What are you on these days? :blink:
What, exactly, is this comparison supposed to prove to me? That one ride was off, and the other was not? If that is the best you can come up with, then wafer-thin doesn't really seem an adequate enough description. And even if I gave you the benefit of the doubt, you have still to address the question of motivation - which is very clever of you, seeing that there isn't really an answer to it. Is your argument that Russell gave this a bent ride, or a bad ride? Either way, I think you're wrong.
GF would not have been beaten in another 100 yards. This is fantasist claptrap and/or pocket-talk, imo.
McGarvey had the race sewn-up, long before Russell got anywhere within striking distance - it was won way out in the country, because there's barely a 2-miler that can keep-up with the kind of pace Great Field can sustain. And GF picked-up more than adequately when shaken-up, considering he was asked to quicken from a common-canter, against a horse that was coming at him full-tilt. Winning margin in no way reflected GF's superiority.
Great Field is simply a better horse than Doctor Phoenix. You'll do yourself less mischief if you quickly get on-board with this fact, rather than spin half-baked conspiracy theories about DR.