The Whippersnappers versus The Zimmerframers

8 minutes to spare!!!

Not as bad as Jinny, who's been rolling under the portcullis by 2 minutes for the opening couple of days.

You have to expect late entries if you want those winners! Plus I have horses to ride out first!
Trudi, Captain Pricewise, close their games out with the last still to run. Jair du cochet fan (is there a worse user name on the forum?) responds for the Whippers. But Toobe, Jinny and Euro are sitting pretty for the Zimmers, and EC1 wins a close fought high quality match against Gareth in a ding dong affair, to give the Zimmers their 4th win of the day with a race remaining
With last race to run

Whippersnappers 14..................The 'fighting' Zimmerframers 13

With the last race to run

Whippers up in 2
Zimmers up in 3

Rules committee investigating 1
Jair du cochet fan (is there a worse user name on the forum?)

I think I was 14 when I made it and liked individual horses rather than seeing them as temporary vehicles to lose money as I do now :p If in your esteemed role as moderator you could change it that would be great.
Warbler - Steve's bet wouldn't be place only as such. It would be "£50ew.." and "£50 win". It's acceptable in a bookmakers or at the course providing the win part of the bet is larger than the place part.

Great stuff Toobe - congratulations :)
I suggest you PM Gareth pleading juvenile silliness (a bit like having a tatoo done) and beg to have a name change. Tell him that you're personally feeling responsible for the horses death and you're having recurring nightmares and guilt trips that can only be exorcised by a name change

Anyway, back to the days business, and the adoption of super-hero names seems to have done the trick as the Zimmers start to go through the gears and demonstrate that the tortoise can beat the hare.

Toobe wins the clash of the titans and remains the only player undefeated but from their overnight position of 13-9 the Whippersnappers were brought crashing down to earth and are now paying for their indiscipline and inability to patch up their creaky system with a reserve. The Zimmers put them to the sword today with an 8-3 win and so have edged ahead going into tomorrows finale

Whippersnappers 16 v's Zimmerframers 17

A notable change of tactics from EC1 vanquished Gareth Flynn. Trudi's continual references to her anatomical assests clearly upset the testosterone fuelled youngsters who failed to concentrate and went to pieces at this distraction, so much so that Flame failed to show up. Euronymous finally broke his duck and Jinny returned to form with another comprehensive win. Hamm was left to make a definant stand to no avail. Colin Phillips is scheduled to play Bar The Bull in a wooden spoon decider (unless of course the Whippers can organise a legitimate replacement) but in his current form, you'd have to think he'd lose!!!!
Warbler - Steve's bet wouldn't be place only as such. It would be "£50ew.." and "£50 win". It's acceptable in a bookmakers or at the course providing the win part of the bet is larger than the place part.

Great stuff Toobe - congratulations :)

Got it, two separate bets on the same horse. No problem. I misread it as a place bet. Still it's academic to the result so we don't have a problem. As was Flames belated attempt to PM a late selection after the deadline :p since Sariska lost
The Cavalry apologises for falling off his horse today! The sheer excitement made him go to pieces - he says he will concentrate tomorrow! Of course hes had some serious stick from me so hes sulking into his beer!
Well as the youngsters retire to lick their wounds (or whatever it is they lick) the Zimmerframers have now gone 'green fo go' and the Whippersnappers have become red for danger.

Draw for tomorrows decider

Whippersnappers 16..................The 'fighting' Zimmerframers 17

Hamm*....................0...............1...................The unstoppable Toobe*

2.15 Forgotten Voice 100 win.........................1.45 Braveheart Move £15 e/w
2.50 Huntdown 250 E/W................................2.15 Forgotten Voice £100 e/w
3.25 Amour Propre 400 win.............................Perfect Stride £100 e/w
................................................................2.50 Confront £100 e/w
................................................................Secret Society £50 e/w
................................................................3.25 Kingsgate Native £50 e/w
................................................................Reverence £50 e/w
................................................................4.05 Arry's Orse £5 e/w
................................................................4.40 Judgethemoment £10 e/w
................................................................Swingkeel £10 e/w
.................................................................Aaim to Prosper £10 e/w
.................................................................combined win of £62.50

Irish Stamp...................1.....................0....................Super Trood

13:45 Penang Princess 100ew......................................13:45 Penang Princess 75ew
14:50 Balcarce Nov 100ew..........................................14:50 Balcarce Nov 75ew
14:50 Dream Eater 100ew...........................................14:50 Dream Eater 25ew
15:25 Mythical Flight 50ew.........................................15:25 Mythical Flight 25ew
15:25 Amour Propre 50ew...........................................15:25 Amour Propre 25ew
16:40 Judgethemoment 100ew.....................................16:40 Judgethemoment 75ew
.............................................................................14.15 Dream Lodge £20ew
.............................................................................. (placed @ 16/1 = £80)
.............................................................................14.15 Forgotten Voice 50win
.............................................................................14.15 Lord Admiral £25ew
..............................................................................14.15 Perfect Stride 40ew
..............................................................................14.15 Russian Sage 40ew
..............................................................................14.15 Palavinchi 20ew
............................................................................... (win & place @ 8/1 = £200)
..............................................................................14.15 Spring of Fame 30ew

(And trudi wins the limbo dancers award for the how low can you stoop in the quest for victory competition by deploying some highly dubious tactics having clearly softened her opponent up)

Cantoris..................1.................0.................The Incredible Arkwright

2.15 50 e/w Lord Admiral................................£500 ew Hawk Mountain 4.40
2.50 200 e/w Huntdown
3.25 200 w Kingsgate Native
3.25 100 w Radiohead
4.05 200 w Businessman
(won @ 13/2 = £1300)

Triptych*.................0....................1.............Diamond (blood & guts) Geezer*

1.45 Penang Princess £250 win......................Braveheart Move 1.45 £200 win
2.15 Forgotten Voice £250 win......................Perfect Stride 2.15 £100 win
2.50 Secret Society £250 win.......................Confront 2.50 £200 win
3.25 Mythical Flight £125 e/w....................... Kingsgate Native 3.25 £300 win
...............................................................Aaim To Prosper 4.40 £200 win

Simon*...................Halved........................EC1 (the worlds deadliest postcode)

2:15 - Forgotten Voice - £400 Win...............1.45 £300 win Braveheart Move
2:50 - Balcarce Nov - £150 EW....................3.25 £400 win Kingsgate Native
3:25 - Amour Propre - £300 Win...................4.05 £300 win Hanson D

Steve T*..................1.................0................Jinny the judge J*

1.50 Penang princess......................................2.15 Forgotten Voice - £300 win
1.50 alcade...................................................2.50 Secret Society - £100 e/w
1.50 too much trouble.....................................3.25 Kingsgate Native - £300 win
1.50 alanbrooke.......................................... 3.25 Ialysos - £100 e/w
1.50 cosmic sun

£25 e/w each
£150 win each

alan brooke placed @ 12/1 = £75

Gareth...................0................1..................The Fantastic Euronymous

14.15 Forgotten Voice 250 win.......................14.15 Perfect Stride 200w
14.50 Confront 250 win.................................14.50 Secret Society 200w
15.25 Amour Propre 125 e/w..........................15.25 Borderlescott 300ew
Kingsgate Native 250 win .............................. (Win & place @ 9/1 = £3375)

Imagine*..................1.....................0...........The Mighty Melendez

1.45 Final Victory £100 e/w...........................all in the 1.45
................................................................£250 EW Braveheart Move
2.15 Perfect Stride £100 e/w.........................£150 EW Alcade
2.50 Huntdown £100 e/w..............................£100 EW Penang Prince
3.25 Kingsgate Native £200 win
Borderlescott £100 e/w
(won & place @ 9/1 = £1125)

Flame.....................0...............1...................State Budget (unassigned super-hero name) *

£100 Ew Braveheart Move (1.45).....................1.45 Too Much Trouble £100 e/w
£50 Ew Too Much Trouble (1.45)......................2.50 Dream Eater £200 win
................................................................... (won at 7/1 settled @ £100 = £700)
£200 Ew Huntdown (2.50)...............................3.25 Dandy Man £100 e/w
£100 Ew Radiohead (3.25)...............................3.25 Moorhouse Lad £100 e/w
(placed @ 9/2 = £112.50)
£100 Win Dherghaam (4.05).............................4.40 Hawk Mountain £200 win

Jair du Cochet Fan............0...........1...............Captain Pricewise

2.15 £250 Russian Sage.................................2.15 Russian Sage £150 e/w
2.50 £125 e/w Pointing North..........................2.50 Confront £200 win
3.25 £250 e/w Amour Propre ..........................4.40 Swingkeel £250 e/w

Bar The Bull...............halved........................Coiln (win machine) Phillips
(0/3)..........................................................(0.5/3 - but still to actually place a winning bet of any description)

.................................................................1.45 Classic Vintage £200 e.w.
.................................................................2.15 Forgotten Voice £300 e.w.

* denotes entry recieved by PM

and before anyone picks up on the fact that there's an apparent miscalculation in the Zimmers personal totals against the team total, it's because the old gits have used a squad structure and my own scores aren't included on tomorrows sheet!!! I will conduct a quick check though because I think it should be a draw!!!
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The scores are right.

The odd number comes from Arkwright being awarded a 'walk over' on day 1 when Bar The Bull missed the boat (which doesn't appear as a result as such other than in the scoreline) . However, since Arkers had made the effort, I decided to give him my fixture (which he lost) and that's how we arrived at this situation. I duly took Bar The Bulls fixture the following day, which doesn't appear in the personal scores, although I suppose in the interests of sportingness we ought to try and encourage a new Whipper to take the field, otherwise Colin will have a walk over, (which in his current form will end in a draw)

17 - 16 it is then going into the final day. I'll endeavour to try and update them on an 'up' 'down' and 'all sqaure' basis (aka Ryder Cup)

REMMBER: 13.15 deadline - after that disqualification; teams who appear to be struggling with their discipline, might need to consider reserves
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been called lots of names before but never a postcode :lol:

I was considering assigning names to the whippersnappers? I thought perhaps a series of banal and ordinary household items might do the trick and help undermine their confidence and sense of self-esteem, as it's difficult to get intimidated by such things as 'Irish (second class) Stamp' or 'Jair du microwave fan' or 'Steve the teasmaid T'.

You never see boxers call themselves after household items do you?. 'Sugar Ray reading lamp' doesn't really scan. Nor would 'the Clones tumbledrier' or 'Frank (the peg basket) Bruno'.
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