The Whippersnappers versus The Zimmerframers


Well I think you might have compassion grounds to appeal against Jairducochetfan because its such a crap user name, but roaringfortefan is nearly as bad and could be confused with a hotel chain anyway. I think you'll need to find something a bit better than that.

I tried mucking about with the settings I have and ended up banning you, so perhaps it's best left to those who understand these things. I can change your avatar and signature, and I can change your name in your profile, I can't see that I can save your new name though, so it probably wouldn't go through.

I do have sympathy with yourself though for being saddled with such a shite user name. I mean it just isn't catchy, can't be abbreviated, and lacks charisma. So I think there might be grounds for granting you a dispensation, but you'd need to plead with Gareth
Day 4

2.15 Russian Sage £150 e/w
2.50 Confront £200 win
4.40 Swingkeel £250 e/w

Really enjoyable competition..Many thanks to Warbler, for a brilliant effort:cool::cool:
13:45 Penang Princess 100ew
14:50 Balcarce Nov 100ew
14:50 Dream Eater 100ew
15:25 Mythical Flight 50ew
15:25 Amour Propre 50ew
16:40 Judgethemoment 100ew


Don't know why I'm bothering, all I get is insults, at least I have remembered to post every day.

1.45 Classic Vintage £200 e.w.
2.15 Forgotten Voice £300 e.w. (touch of desperation here, I feel!)

Thank you, Warbs:ninja:
Cantoris....................................................The Incredible Arkwright

Eh Paul, we normally try to find the same winners.......Nina in Navan without the fav!!
Don't know why I'm bothering, all I get is insults, at least I have remembered to post every day.

1.45 Classic Vintage £200 e.w.
2.15 Forgotten Voice £300 e.w. (touch of desperation here, I feel!)

Thank you, Warbs:ninja:

I just hope the zimmers don't lose by a point Colin, otherwise you could be summoned by Trudi to explain your lack of tactical savvy
£500 ew Hawk Mountain 4.40

Arkwright clearly fancies a date with destiny and a chance to bring the ship home on the glory leg!!! All his money goes on the last race!!!! So with the scores tied and one race remaining;

"Arkwright settles down.
He has a putt to win the Ryder Cup.
It's a 12 footer.
The crowd hush.
He moves up to the ball.
Strikes it.
It's on its way..........."
£100 Ew Braveheart Move (1.45)
£50 Ew Too Much Trouble (1.45)
£200 Ew Huntdown (2.50)
£100 Ew Radiohead (3.25)
£100 Win Dherghaam (4.05)
Looks like the whippers are having trouble with their alarm calls again. 5 minutes left and still three of them on 'no shows'
Well I think you might have compassion grounds to appeal against Jairducochetfan because its such a crap user name, but roaringfortefan is nearly as bad and could be confused with a hotel chain anyway. I think you'll need to find something a bit better than that.

I tried mucking about with the settings I have and ended up banning you, so perhaps it's best left to those who understand these things. I can change your avatar and signature, and I can change your name in your profile, I can't see that I can save your new name though, so it probably wouldn't go through.

I do have sympathy with yourself though for being saddled with such a shite user name. I mean it just isn't catchy, can't be abbreviated, and lacks charisma. So I think there might be grounds for granting you a dispensation, but you'd need to plead with Gareth

I think I was joking Alun :lol:

But if anyone does have the function to change it I'll have LiamK thanks
14.15 Forgotten Voice 250 win
14.50 Confront 250 win
15.25 Amour Propre 125 e/w
Kingsgate Native 250 win
And Gareth wins the award for the latest timed entry, cunningly disguised as 'I must re-set the forum clock'.

So we have a full book of riders now..... (well minus Bar The Bull) as the thoroughly disorganised whippers were unable to rustle up a reserve between them
As we enter the final nerve jangling day of the inaugrual battle of the generations, I thought I'd try and keep a running scoreboard going, although as the weeks worn on and the tactics have evolved this could prove easier said than done due to the sheer weight of numbers that people are now selecting.

Anyway a 'leading Whipper will appear in red, and a Zimmers in green. The 'headline score' will be the match score and the bracketed score underneath will appear as the projected match score based on the current situation of match. A/S = All Square

Whippersnappers 21..................The 'fighting' Zimmerframers 23

Hamm .....................Zimmers.................... Toobe
Irish Stamp ..............Whippers................... Dastardly Trudi
Cantoris ..................whippers...................... Arkwright
Triptych .................Zimmers..................... Diamond Geezer
Simon ....................Halved....................... EC1
Steve T ...................Whippers.................... JinnyJ
Gareth Flynn ............Zimmers..................... Euronymous
Imagine ..................Whippers..................... Melendez
Flame .......................Zimmers................... State Budget
Jair du crap name fan .Zimmers.................... Pricewise 2008
Bar The Bull ..............halved........................ Colin Phillips

(21)....................................... (23)

Latest forecast is for a Zimmers win 22.5 is the finishing line I think
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Right just what I didn't need. How do you settle a dead heat?

Half the price for the win, SP for the place?