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Things That Annoy You

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It's still not as annoying as people who say "pacific" when meaning "specific" - arrgghhh!!!! :rant:
.....and then you get into the whole Essex/London world of saying "ditent" when meaning "didn't" and "aksed" when meaning "asked" and so on and so forth.....:rant: :rant:
Right I've got a new one.

Highlighting text on a screen for copy and pasting or deletion etc when the text extends to more than the screen can handle. Why does it go from being managable, to warp speed and take in the entire document in a split second? And computers that think they know what you want to do, and decide to do it for you :angy: Especially where numbering, and indents are involved
MS Office in particular is a ###### for that. The workaround is to use keys rather than the mouse.
Cricket Umpire Daryl Harper. Apart from being an average umpire, he has taken to saying Inshallah (Arabic for God willing) when hoping for no more rain. Last time I looked he hadn't converted to Islam.
The BBC. I just know they`re gonna make a mess of the Cup Final. Schmeichel and Desailley in the studio - **** me, you just know there is no chance of anything incisive or intelligent coming from that area of the studio.
And presumably the comedy-duo of Motson and Lawrenson commentating. SkySports for me.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@May 18 2007, 11:22 PM
.....and then you get into the whole Essex/London world of saying "ditent" when meaning "didn't" and "aksed" when meaning "asked" and so on and so forth.....:rant: :rant:

The pronounciation of "something" as "somefink" would be high on my list.
And to continue the list of rants from the ghastly world of mispronunciations:

Drawring (drawing), athaletes, haitch (what IS IT with this nowadays - are schools teaching this??), and the recently-changed accent in words like controversy, especially by the Beeb's political arm.

Trendy adspeak and officeburble getting in the way of clear speech: 'winding out' - has that been tapped on the head now in favour of something else? 'Customer-facing' - ?? It used to be 'customer interface' and before that 'customer services' - what is going on? It's so bloody pretentious! And while on this note, and much parodied by Private Eye: 'solutions'. Every blasted thing is a 'solution' to something that was never a question, just a service. Splat & Slide for all your floor-cleaning solutions, Slip & Crash for all your ladder solutions... I'm waiting for the day that someone makes an almighty balls and comes up with the 'Final Solution' for the ridiculous hook to be culled forever.

Merlin, yes, 'logistics' - where does everyone think they are? Supplying the Army's canteens? And not only logistics, but lorries which are your 'logistics solutions'........... :rant:
Management-speak is excellent. Imagine how dull it would be sitting through positioning statements and keynote speeches if you weren't running a book on how many issues we need to "get traction" on.
Overuse of the word 'station'. My local Asda has 'Cleaning Stations' where I presume they keep their mops etc for cleaning up shopfloor spillages, along the side of the motorway are 'Gritting Stations' where grit is kept - obviously.
Oh, yes, those are so bumped-up, aren't they? In hospitals - 'Nurses' Station' (usually without the apostrophe), then there are Information Stations (why? Doesn't the word 'Information' imply enough, and do we think it might be mobile?). In a world where things are supposed to be becoming more streamlined, and methods of communication never more instant and varied, why are we cluttering up our lives with redundancies? Please send answers to the 'Solutions Station'...
Originally posted by krizon@May 19 2007, 01:14 PM
Trendy adspeak and officeburble
Erm, I believe the correct term for that is "w*nkspeak", Aunty! There's a lot of it about....

....which reminds me, I must get on to submitting my expenses.....:D
###### army tosspot men who expect you to wait for them for 6 months while they are fighting then text you and calmly announce that its all over and theyve just started seeing someone they went to college with,so your romantic weekend (that you were looking forward to as the one bright spot in an otherwise shite month) is off....

cry wa***er
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@May 19 2007, 09:55 PM
Awwww.....hugs Troods xxx Men are w*nkers, the lot of them!
Oi ! On the behalf of all menkind, in wish to present to the court.................. Relkeel.
Look darling - I love you to pieces but just right now I'm not really interested in bird on bird.......:laughing:
Damn - thats the goose stuffed with turkey, stuffed with duck,stuffed with chicken,stuffed with phesent,stuffed with quail,stuffed with pigeon stuffed with capon oiut the window then....
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