The UK Political Landscape

Sunak and Javid have ridden the Downing St gravy train for a long time but they're only now questioning Johnson's integrity?

Talk about rats deserting a sinking ship...
I’m enjoying this immensely. I feel 10 years younger today! Can’t wait for PMQT tomorrow. And I think Johnson is up before a select committee, too.
He's up before the Liaison Committee, moe - which is the Steering for all the other Committees. Might have to get the Parliament Channel on in the background today!
I’m enjoying this immensely. I feel 10 years younger today! Can’t wait for PMQT tomorrow. And I think Johnson is up before a select committee, too.

I'm genuinely hating what I'm seeing.

Sure I want Johnson gone (and the Tories with him) but all of this is hammering home the moral and ethical vacuum in which they've been operating.

These latest resignations this morning - are these people really trying to tell us they weren't aware of what's been going on? I just can't believe Quince didn't know fine well he was defending the indefensible the other day. Now he's washing his hands to save a dubious parliamentary career. Trott is no different.

Now we have a new Chancellor who's been grooming himself for political stardom at the expense of anyone who gets in his way. He could give lessons in scheming to Machiavelli.

What saddens and angers me most of all is the lack of presence of the Labour party in all of this. Starmer has been a huge disappointment to me. I was hoping someone of a QC's intellect would have wiped the floor with Johnson on a daily basis.

I can't imagine the likes of our own Ardross giving Johnson a minute's rest.
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Johnson had his officials tearing their hair out when he was Mayor of London for all the same frailties that he has been exhibiting as PM. Of course everyone knew, but he had the charisma (suddenly an essential in today’s world) and they thought they could hold him in check. Unfortunately they couldn’t stop him surrounding himself with talentless disciples forming the weakest government we have ever seen with only a miserable few of heavier weight (two of whom have now downed tools). Michael Gove was the only one to sound the warning when accused of back-stabbing for withdrawing his support at the start when he said Johnson would be a disaster - how right he has turned out to be

Anyone with only a modicum of honourable bones in their body would have resigned by now.

As for Starmer, he has floored Johnson time and again at PMQs, but it hardly rates a mention.
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What will Starmer ask when everyone's watching indeed.

What did you know about the bum pincher?

Have you done enough on the cost of living?

Etc, etc.

A great opportunity for Starms.
Will be surprised if Starmer goes there. It will surely be all about Cabinet resignations, and why he isn't resigning.
What will Starmer ask when everyone's watching indeed.

What did you know about the bum pincher?

Have you done enough on the cost of living?

Etc, etc.

A great opportunity for Starms.

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Will be surprised if Starmer goes there. It will surely be all about Cabinet resignations, and why he isn't resigning.

I think he managed to incorporate all of it brilliantly…I’m annoyed of Blackford raising the issue of Keirs attitude to brexit though, giving Johnson a stick with which to poke Starmer with. And I usually look forward to his comments in the house and have the utmost respect for him
Starmer's attitude to Brexit says it all. Oozes insincerity, and changes his stance to where he thinks he might pick up votes.
Has no firm agendia, and his 'social contract' bluster lasted all of 24 hours.
Starmer's attitude to Brexit says it all. Oozes insincerity, and changes his stance to where he thinks he might pick up votes.
Has no firm agendia, and his 'social contract' bluster lasted all of 24 hours.

Even if/when Boris goes the tories will still have a large majority and as such the other parties are nothing but wind and sh&t until the next ge, as is the way when any gov has a good majority.

Sir Kneel of Brussels will never appeal to or be believed by brexit supporters being the guy who set out to overturn the ref result, Liebour need someone not tainted with that unless they want to be a rejoin party like the limpdems
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Even if/when Boris goes the tories will still have a large majority and as such the other parties are nothing but wind and sh&t until the next ge as is the way when any gov has good majority.

Sir Kneel of Brussels will never appeal to brexit supporters being the guy who set out to overturn the ref result, Liebour need someone not tainted with that unless they want to be a rejoin party like the limpdems

As the pain of brexit bites more and more I think you will find it’s supporters gradually dwindling to a few gung ho nationalists.
yeah yeah any nationalism is ok so long as it's not british or english nationalism as far as some are concerned I know.

to rejoiners everything bad is because of brexit and anything good is despite brexit

it's up to another 2.5 years nearly before the next ge has to be held, if nothing history has shown a lot can happen in that time, the tories could be fkd by then or the next ge could result in the left with fk all say for another 5 years and then nearly 20 years out of power, I wouldn't bet on anything right now.
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There may be plenty mps out to get rid of boris for various reasons but that changes nothing about the party majority in parliament or the time until the next ge.
Starmer's always struck me as an empty shirt, and he continues to prove it, which is extremely disappointing after Labour saw sense finally and got rid of JC.

Have to think all the resignations and the timing are planned and a foreplay to a leadership contest coming.
The Tory's problem is that they need a strong Labour for the next election, whenever that is. Without it, the Lib Dems will be kingmakers and demand PR, which while it will be in the best interests of GB/UK, will be the end of the Tory's fun for the past 200 years.
After the way AV was rejected and limpdems wanted to take their ball home after that, I'm interested to know what you think your chances are on winning a ref on implementing PR? Or do you propose trying to do so without a national ref on the matter?
After the way AV was rejected and limpdems wanted to take their ball home after that, I'm interested to know what you think your chances are on winning a ref on implementing PR? Or do you propose trying to do so without a national ref on the matter?

Yes. Lib Dems do this as a cost of getting their support in forming a government. It's odds on to be the way this plays out. I guess they could ask to revoke Brexit as a cost.
Yes. Lib Dems do this as a cost of getting their support in forming a government. It's odds on to be the way this plays out. I guess they could ask to revoke Brexit as a cost.

Hhmmm so changing the voting system and reversing the biggest democratic vote in UK history without any national vote on the matter, and you think that'll wash? LOL
You mention "good" and "Brexit" in the same sentence - would you care to expand?

The parliament and court of a foreign power no longer has primacy over ours end of story, and it doesn’t get any simpler than that.

Because we have left and it doesn’t affect us now, there is positive/benefit/something good that can be counted for every single policy area which is covered by qualified majority voting in the EU, and that expanded very significantly with the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, i.e. no vetos whereby if you don’t like it tough sh&t even if your whole country is against the eu legislation for that area.

As such we are no longer have the overarching rule of an immovable Blairite (the most successful Liebour party leader is now universally pilloried as a lying warmonger re wmd’s, which is bit more serious than some cake and a party lol) style centrist government regardless of who people actually voted for in this country.

Of course the leftist quisling sh&te will always essentially chant better foreign rule than tory rule, but that’s because they’ve largely given up on getting into power (hence chasing the PR dream) and are happy to override what people in the UK vote for because ‘they know best’, their attempts to overturn the ref showed their true colours on that score.

Personally I would even vote left rather than for foreign rule, so the gift that really keeps on giving though is that if the leftist sh&te hadn’t want to have their cake and eat it and Corbyn (how many ex tory leaders have essentially been kicked out of the party?) had stuck to his Bennite Eurosceptic roots, instead of doing a 180 and ditching his ‘principles’ at the first whiff of power, we could have had a Corbyn government now implementing it’s socialist dystopia.
Because a pro brexit liebour party would have very probably have beaten a tory party which then would have become more remainer dominated.
So instead it’s the likes of me that gets to have our cake and eat it, tories in power and no longer having to work within parameters set by Brussels. Fk yeah !
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