The inaugural TH battle of the generations
Now in order to catch the trendy bug of innovation and in the spirit of the BHA's recent obsession with team events, it some how seemed appropriate (especially in view of the recent notable trend of the wiser old heads amongst us in failing to read properly, understand and follow threads) that battle lines be drawn in the name of competition.
With York due next week then it has befallen the older folks of this forum to teach the young turks a thing or two by drawing on their vast resevoir of experience in a team challenge. Now I've tentatively drawn the line at 35 years (guesstimate) although the weights might rise depending on how the teams start to balance out. It might therefore be that those of you who wish to take part but whose OR is on the verge of the handicap proper could be allotted in place in the camp you'd rather not be considered for!!!
Ideally we're looking for two teams of about 12 (Ryder Cup) to be played over the 3 days of York. Volunteers will have to declare which side of the 35 year bracket they fall, by signing up for the approriate team. Could anyone who is a close qualify please indicate with the whistling emoticon please, as it might be necessary to adjust the weights as i explained.
It will be a matchplay affair to a daily betting bank of £1000 as this is the format that we've probably grown accustomed to. I have relented from offering a 'large print' option for the time being but if Colin Phillips is struggling, let me know please.
The the victor the bragging rights
Now in order to catch the trendy bug of innovation and in the spirit of the BHA's recent obsession with team events, it some how seemed appropriate (especially in view of the recent notable trend of the wiser old heads amongst us in failing to read properly, understand and follow threads) that battle lines be drawn in the name of competition.
With York due next week then it has befallen the older folks of this forum to teach the young turks a thing or two by drawing on their vast resevoir of experience in a team challenge. Now I've tentatively drawn the line at 35 years (guesstimate) although the weights might rise depending on how the teams start to balance out. It might therefore be that those of you who wish to take part but whose OR is on the verge of the handicap proper could be allotted in place in the camp you'd rather not be considered for!!!
Ideally we're looking for two teams of about 12 (Ryder Cup) to be played over the 3 days of York. Volunteers will have to declare which side of the 35 year bracket they fall, by signing up for the approriate team. Could anyone who is a close qualify please indicate with the whistling emoticon please, as it might be necessary to adjust the weights as i explained.
It will be a matchplay affair to a daily betting bank of £1000 as this is the format that we've probably grown accustomed to. I have relented from offering a 'large print' option for the time being but if Colin Phillips is struggling, let me know please.
The the victor the bragging rights