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Things That Annoy You

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What annoys me?

I suffer queue rage, and have to say it's people in front of me who allow their purchases to be rung through a till (or scanned) for the divvy shop assistant to then present them with a demand for payment. This seems to come as a shock to them. As it sends them into a blind unexpected panic as they desperately search for their purse.

Shock horror, you've bought something, expect to pay for it!!!

Eventually when she finally finds her purse, she proceeds to fumble about further. I can see how much you've got to pay, allow me to hand it over, and save everyone the agony. But no. I'll try and count it out, and fail, beofre sensing the growing queue rage, she resorts to the credit card.

Incidentally - having had my say;

If there's anybody out there who suffers retail queue rage?

I'd like to nominate Boots as the worst?
What I don't like in queues are people who continue to shop while the assistant is ringing up their purchases. They keep ducking out of the queue to grab all the things they actually came in to buy, before they got sidetracked by all the junk they didn't need. So, you think you're standing behind someone with just 10 items, while they run round collecting another 10...

Another annoyance, but one that really DOES annoy me: ATMs in shops that don't work. Our local 'convenience' store (now singularly inconvenient as he's run it down to become a mostly wine and chocolate shop) installed one and it repeatedly gave me £80 instead of £100, then refused to give anyone any money at all. The shop owner blamed the company he'd leased it from, but the company wouldn't replace it, so it stood with a stupid 'out of order' sign on it for months, taunting the unexpectedly cash shy, before being taken off to the knacker's.
I nominate supermarket shoppers are the worst,

Must put each item in a seperate bag, cannot bag food and bleach together (hello, they are packaged so does it really matter!!!!), have to get purse out of handbag, then change purse out of purse, then discover tht they don't have enough money (good call warbs) then get YET ANOTHER PURSE out, this one containing credit cards.


Feel much better for getting that off my chest, Thanks Warbler
(I would like to defend shop workers though, we are not all divvy)
Originally posted by ovverbruv@May 6 2007, 07:41 AM
Must put each item in a seperate bag, cannot bag food and bleach together
Of course you can't! :D Cleaning/toiletries together, fruit and veg in an other bag, frozen stuff in another. I hate it when there are charity bag packers at the supermarket checkout who proceed to stick all your shopping, whatever it is, into one bag.

I'd also like to add drivers who slow down to 40 when passing a speed camera -even though the limit is 60 and then speed up to 80 once they're past. Can't you drive at a constant pace, Mr stupid Toyota driver? (I've just done an early morning transporting parents to the airport run and am rather cranky!)
Mike - packing bags in the supermarket is an art form! Cold stuff together, yes, bleach & food seperate - but we're not all slow over doing it! I'm with Triptych, I hate it when people just bung everything in a bag. There's a method to it!!!

...and today little brothers are mostly annoying me. Go to a party, have a laugh, surrounded by three very good looking young men, chances here.....

.......till the brother shows up. One minute you've a choice of which one you're going to pull, next minute little brother piles in with "do you MIND?? This is my SISTER!!"

:rant: :rant:
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@May 6 2007, 08:12 AM
I hate it when people just bung everything in a bag. There's a method to it!!!

I do that, to my wife's dismay. Then when we get home i get a bollocking because the bread is squashed. :P
So you should get a bollocking!!! :laughing:

Oh yeah - and it's worth adding that the lads knew exactly who I was anyway as I've known them all for twenty years....they've only become, erm, interesting, in recent years though!! :D
Originally posted by Triptych+May 6 2007, 08:55 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Triptych @ May 6 2007, 08:55 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-ovverbruv@May 6 2007, 07:41 AM
Must put each item in a seperate bag, cannot bag food and bleach together
Of course you can't! :D Cleaning/toiletries together, fruit and veg in an other bag, frozen stuff in another. I hate it when there are charity bag packers at the supermarket checkout who proceed to stick all your shopping, whatever it is, into one bag.
It's not just charity bag packers that can't do it properly, it's the shops own staff that have failed to grasp the basic concepts of food hygiene. I refuse to let them 'help' me because most will happily put ice cream and raw meat in the same carrier bag. It's sooooooo wrong!
Bollocks to it. I just check everything in the same bag. It saves time.
Yesterday I heard of something called 'self check-out'. Can't believe everyone doesn't use it ! No waiting for ridiculously slow cashiers & no fretting about closed checkouts despite 30 minute queues. Wish they'd move into the 21st century over here.

Anyway, everyone on here is computer literate to a level high enough to do their shopping online. If you can't get it in your area, fine, but if you can and you're on here moaning about supermarket queues I have no time for your whinging !
I wasn't aware of the self check out facility until the other week when I was in a Tesco's in Newmarket,rather impressive I thought.
Self checkouts are fine until it goes wrong

"please put the item in the bagging area"

"It's in fecking bagging area"

"please put the item in the bagging area"

"Are you fecking blind. It's there"

"please put the item in the bagging area"

Alright you win I'll start again.

"Please scan your first item"......."I'm sorry the item has not been recognised"

"Why not? it's got a fecking bar code and the thing went blip"

"Please scan your next item"

"Hang on you've charged me twice now"

and then you come to the killer. The bottle of wine!!!

"I'm sorry authorisation is needed for this item"

finally someone comes forward to press a button and authorise it.

"please insert payment, have you swiped or scanned your club card"

Now it doesn't matter what you tender, your change will invariably be made of 1 and 2 pences.

And this business about packing different items in different bags is really straight forward. All you need to do is line them on the belt in pretty much the same order you want to pack them in. It's not as if you haven't got time to do it whilst Mrs Brady Old Lady is desperately trying to find her purse in apparent shock at the prospect of being expected to pay.


I'd have had money on Dom being an only child, another complete misjudgement it would appear then
I went to the gym today. It takes a lot of self-motivation to do it, but today I did. I got down there at 2pm.......... and the bloody place was shut !!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant: When do they expect people to go if not on a weekend ?

Anyway, so I went to Safeways (another motivation issue for me)....... and for checking out, what a great time to go ! But they had only half the things I wanted :rant: :rant: :rant:
Originally posted by PDJ@May 6 2007, 11:37 AM
Bollocks to it. I just check everything in the same bag. It saves time.
Wrong - it doesn't save time at all! If you're a neat and quick packer (comme moi), then you put all your items into the various bags according to how you store it when you unpack - ie all pantry-bound items like flour, dried fruit, nuts, other baking ingreients in one bag, then another bag for fridge items and another for freezer items etc. It's then a piece of ***** to quickly unpack at the other end.

And before any of you guys moan that I'm the shopper that keeps you waiting at the checkout, I unload my trolley on to the checkout in the same order as I will pack the items, so no time wasted whatsoever!

I don't have any more time to waste than you lot - less, probably!
Jeez - I never knew how traumatised you lot were until now! I chuck soft things into one bag (when I know I need more than one), hard things into another. I never bothered about wrapping bleach or washing powder in its own bag, but I know supermarkets have insisted that their staff do this, presumably because customers have complained of bleached sprouts when they've got home! If I'm using one bag, it's hard stuff on the bottom, soft on top. How hard is that?

Warbler, I'm surprised you haven't gone through various supermarkets checking the different sectionals for each one and rating them accordingly. Surely essential for someone as, er, painstaking as you to rate Sainsbury's versus Tesco, or Lidl over Aldi? And what about trolleying conditions? Best on the outer aisle up Morrison's Frozen section, or is there a distinct advantage hugging the inner line through Babies and thus coming off the turn three trolleys ahead into Men's Toiletries? I can't believe you'd just shop without research first!
It does save time in the supermarket. Unpacking at the other end takes longer but at least you aren't in the way of everyone else then.
I really don`t get how supermarkets are annoying, if one doesn`t like `em get your shopping delivered.
Originally posted by krizon@May 6 2007, 06:00 PM
Warbler, I'm surprised you haven't gone through various supermarkets checking the different sectionals for each one and rating them accordingly. Surely essential for someone as, er, painstaking as you to rate Sainsbury's versus Tesco, or Lidl over Aldi? And what about trolleying conditions?
Now there's an idea. norty High Street speed ratings

The thing is you'd need a set of class pars in order to establish what the variance should be, before you can calculate a rating. Marks and Spencer and Boots would clearly be sellers, where as Tesco would be Group 1. Tesco Metro would get a 2yo allowance though which would make them equivilant of a top maiden. Sainsburys would be Group 3. Carphone Warehouse a 0-60 handicapper. Tricky one. Of course you'd have introduce a fillies allowance too :P and a Novices allowance for, dare I say it? No I daren't :laughing:

The other problem I'd have is that my local track (Bicester) is composed exclusively of Tesco's, or so the media keep telling us whenever they run a piece on the increasing domination of the chain. Indeed, it's about the only thing we ever get a mention on the news for. I should say though, this piece of alleged domination does over-look a particularly grotty Somerfield which seems to have interloped into realm of dear old Tessa Cohen, and most definately sits in the High Street, along with a recently arrived Marks and Spencer Food Hall
Tesco let themselves down badly this morning. For a change this year i`m not getting the Racing Post delivered. It took me five shops to get a copy this morning, Tescos were one of those who didn`t have one. In fact in Asda they still had Saturday`s on sale. I picked it up, went to the Customer Help Desk, through it on the table and said "that`s yesterdays" in my most annoyed voice.
:rant: :rant: :rant: Going to the office kitchen to make a cup of tea, finding the previous user of the kettle hasn't refilled it, finding there is only full cream milk, and worst of all (and this annoys me so much I'm putting it in it's own line)............

...............FINDING LUMPS OF COFFEE IN THE SUGAR :angy: :angy: :angy:
Originally posted by krizon@May 6 2007, 06:00 PM
If I'm using one bag, it's hard stuff on the bottom, soft on top.
As a carrier of shopping on the bus/shank's pony, this also allows for an even distribution of weight amongst bags. Weight does matter.

I am remarkably hate-free at present. However, I always like to find time to hate small people, no matter how content I am. Especially the little feckers that play outside my house. I'd like to snipe them all. Although I suppose I'd be more concerned if they actually caused a real nuisance of themselves instead of just disturbing the peace.
That is the only criteria I use when packing shopping too, simmo as a non-driver like you.
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