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Things That Annoy You

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Travelodge's endless automated booking system which gets your name wrong again and again and again..

Should stay at a PTI instead Jon, (Quick plug for them!!!!)
Uhhh... not heard of them, o/b, but unless you plan to spend three hours wrestling with Travelodge's idiotic, endless, incorrect central booking system... YES!
I'm not even going to start on the things that annoy me - once those floodgates open....
Most of the things that annoy me the most are things to do with driving. People who don't indicate, people who leave their indicators on, tailgaters, lane hoggers, people who drive too slowly......... I could go on :laughing:

I can't stand noisiness either. Those who make grunting, groaning or snorting noises, clearing their throats, teeth grinding, heavy breathing, humming, just basically any noise other than speaking or laughing. There's just no need for it. Mr GG is lucky to be alive as I have an almost overwhelming primevil urge to end the suffering of those around me who make groaning noises or 'death sounds' as I call them. He's nursing three cracked ribs at the moment and the milk of human kindness is running out, he'd better stop ooh-ing and arrrggghhhh-ing soon or I'll smother him with his pillows :angy:
Jeans companies. They create a multitude of fits and shades with varying degrees of wear. That in itself is great but, once you find a number that fits you to a T is it a case of asking for the same next time you want a pair? Not a fecking chance. The fit varies "according to the fashion at the time".

Originally posted by Griffin@May 3 2007, 03:42 PM
Most of the things that annoy me the most are things to do with driving. People who don't indicate, people who leave their indicators on, tailgaters, lane hoggers, people who drive too slowly......... I could go on :laughing:

I can't stand noisiness either. Those who make grunting, groaning or snorting noises, clearing their throats, teeth grinding, heavy breathing, humming, just basically any noise other than speaking or laughing. There's just no need for it. Mr GG is lucky to be alive as I have an almost overwhelming primevil urge to end the suffering of those around me who make groaning noises or 'death sounds' as I call them. He's nursing three cracked ribs at the moment and the milk of human kindness is running out, he'd better stop ooh-ing and arrrggghhhh-ing soon or I'll smother him with his pillows :angy:
I hear poisoning followed by strangulation is quite effective.
Originally posted by Irish Stamp@May 3 2007, 03:09 PM
Do the E. Dead Group wear jeans Tom or are they strictly suit people?
Generally speaking, butcher's aprons.
Oh, don't, Colin. That's about all that jeans companies haven't foisted onto gullible wearers - I see the elephant's bum look is popular with young men at present. God knows what attraction they think there is in looking as if you've got the arse of a 95 y.o. or done a massive dump in your geriatric nappies. Frayed hems, slashed legs, there was a burnt phase with Punk at one point - yes, the bloodied look will probably be next. Remember, folks, you heard it on TH first!
I wouldn't even know where to start on this particular subject (the list gets greater by the day!).
It has been a truly annoying week - I was on Teofilo at 6/1 and at 20/1 for the Guineas/Derby double. Then, by the time they got to me on the list for Barbra Streisand tickets thay'd sold out (and I draw the line at £3,500 a pair which was one offer I received).
If it's too painful, Brian, you should simply choose to forget.

Originally posted by krizon@May 3 2007, 12:47 AM
[snip of long list of pet hates and phobias]......
hmm... well, that covers the immediate annoyances! :laughing:
And almost the entire forum, I'd hazard a guess :rolleyes:
Jehovah's Witnesses & Tupperware books (and the people who want them back after i've thrown it away. The look they give you is punch worthy.)
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