The UK Political Landscape

pawras, you display all the usual symptoms of the frothing gammon; laughing at me, whilst simultaneously being butt-f*cked by the very Government you wanted "to keep the trots out". It's a very peculiar lifestyle-choice to me, but each to their own, I guess.

I'll look past the constant references to "Jocks", "Jockland", "caramel-wafers", "square sausage" etc, because that's the sort of language Gammons use - and I expect you can't help yourself.

Other than that, have as nice day as you can.
Says the frothing politically impotent nat....... :D :D :D

Given all the terms etc I see here for brexiteers and tories I'll refer to others however it amuses me to do so.
I doubt Prime minister Carrie will last.

Interesting how liebour actually lost ground in Devon when the Tories got smacked by the limpdems
Interesting how liebour actually lost ground in Devon when the Tories got smacked by the limpdems
I think that could well happen in our constituency, which has been tory for years apart from a blip in early 70's when Shirley Williams was our MP.
I doubt Prime minister Carrie will last.

Interesting how liebour actually lost ground in Devon when the Tories got smacked by the limpdems

There was an unofficial 'no opposition' pact between Labour and LDs.

LDs didn't campaign in Wakefield, Labour didn't campaign in Devon, and there was implicit tactical-voting in both constituencies (a joy to behold).

Let's hope the same applies at the next GE, the Tories get booted, and PR is introduced in the next Parliament as a condition of LDs supporting a Starmer-led Labour Government; finally putting an end to malignant Tory-cu*nts rule forever.
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“Malignant Tory cnts” lol proves my point I will refer to whoever however and fk anyone that doesn’t like it cos either anyone is fair game or no one is.

Anyway, anything can happen in a GE or ref and no one should ever count their chickens, as past history has shown over and over, but the tories are still a long way from losing power and I wouldn't place any bets on that happening just yet.

Hhmm even with liebour not campaigning in Devon, I think you'll find not many tories will vote for the trots no matter what, they'd rather not vote than do that, just as the reverse is on the other side of the street.

Getting PR in place would require a ref and AV was utterly rejected so even IF the left wing human detritus and limpdems manage to win power via tactical voting , you'd still have that hurdle to get past. Plus to campaign for that liebour would have to basically admit to themselves they have little chance of getting in power otherwise.

In the meantime all you lefties that thankfully still count for fk all for now will have to contend with just watching such as "A Very British Coup" and such as this
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Our present MP is Bim Afolami, who is only interested in climbing the ladder and has always toed the party line so close, he has almost disappeared up Boris' backside at times.

As I understand it there is a possibility that proposed boundary changes could lumber us with Nadine Dorries in future.

I am seriously considering a tactical vote for Lib Dem at future elections, especially as I have met their probable candidate and was impressed.
I read in the Sunday Times yesterday that there are more food banks in Britain than McDonald's restaurants.

Just think about that for a while........
I read in the Sunday Times yesterday that there are more food banks in Britain than McDonald's restaurants.

Just think about that for a while........

In a C21 so-called civilised society, one food bank is too many. What a dreadful indictment on successive governments.
Except that in my small town we have the “Christian Do-Gooders” who feel the need to set up a food bank firstly to feed the poor and needy in the area.......except there aren’t any. Yeah there are a few lazy scrounges who live on the two council estates but they’re definitely not in dire need of food. And now they have set up a vegetable growing charity to go with the charity food bank they have set up....oh’s managed to get charity status....and of course they are all paying themselves salaries out of it for their charitable “good works”
The country is fu*cked.

Starmer's position is basically the same as the Tories - except he'd be looking to make the relationship work better. It offers nothing to Scottish voters (who would very-much like to see this insane Hard Brexit significantly softened), and he has basically hammered the final nail into the coffin of the UK. Independence a certainty now.
Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid now gone.

Will all chickens come home to roost or will the teflon don march on...:)