The stiffest fences - who's got them?


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
I was looking at Down Royal while eating in the staff canteen at Lingers today, and couldn't help but think horses land very steeply there. They seem to land with a good old thump, few actually picking up fast to run on. That made me wonder where we think the stiffest - as in, most difficult/awkward to jump - fences are? Sandown's supposedly a 'stiff test' but then so is Haydock, so is Cheltenham, Newbury's none too soft, etc., etc.

So, given what you've all seen over the years, and for those of you who've prepped/owned/ridden/trained jumpers - where would you say was the toughest test for chasers?
Sandown's fences are soft this season - watched horses walk part what birch there was easily and brush through them at the opening meet.

Nowadays none of the fences are stiff - you'd get stiffer fences at some point to points! They pack them with far less birch than they used to so horses can brush through them and they're smaller as well.
The Mildmay course has always scared me; the fences look so stiff and the horses travel so fast there. Fairyhouse looks pretty awesome as well.
Crumbs, I didn't realise there were stats for falls by course! There must be a stat for everything in racing now - thanks for that most interesting article, DJ. That succinctly answers the Q!
Crumbs, I didn't realise there were stats for falls by course! There must be a stat for everything in racing now - thanks for that most interesting article, DJ. That succinctly answers the Q!

Nick Mordin's stats show that the fences at the major Irish courses are now stiffer than many British tracks, when the reverse used to be true some 10/12 years ago.
That's quite a gift - if he can fart 'God Save the Queen', too, he could drop the horsey stuff and make a mint.
Definitely Aintree Mildmay course, the fences are like brick walls, and are big stary things.

Ayr are quite tough, some of Leicester's aren't very inviting, and Wincanton has a reputation but I've never had a runner there.
His earlier stuff was ground-breaking. Lately he's just off the wall and his tips are not to be trusted.
some of Leicester's aren't very inviting,

Whatever happened to the big open ditch, a cross-fence on the entrance to the straight? A real test and a marvellous spectacle, though not quite up to Chair standards.

It hasn't been there for the last two seasons....."Elf and Safety" at work here again I suspect.
Slightly off topic... but anyone know the name of the horse clearing this fence ? ...looks like the horse has feet to spare. The picture comes from preview of Punchestown tomorrow.

To quote the name of a historic, famous horse: AIRBORNE! If anyone runs the replay of LORD SINGER under Jamie Moore last time out, they'll find a zinging jump not unlike this - took off a good stride extra, and fair flew the fence. More effort than is necessary, of course, but amazing to see and pretty exciting for those few airborne seconds to ride.