The UK Political Landscape

Whats the alternative to him staying until a new Conservative leader is appointed?

That's a genuine question. I have seen several hypothetical scenarios on the news.

I get people find Boris's personality odious and maybe this was evident at school but we are where we are now.

A lot of people loved him several years ago until it became clear to them he was infact what other people knew all along to be a liar and incompetant and all the rest etc.

If you want to see real political and mental instability at work take a look Putin.
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An interim PM has been mentioned several times and is entirely logical.

To be honest, I can't agree with the 'we are where we are' attitude. It is up to the government to find us a way out of where we are. They employ masses of civil servants and advisers. Other countries avoided getting to where we are or have been more successful in getting out of global predicaments.
Fair enough, DO.

My 'we are where we are' comment was in reference to what you said about his school days.

We are where we are - i.e. July 2022.
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Thank goodness the country didn’t vote for Ed Miliband all those years ago but voted in the party that was strong and stable.
Not sure of his religious persuasion, but I suspect he'd have had the same gawping look about him if it had been a cheese-toastie!
"Today is 25 years since the handover of Hong Kong to China.

Beijing has abandoned its legally binding commitment to uphold Hong Kong’s rights and freedoms.

The UK will continue to hold China to account for its actions. "

LIZ TRUSS. July 2022.

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"Today is 25 years since the handover of Hong Kong to China.

Beijing has abandoned its legally binding commitment to uphold Hong Kong’s rights and freedoms.

The UK will continue to hold China to account for its actions. "

LIZ TRUSS. July 2022.

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

To be fair, China say they're only breaking their commitment in a limited and specific way, know.
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Surely isn't/wasn't this too late to bleat about his lack of anything? So okay to be a mayor of London and ok to be a member of parliament. secretary of State for ...... but not to be PM? How does that work? Less responsibility/accountability as the other posts... I think not. So okay to have a bit of power, be unfit but not that unfit, but try to be PM and no no no you're unfit now but wasn't back then? Come on. Still 'wise' way after the event.
Surely isn't/wasn't this too late to bleat about his lack of anything? So okay to be a mayor of London and ok to be a member of parliament. secretary of State for ...... but not to be PM? How does that work? Less responsibility/accountability as the other posts... I think not. So okay to have a bit of power, be unfit but not that unfit, but try to be PM and no no no you're unfit now but wasn't back then? Come on. Still 'wise' way after the event.

The Mayor of London is to the UK what I am to women's basketball.
Am I right in thinking that Johnson has now been sacked from pretty much all of the jobs he’s ever had. Apart from Mayor where, alledgedly, it was everyone else that did all the work. And it was the Labour Party that worked hard to get the Olympics to be held in London.
Thank fu*ck we kept the Trots out, so that intellectual titans like Peter Bone and Andrea Jenkyns could finally get their chance in Cabinet.
The Mayor of London is to the UK what I am to women's basketball.

I'd heard that you were hugely missed from the court...... :)

MOL probably one of the few mayoral posts which does actually have some power to set policy. If I was a betting girl, and don't I wish I'd had some cash on me at Ascot today as was on fire picking winners, I would put money on Sunak, the others nowhere near enough profile to be known to the peasants.
I reckon anyone who aligned themselves BJ through all the lies is now toxic regardless of how hard they try to say they gave him the benefit of the doubt, etc.

Self-serving arseholes every one of them, and Hunt was hopeless as a Health Secretary.

The country is donald-ducked.
Many are the ministers of yesterday who took full responsibility for mistakes or wrongdoing in their Departments and resigned immediately. Few are the ministers of today who would dream of doing such a thing.

When honourable conduct and integrity are lost so is trust, perhaps forever. Maybe bursting the Boris boil - the biggest and most rancid, so far - may prove to be his legacy and put such things as integrity, honesty, honourable behaviour as prime requirements and not just a feeble lip-service requirement.
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I honestly don't think there are any such politicians out there any more, barjon. We've come through a generation of MPs without honour and they're all tainted.
I'd heard that you were hugely missed from the court...... :)

MOL probably one of the few mayoral posts which does actually have some power to set policy. If I was a betting girl, and don't I wish I'd had some cash on me at Ascot today as was on fire picking winners, I would put money on Sunak, the others nowhere near enough profile to be known to the peasants.
Rees-Mogg (who usually knows the time of day) was firmly against Sunak in a tv interview yesterday.