The Whippersnappers versus The Zimmerframers

No one has to state an age if they don't want to, but the figure of 35 representing the mid point was a guess on my part that might move upwards or downwards in the name of balancing the teams up equally. The only thing I asked for was that those who were borderline to just indicate they were, so as to make the job of drawing up the final teams that bit quicker.
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Count me in. Sounds like there are plenty of whippersnappers so the age cut-off might change but hate to think that, at 31, I'd be put in the zimmer pot!! Maybe we should run the Shergar Cup format and call in the cheerleaders!!
So far then we have the following kind of confirmed

9 for the Whippersnappers
5.5 for the Zimmerframers (Krizon to be substitued dependent on availability)
1 for the Snarling Crutches
and Trudi who swings both ways, but is likely to be on a zimmer unless the weights rise

I think 32-33 might be the cut at this rate. Which has left me wondering if a third team of 'grown ups' 25-35 might not be introduced somehow, dependent on how many willing participants we have for this inaugural challenge match.

Keep it as it is for the time being and see how popular it proves
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I think we'll put that one down to the meaning life thankyou. Consider yourself assigned the need of a walking aid
3 Teams would work on the basis of the amount up for it and the age ranges. However as this "tournament" seems to be inconcern of the age ranges at present, I can categorically state that I have no intention of even thinking of becoming a grown up until at least post 45 and have not reached that as yet.
You could've ordered us into 'Jelly Tots' and 'Liqueur Chocolates', Warbs - if you'd wanted a third strand, then 'Dairy Milk' would've done! Look at all this commotion from chaps not wanting to 'fess up their age! I'm quite happy to state I'm 87.

It's not true, but I'm happy to state it.
So far then we have the following kind of confirmed

9 for the Whippersnappers
5.5 for the Zimmerframers (Krizon to be substitued dependent on availability)
1 for the Snarling Crutches
and Trudi who swings both ways, but is likely to be on a zimmer unless the weights rise

Apologies, I was just commenting, not confirming availability - I won't be able to take part. For the record, I'd have been well in with the whippersnappers anyway, you cheeky barstewards!
Not going as badly as I thought.

The Whippersnappers currently have 11
The Zimmerframers currently have 9
Trudi is still sitting on the fence but looks destined to be recieving her rite of passage into the TH, OAP club to make up a compliment of 10
The Snarling Crutches have pulled out at the forefeit stage amid allegations that they were trying to claim an allowance they weren't entitled to.
And Krizon has been turned out for the season
Triptych might survive another year before being forced into all age company, and Steve T looks vulnerable but should make the cut too.

As things stand the spread at 35 looks about right
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You can place an e/w bet if you want, but all results will be settled at SP and normal e/w terms.

People might like to consider PMing their selections as there's clearly a potential tactical advantage to seeing your opponents hand first? (in which case Gareth can you increase my PM capacity please for the duration of this?, reckon I'll need another 50 on top of everything else I've had to keep hold of at the moment).

I've decided to introduce some additional rules.

All of your 1K must be spent.
Any N/R will automatically switch to the Fav (in case anyone thinks they can win a leg with an N/R as a result of the other person not winning).
I'll accept late changes in the event of an NR only, (I'll try and put the selections up once they've been made by both competitors) although I'll probably with hold them if someone's selected a 'doubtful' runner in the hope of seeing their opponents hand first and then making a change (got to try and anticipate how a cunning mind might work)
Deadline 30 mins before first race


The draw for the first round

Whippersnappers Zimmerframers

Bar The Bull V's Arkwright
Irish Stamp V's EC1
Steve T V's Colin Phillips
Imagine V's Toobe
Gareth Flynn V's Trudi
Cantoris V's Euronymous
Jair Du Cochet V's Melendez
Simon V's JinnyJ
Hamm V's Diamond Geezer
Flame V's Pricewise 2008
Triptych V's An Other (which at a push could be me)

Game on ladies and gents. (I make that about 6-5 to the old timers on my prediction)