This and That...

I've just dipped into my memory drawer, I'm sure you've all got one, or maybe a jar? When something of note happens I write it down and put it in said drawer.

Anyway, turns out that I had a tenner on a 16/1 winner about seven years ago :) Buggered if I can remember the name of the horse, should have written it on the note. Great to have a rummage in it now and then though and see what comes out.
I'm having a massive clear out in my house; it's full of everyones stuff..years and years of my childrens art work; my ex's stuff [especially in the garage] even my ex in laws belongings. But what crippled me was finding a bag full of old numnahs; my daughters old [ now deceased] ponie's numnah with her name embroidered on it was there and I just sat and cried over it. Even sadder I found an old address book from when I lived in Cornwall and googled the name of a friend I'd forgotten about; turned out he died at the young age of 48. And, today I received an old film annual that I'd seen on the internet; I thought the cover looked familiar and, blow me, it is the one I had when I was a child [it was old and passed on even then]; the minute I opened it, it was as if I'd only just put it down..every page was so familiar. I used to keep old betting slips but there are so many of them [due to not ever winning anything] that I did burn them eventually.
Your posts are always interesting, Moe, and I now know what a numnah is - having just Googled - I did think at first that it was the name of the pony and was going to say what an unusual name that is! It's great to have a good clear out and find things that one has long forgotten about, even though the memories may be bad as well as good sometimes. Cheers.
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Just thinking that I'd probably have gone through what's left of my life never knowing what a numnah was if I hadn't have started this 'bits and bobs' thread. Worth starting it for that alone :D Though it doesn't get used much by the 'Too cool for school' gang on here :lol:
I see the TRF site is down.. yet again. That homely looking guy who took it on for nowt must have thought that it wouldn't need any upgrading and maintenance. What a clown he is

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I have a trapped nerve in my neck with pins and needles in my arm so can't sleep. As you're probably aware I normally only tend to frequent message boards at this ungodly hour during the downing of the last bottle; but those days are long gone:confused:

TRF has been up and down regularly over the last few days; nowt new there then

Any chance you could put up a video of Little Red Rooster by Howlin' Wolf on t'other thread?
A cordial ;-) reply from you, Drone, in more ways than one. Off to bed now, please tell Nathan that I miss him and his banter. Cheers :)
My first hearing of that, Drone, cheers

Dave Dent is the equine artist of above sketch, very good he is as well. A few trainers have his work on their walls. He used to post in TRF and his missus, well, now ex as they've just split up, sadly. She used to post a bit as well. Just click on the icon second from the right that's at the top of reply box. then paste in there and press OK for video

They were engaged but never got round to the wedding :( Been together many years and it's all a bit sad.
Only what's already been mentioned - nobody has died as far as I know.

Edit to add that I see Nathan is still reading but refusing to post :(

Still love you Bro :<3:

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I remember Dave D: his moniker on TRF was Green Green Desert and his correspondence, while strange and forcibly politically correct, was an interesting read.

Nathan sends his love Wolver
Looks like Craig is out after the sad death of his brother. The fat lass has already walked as well- what was she expecting it to be like in there!? Stupid woman.

Best wishes to Craig Charles as he seemed like a really sound guy. This is what I like about this show, seeing how these faces cope with things far removed from their normal lives.
How would I know if I had a computer virus? All is not well with my pooter I'm afraid....
Think I've got AVG but it probably needs updating; won't let me on that site anyway. Have phoned up a man who fixes computers. Am ignoring Christmas this year [bah humbug] so will have a bit of money to spare.
Think I've got AVG but it probably needs updating; won't let me on that site anyway. Have phoned up a man who fixes computers. Am ignoring Christmas this year [bah humbug] so will have a bit of money to spare.

AVG is pretty awful now, download the free version of avast.

Also download ccleaner and run it, and malwarebytes

Once you run them do a deep scan with avast, should clear everything up.

EDIT: actually try malwarebytes first, that will probably have most effect on what you describe
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