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Things That Annoy You

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...and I've had a former colleague tell me how much he likes me & how much he wants to catch up with me all night now too!!!!
Damn - thats the goose stuffed with turkey, stuffed with duck,stuffed with chicken,stuffed with phesent,stuffed with quail,stuffed with pigeon stuffed with capon oiut the window then....

All that fowl death and no Magpies. Waste.
Back to the topic: feckin Irish race callers and their total inability to see changes in the race order, particularly fallers, who they are, what's happened, are the lads all right? Pathetic display at Kilbeggan this evening. They've just about got camera coverage up to 1970s standard, but what's needed now is to shoot the callers and bring in some new ones who aren't half bloody blind. Perhaps AC could oblige, after he's culled the birds he doesn't like?
Thank the Lord it is back on topic too.

Bowling the opposition out for 54 and managing to lose. Still not sure how we did that!
6 overs 4 for 3 and then 4 not out, stranded at the non-strikers end! I volunteered to bat at 11 as I didn't think I would be needed and wanted to give others a game. By the time we realized I should be higher, we were 15 for 7! Shocking pitch.
I did ok. 2 catches dropped off me too. C'est la vie. The covers were damaged so there were some damp patches on the pitch. It was a minefield.

Thank the Lord it is back on topic too.

ahem - pot/kettle and all that..... :P

people who ask you how to do something - you tell them and tey then go to another person and ask them how to do it - then get another answer and come back to you with "well ***** said to do it like that...."

:rant: :rant: :rant: :laughing:
Paying lots more money for stuff that's 'organic' - why? You haven't got the cost of pesticides, growth enhancers, artificial fertilisers, etc., so why isn't it, in fact, CHEAPER than crops grown with those extra costs incurred? I'm sure someone will tell me, but I just don't geddit. For example, thousands of Africans farm with nothing added, just relying on seeds, sun, and the rainy season. If they had to buy in artificial stuff to encourage their crops, they'd be selling the produce for MORE, not less. So how does this work? :suspect:
Less intensive farming (to discourage the spread of disease), using hardier varieties with some measure of resistance against pests, inclement weather, etc., but have a lower yield. Organic farming tends to be more labour intensive, too. Land and labour cost more than pesticides ...
I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up on that spectacular piece of hypocrisy, Trudi - you beat me to commenting on it!
Ah bless. I'd love to know where I have been "spectacularly" off topic. Maybe every thread should just end up with you telling us how many blokes fancy you. Or we could start one especially for that, save bandwidth.
Oooo!!! Whassup, Pee - pissed off that your assertion that I'm fat and unfanciable might not be true??? :laughing: Still need those pills, my dear??

Oh, get back to your village cricket full of overweight anal teachers and teenagers, far more exciting I know....
1) I have never asserted any such thing on here

2) It isn't village cricket

3) Not a teenager in our team yesterday

4) I was the only teacher so no need for the plural.

5) Pills? Nope. Funny that...

Whassup is that we don't all want to hear about it. Maybe I am wrong. I dunno. If I am wrong, I apologise to the forum as a whole for depriving TH of hearing about your love life. And I still don't see the answer the the question I asked. Once again, where was I "spectacularly" off topic?
Can I stick my oar in here ( and gets ready to duck....)

I dont see that you were any more off topic than we ended up - we all just ended up going off on a tangent (not unlike every cricket meeting Ive ever attended - and theres another thing to add to the list - Cricket club comittee meetings that end up taking 4 hours instead of the 1 they should take if what is on the agenda actually got discussed without diving off into different topics every five minutes!!)

Only ever sat on a cricket comittee though - could be they all do it??
1) you still asserted it

2) no pills???? hahahahaha!!!!!!!! I seem to remember you bitching that you have to give your name and address before they'll let you pick up those type of pills on prescription, the ones that are generally only needed by dried up old men.

3) you might not want to hear about it? Who cares? Some peoploe don't want to hear about your *****-poxy cricket. That's where the off-topic came from - after bitching about off topic contributions, talking about some bottom level cricket match wasn't off topic??
I was talking about something that annoyed me. Seemed fairly appropriate for a thread such as this.

Trudi, our committee meetings tend to be the same too. Thankfully we start them at about 9pm so by midnight we have had enough!
No problems Aunty - there wouldn't have been a problem if some of the anal ones amongst us hadn't started bitching in the first place....
I agree, Jon - 'tis getting more than a little tiresome to say the least.
This thread . :angy:

And it is being closed- and anyone who opens a new thread wondering why - that will be going to Mods Only without a link .
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