Things I like ...

Smells I really prefer not to experience (apart from the obvious!): roasting pork, especially hog roasts. Blecch! But I love the smell of frying bacon, so it must be in the way the meat is processed.
Things you like, Triptych, or things that make you sick? :p

The list of sick making things is now substantially shorter than it was 5 or 6 months ago.:D Although I still cannot face a cup of coffee, something I never ever thought would happen.
Just found - as the diet regime kicks in - two places selling cinder toffee, my favourite of favourite toffees! Oh, nooooo!! Help me! Too late - bought another bag today, plus a chocolate-coated variety... I'm beyond the pale. In case someone doesn't know what it is, it's a slightly harder version of the honeycomb found in Crunchie Bars, which are one of my Top 10 naughties.
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Having all my work done a whole hour before going home!

PS - forum clock appears to be a couple of hours out as it is currently 15.01 in my office.
It's about 17 mins out due to a problem with the server. The other hour is because you're still on GMT - you can switch to BST from your control panel.
I've been really enjoying some beautiful (bought, not home-grown) toms recently - the smell as you rinse them, then gently dry them, is fabulous. I often think of how the Elizabethans were so won over by them they called them 'love apples' - when you get a really sweet, juicy one, they're as good as any apple, and the bright red must've reminded them of (romantic) hearts. I like to just eat one by itself, like fruit, from time to time.
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Yes, when you get a nice one, they really are enjoyable.

I tend to buy any from the shops at least a week before I eat them, then let them sit in the sun for the sugars to come out properly.

The best bought ones I ever had were Polish ones last summer. Local Tesco soon sold out but never re-bought.

Funny thing is that we associate tomatoes with Italian cooking, but apparently they were regarded as weeds until only a couple of hundred years ago.

I had an Elizabethan salad at the local "stately" home last year. Using flowers from the meadow and hedgerows. My hostess nearly had a fit in the kitchen though, when her small son tried to add the flowers from the woody nightshade!
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That'd be interesting... would the flowers have a similar effect to the belladonna from the pips, I wonder? Strange that the 'umble spud is a close rellie of the naughty one, isn't it? I wonder how plant experts work that one out?
Getting up this morning was a bit more difficult than usual.

I have just treated myself to some silk bedding. Mmmmmm.....
Ive just thrown one of my sets away - boiling hot, too slidey, if I hadnt cut my toenails right Id snag on them and I lost count of the amount of times Percy would come belting up the stairs, into my room, take off from the doorway to jump onto the bed and slide straight off the other side,landing in a duvet covered heap the other side....

and hed chewed them up in one corner - revenge is silky...

other than that, loved them !!!
Lol! Now I cannot get the vision of Percy sliding across your bed crashing to the floor with utter surprise spread all over his lovely little face. :lol: :<3:

Red, how can you have silk bedding with a cat? My 3 would rip it to threads (or is it shreds) in one day!

My leather sofa is very shabby chic, planty of claw marks on it. They are good, do not sharpen, but as they play and slip and slide claws go right in.

It isn't satin - now that would be decadent!!

A pal of mine did just what Krizon warned against once, when on her anniversary she booked a very swish hotel room with satin sheets et al. She went on a shopping spree and bought herself a gorgeous satin chemise. After a romantic evening she sashayed into the bedroom to find hubby making himself at home, crawled up the bed in her slippery slidy chemise, slithered straight over the side of the bed and couldn't get back up for laughing because every time she tried to regain her feet, she got a foot caught in the chemise and slid straight back onto her backside again.

Having got used to an adventurous action-cat like Dougal, I got smart and started covering the bed with a cotton sheet that could be washed regularly to avoid (very) large muddy pawprints. Currently he brings half the garden in with him, so the sheet just gets taken off at night and shaken out of the bathroom window.

He doesn't want to share the bed in this heat, so hasn't discovered the pleasures of silk (yet), but my skin is loving it.
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:) - the look on his face is completely priceless, and hes never learnt - he still does it when I have the other set on !

lovely for my hair too - the silk pillows sort out the frizz !!
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Two wonderful mental images there - of the on/off, on/off again anniversary celebrations, and Percy sheet-skiing! Both worthy of comedy films - I could well imagine someone like Goldie Hawn as the anniversary slider!
lovely for my hair too - the silk pillows sort out the frizz !!

It does, doesn't it? My hair looks really shiny in the morning.

I'm told a silk pillowcase is also very good to prevent wrinkles, because one's skin doesn't catch on the fabric and "rumple". (That is causing a very strange mental image, but I am sure you know what I mean.)