The Road To The 2018 Champion Chase

I think it's open to a lot of interpretation, Lee.

I know what you're getting at, and on a certain reading, it might make you think either.......or it might simply reflect the fact that Min is further forward than Douvan.

Or it could mean not very-much at all.

Min not having a King George entry is the thing that's throwing me. It seems illogical for Ricci not to keep his option open there, given the horse's profile.

Does that perhaps mean they're thinking King George for Douvan, but will drop back to two-miles, if Min disappoints on his comeback......and save the KG for another year with Douvan?

Any way you look at it, Douvan's prep for a KG tilt is already starting to verge towards rushed, and maybe the preference is to stay at 2m, but with them happy to roll the dice, if Min comes back in good form. Hence Min's influence on running plans?

In summary, who the fu*ck knows. :thumbsup:
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Min would never get the trip Grassy he's a natural 2 miler and I doubt if it's ever crossed their minds to step up.

Too many assume because Altior kicked him into touch in the Supreme he'll do the same over fences.

Altior unlike Buveur D'air that day was mature beyond his years while Min was still an infant.

I am still not convinced Altior is as good as some think .

I really hope they plan to take him on in the Tingle Creek with Min or UDS add to that Politlogue and you got some race and his first real test IMO but I won't go there tonight
I genuinely cannot fathom why you - of all people - would question what Altior has achieved. I'm genuinely baffled here.
They think that Min would get two and a half but Douvan could get further. Before they went into full work the story was that Douvan had more pace than Min and was more likely to go QM but now maybe not as clear cut.
Altior put in a fairly moderate performance in the Arkle (slower than Special Tiara in the QM carrying 6lb less). If that's as good as he is then Douvan would mash him and Min would probably beat him. Willie has never won either QM or GC and would probably go for his best chance of winning either. Ruby wants to ride winners and Ricci will do as he's told.
A few weeks ago I'd have said QM - Douvan, Ryanair - Min, GC - Djakadam. Now I'm not so sure and could see QM - Min, Ryanair - Djakadam, GC - Douvan (would be my preference).
As a Great Field backer in the QMCC, the suggestion that Douvan might have lost even a bit of speed, is welcome! :lol:
GF will be ridden by an outside jockey (JP's) so would have a lower profile anyway.
Looking at the way the exercise is structured the morning i was there with Ruby and Paul setting the pace for the rest at work lots I imagine any horse ridden by non stable jockey is nearly looked upon as an outside horse; just my impression.
As such they would let JP's team talk up the horse / or otherwise.
I got the impression that they are as happy not to have Giggi horses for the same reason though with Giggi's changed jockey policy they would now take them back quite happily.
Can see that being a handful-of-runners affair.

Lawney Hill and Seamus Mullins chancing their arm it cuts up and run down the field for prize-money.
I wonder if it's the week for put-away jobs by help pay for Stable-lads Xmas.............I'm almost tempted to take the Evs Altior, that this is moody.