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Things That Annoy You

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Originally posted by Colin Phillips@May 12 2007, 01:09 PM
People who state their opinions as if they were facts.

Example : so many of the posts on here.
Is that your opinion or a fact?
Racecourses that have dress codes.
Getting stuck behind some nob driving at 30mph in a 60mph zone at a quarter to midnight, with not another car in sight. Hmmm, being drinking have you sir???
My apologies to anyone who owns a bike but.......cyclists. :angy:

If they keep to the cycle path or in the side fine but when they're teetering along the side of a dual carriageway with no hard shoulder and roadworks they're a bloody nightmare!
Can't blame cyclists for that !! What is worse are mopeds on the same roads doing 28mph in the middle of the carraigeway.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@May 13 2007, 12:57 AM
Getting stuck behind some nob driving at 30mph in a 60mph zone at a quarter to midnight, with not another car in sight. Hmmm, being drinking have you sir???
People do it all the time on National speed limit single carriageways, I have to drive down one twice a day and I've seen probably 2 cars actually go over 50 down it, probably the same people who get annoyed if you did 25 in a 30 zone.
Originally posted by AliGupter+May 16 2007, 07:08 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AliGupter @ May 16 2007, 07:08 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Shadow Leader@May 13 2007, 12:57 AM
Getting stuck behind some nob driving at 30mph in a 60mph zone at a quarter to midnight, with not another car in sight. Hmmm, being drinking have you sir???
People do it all the time on National speed limit single carriageways, I have to drive down one twice a day and I've seen probably 2 cars actually go over 50 down it, probably the same people who get annoyed if you did 25 in a 30 zone. [/b][/quote]
Yeah, i have one of the single carriage way roads on my way home from work (it actually goes over the M6 just after J28 if you`re going North) and normally slow coaches don`t bother me because i just overtake the feckers if they`re going below 40. Yesterday however i did this to a Merc in the wet and he flashed me. Now, i`ve had a good month and wasn`t arsed but if i`d been in a bad mood some sort of confrontation would have occured.
Where I'd really like the chance to get out of my car and confront a driver, is when a blasted 'Baby on Board' goes chancing its arm past me in a 40 mph zone, doing 50-plus. I want to get out at the next stop light and tell them they've got the wrong sign up. It should read 'Fool at the Wheel'. Maybe the prospect of mashing someone else's kid doesn't matter to them?
Yes I like that one Kriz.

"Baby on Board"

I mean what sort of bollox is that? The clear insinuation is that if there wasn't a baby on board you'd somehow be inextricably drawn into smashing them up the rear end. Presumebly for a laugh.

Sympathy for Triptych though too. Cyclists are a pain, as anyone who routinely has the misfortune to drive round Oxford will testify, (I believe Cambrdige is just as bad). The real difficulty is in winter, as their white light (those that display one) is almost invaribaly lost in the plethora of lights from other vehicles, shops, and even the odd camera flash. There's a few who killed every year it seems (most recent a couple of weeks ago) I just don't think they've got the slightest comprehension of how invisible they are, which when allied to a lack of road sense is a quite deadly combination.
Cycling whilst I was younger gave me an appreciation of all road users when I came to ride a moped and then a car - and moped riders should realise their relative speed on roads that have higher limits than their contraptions.

However there is no excuse for ignorance and aggression of other road users, whether they are on push bikes or wind you up with baby on board signs.
Warbs - :laughing: I saw one driver on tv claim that the 'Child on Board' sign would alert the emergency services to search for a child in the event he cracked up the car. Uh, you weren't going to just strap it in, then, sir? And what about the times they haven't got the small person on board, but still have the silly sign in the window? Four hours later, the search for 'Child on Board' is called off, as it wasn't on board in the first place. :rolleyes:

And from the overall standard of driving around here, the rear window signs should be either 'Quiet Please - Driver Asleep' or 'Yes, I AM a total pillock'. :D

Cricketfan, yes, it's strange how your perception of road users changes, depending on your status! As a driver, I try to be constantly aware of Brighton's deathwish pedestrians, their fearless, unhatted cyclists who never signal what they're going to do, and lane-changing drivers who didn't buy the indicator option with their cars. As a pedestrian, I've nearly been k.o.'d by a wildly speeding cyclist hurtling downhill; I wait patiently for drivers who then turn without signalling, so that I could've crossed easily long before; I don't cycle any more, but when I did, I always signalled, waited at lights, behaved nicely and usually rewarded by being cut off at corners, splashed by puddles that drivers apparently can't see, etc., etc. We all detest each other, depending on what we are on the day! :D
I cannot stand 'Baby On Board' signs either. We've never had one on our cars. I've never really seen the point in them or any other comedy signage. If the reason they exist is to alert the emergency services to the fact I've got babies or small children onboard, I should hope that the kids carseats, 3 billion crisps packets & sweet wrappers, crayons, books and teddies would be enough of a clue.
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Yes, what DO our cars tell others about us? Mine's full of grass and old mud, discarded race cards, bought sandwich wrappers, car park tickets, and Rennies packets. Conclusion: days at races, instant nosh, and indigestion.
I told all mine :D - personally - not through an article in the Telegraph either!
People who seem to believe that caffeine in coffee is different to caffeine in chocolate

Customer "Can I have a decaf mocha please
Me "The chocolate will still have lots of caffeine in it"
Customer "It is only caffeine in coffee that affects me"

Missing the "submit score " button on the quiz and losing by 4 seconds!
Stupid customers

Customer: XXXX at Salisbury
Me: That ran 20 minutes ago sir, and won
Customer: Can I have £200 then please

*FFS It's a surprise they can work the bloody phone*
People who say 'brought' but mean 'bought' (what do they think the verb is: 'to bruy'?); people who refer to reading a book when they mean a magazine; the increasing number of vulgar tv adverts which feature men in underpants, women half-dressed, etc., references to lavatorial smells, etc. It's going from dumbing-down to dunging-down.
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