At the end of the day...
(I thought it was 'home for old money', Euro? Must find the Otex.)
Lovely weather for ducks. (Yes, I really, really have heard it, and more than once.)
I'm not a bigot/racist/snob, but... (fill in bias here)
I don't know anything about art/music/theatre/writers, but I know what I like
Stop it, or I'll tell your Dad when we get home (from whining, pathetic mothers)
........................................... (That's the surly silence from inattentive shop/bar/cafe staff)
Hi, guys, what're you having? (Over-friendly restaurant staff. Do you need to use my specs? I am not a GUY, sonny)
Pretty much every lazy cliche going by race commentators - I am sick to death of horses jumping from fence to fence, in the box seat, and other meaningless blitherings
All these foreign people are taking our jobs (so, you're applying for the post of neuro-surgeon or toilet cleaner, are you? No, figured not.)
What gets on my wick (is people who say what gets on my wick)