Things I like ...

Yes, I know, Trackside - he's bit of a freak!!!

Oh and Gearoid - yes, all the time. Usually more packets of biscuits or cakes. :p
OK this is not meant to make all you choccie lovers feel guilty but :whistle:

.....I love going for a run. Don't care how short or long, just love it, so easy to chill out. The nice places you can run in, been lucky to run in Guernsey recently.

Running in the rain is fun in it's sadistic way......why are you in a car, it's only a bit of water!! Yes I am slightly mad.

Setting PB's is good fun, but it so rarely happens. Although within the space the last 16 days recently, I set 3 PBs, 2 over 10K, 1 over half marathon distances. So currently feeling very happy with life!

I'm easily pleased! :p Oh yes, and I love Chocolate!!!!:<3:
There's no way you could ever make me feel guilty about eating chocolate, Sue! Glad to hear you're still enjoying your wild racing around the countryside. Last time I knew what you were up to, you were entered in the 3m Chase at Plumpton - or something like it! But runners get as obsessive over their pleasure as chocoholics do about theirs - I haven't yet set a PB to aim for but, if I do, I think it'll be 2 x boxes violet creams, 2 x boxes rose creams, all the orange creams out of Quality Street and Black Magic, 2 x Fry's Turkish Delight, 1 x box Mr Booja-Booja's Champagne Truffles, followed by 3 x Walnut Whips and 6 Cadbury's cream eggs.

Phew! That's quite a target - better get in training right now and go find those violet creams!
Kri - the 3m chase at Plumpton was too tame for me, I went for a 10m mud run! Doesn't help going through mud pits when you're only 5'2"!!

I like the sound of your PB - I may have to find something to challenge it with.
****Off to find the boxes of choccies****
Mmmm... a Gregg's opened up round the corner here a while ago. I didn't know they did brekkie bacon butties... oh, God... all I can say is, thank goodness for 'full waist elastication'!
I knew you were a bad influence Redhead! Love SP fizzy water which isn't cheap - didn't know they did lemonade too.....

:D They do orange too. I found it in a Caffe Nero so if there is one near you ...

I only tried the limonata but it was delicious and really lemony, rather than mostly fizz and sweetener as so many drinks are these days. They also use a hint of sugar, rather than those bloody awful sweeteners which leave you just as thirsty due to the aftertaste.

Think we will have to start petitioning our supermarkets to supply SP!
Fentiman's Seville Orange Jigger will cut through any hangover.
Fentiman's Ginger Beer goes very well with Mount Gay Rum and a slice of fresh lime.
Should I have posted those the other way around?
As I have returned from holiday to a week's-worth of work not done and am also moving office, one of the porters has very kindly bought me one of his favourite stress-busters - a giant chocolate muffin laden with cream. Wonderful man.
Thinking of 'limon' - try Luxardo citron (lemon) after you've chilled it in the freezer (where it should be kept, like vodka) mixed with a glass of cold Sprite or any lemonade. Fanflippintastetastic!
The first cuckoo of spring.

Rather late this year and arrived at about 9.00 last night. Lovely clear evening and its cry echoed across the fields and the road in which I live. Beautiful.
Funny how scents affect different people, isn't it, Imagine?

Loads of advertising about the relaxing scent of lavender, but it actually makes me feel quite sick.

I love citrus fruits, their tastes and their scents, and will happily pass over a chocolate pudding for a lemon one, but my brother feels quite sick and headachey at the scent of oranges.
Bottle Green's ginger and lemongrass cordial.
Things you like, Triptych, or things that make you sick? :p

Sounds terrific, by the way. Will have to pick some up.

I love ginger wine, too. Wonderful on a cold rainy day, and very good for an upset stomach, too.