This and That...

How weird; I 've just started reading a book I've had for years but never got round to reading; it's by Lynn Truss. I've just read a chapter which mentions the Bobbit case from years back. Supposedly Mrs Bobbit threw her husbands penis away after she'd chopped it off, but the police found it. The author was astounded that the police could find something like that when most missing things tend to stay missing.
I see that Mac has had his knife out again and stuck it right in the heart of one of the best posters on RTF (anag)This is his usual response to anyone who has what he sees as the temerity to see him for what he is.
There's been a further development in the case.

The man was awarded criminal damages of $20,000 but has since been reconciled with his wife.

He's been offered reconstructive surgery at a cost of $2000 per inch. He asked for time to discuss things with his wife before arriving at a decision.

He duly got back to the surgeon and told him, "We're getting a new kitchen"
I do quite like my own company, as this thread proves. Should stand me in good stead for the coming couple of months or so, hopefully.

If only people had taken Coronavirus more seriously such draconian measures may not have been needed, and I'm as guilty as most on that score.
I think the vast majority of the population is guilty of underestimating the virus.

Only last week I was talking about jumping in the car and driving down the coast for a walk along the front. I was assuming there would be nobody else there.

Talk about deluded?

I still haven't done any panic buying or stockpiling but between the kitchen fridge, the fridge in the garage, the kitchen freezer and the big 'cold' cupboard in the utility room, we probably have enough to get through a few weeks, only needing to pop out for perishables like bread and milk.
I get bread and milk if it's there but not too bothered if not, can live without it no probs. Only thing I've stocked up on is red wine, should always be able to get that anyway, but just in case!
I do quite like my own company, as this thread proves. Should stand me in good stead for the coming couple of months or so, hopefully.

Being naturally somewhat introverted and asocial (not antisocial I hasten to add) I do not find 'social distancing' particularly difficult, though the thought of being confined to four walls is horrid so I'm thankful that we're still permitted to go for walks and, in my case cultivate my allotment. Both of these pastimes have always been enjoyed largely alone, so the restrictions imposed thus far are for me no more than a minor inconvenience, and I feel very privileged that that is all they are
Edited the above as I'd said about probably not being able to drive to allotment, but after a quick google - It seems like you're fine to walk, pushbike or drive to it

Had the option of an allotment about seven years ago but didn't take it up. At least I've got a garden so that's some blessed relief.
We've been busy checking with the relevant authorities whether it's permissible to continue cultivating allotments and I'm glad to say it is, with the obvious proviso that the strict gathering and distancing rules are obeyed. Think I'll be busier than usual there as we're organising help for the many old codgers with gardens who are forced to isolate at home. Hardly a chore as I'll essentially be doing what I enjoy doing anyway

5 minutes away by pushbike, 10 minutes walk so no prob. Don't own a car now, just hire one from time to time and don't think I'll be doing that for a while:)

Just have a glorified backyard at home which is fine to sit and read in but only big enough to grow pot plants

Days continue contentedly, if not exactly filled with happiness
There are, saw a brimstone and several peacocks yesterday. Birdsong is building, blackthorn is flowering and came across a mass of frogspawn in a pond recently...simple pleasures are the greatest pleasures
On our daily dog walk today we had a Ferrari driver driving up and down the lane at speed. F11 JDR if anyone knows someone with a red Ferrari but no brain....saw a Buzzard flying lower than I've ever seen one fly before. Only one, though. Do they not pair up till later in the year. Whenever I see one Buzzard I always look around for the other.