This and That...

Got my VIP Kate Bush tickets today cost an arm and a leg but well worth it. A couple of people have said that they look dodgy but I know that they are just jealous.

Gamble is quite shy so I may have to coax him a little

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Really sad about Gazza can't see him ever conquering his demons. He seems like a kindly soul at heart and I wish him well, but wouldn't be surprised if he didn't make the big 5-0
I'll know for sure later in the week. Keep in touch, preferably on this thread to annoy the sullen clique :lol:
Twins indeed. Well spotted.

I see David is short odds to be first out the door. Thought maybe James would be but won't be having any financial interest.
Pm's can be missed and I've got no credit so this is the most suitable place to post imo

Not heard any updates, unless I've gone deaf :lol:, so won't be going. Take care and be true to yourself ;)
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Myself and Jon will be there Wolf if you change your mind.
I'm going to film Jon and make a mini documentary of him.:lol:
I'll see if I can post it up on here and TRF later.