maths games on their phone to kid themselves they keeping the brain active

i feel the same now as when i was 18..obviously i watch more porn now ..whereas then...i did real thing:)

i'm probably happier now than i have ever been..if there is such a thing as happiness..i tend to think happiness is a retrospective thing anyway..oooh i was happy you weren' only think you were because you only remember the good bits..all the sh1t bits your mind fooks the past always looks better
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EC1,....if it was me.......I would pop the cat in a hessian sack with a half-Niddrie, sling it off a bridge, and bet slightly less each day.

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The clock is spot on if a race is run to suit. If its not the clock can be irrelevant. If you're using the clock you've got to understand where the pace is coming from, so surely how the race is likely to be run should be the starting point.

This isn't me dissing the clock by the way, it's just an observation.
I know it's off-topic but I am enjoying reading this thread, thanks, EC, Euronymous and Grass.

I couldn't do what EC is doing, very quickly I would be afraid to have a bet and I would be wanting a delivery of those anti-depressants.

Betting for a living seemed very attractive when I was younger but you have to have the right psychological make-up and I haven't. I would have soon become paranoid after a string of losers believing that trainer/jock/horse was out to get me.

I hope the returns keep on returning for you and make sure that you keep on posting on here regardless of lack of response, perceived or real.

I'll go into hibernation now and hope that when I wake up it isn't Groundhog Day.
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Sceau Royal has equipped himself with some gears this summer.. woosh he went from mid-145 rivals giving them weight as well. He lost his way at end of last season, can he keep it up for the CH? E/W prospect
Off the top off my head....and I have been on the sauce all night.....Dato Star, Solwhit, Thousand Stars, Arctic Fire, Peddlers Cross, Thousand Stars, Shadow Leader, Oh So Risky, Large Action, Intersky Falcon.

Sceau Royal is a typical King horse. Looks really good early in the season, but will get rifled the moment other trainers start to give a ****, about where the real prize-money is going.
Name a horse that has gone on under his care, after two seasons - either hurdles or fences.

As a trainer, I think he is massively over-rated.