This forum not as popular?

As someone who used to post a lot here, a couple of points...

1. The forum has always had a reputation for being cliquey. New members' contributions were often more or less ignored, as long time members continued their chummy private debates around newbies' posts. Also, there is, or was, too much "I'll pm you later on that, Sid" stuff, and you thought, "who's Sid?", "why am I being excluded from this exchange?"

2. A lot of people (myself included) felt that there were two sets of moderation rules in place. Some members seemed to be able to get away with murder, while others were quickly sh*t upon from a great height.

Just my observations.
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I think most of what Venusian says was true. However, I don't see much cliques now, as various people have left the forum over the years in a huff, and the new people don't seem to be as cliquey.

Again, just my observation, and I don't want to take away from what Venusian has said, as he may still feel this place is cliquey. And he may well be right.
As someone who used to post a lot here, a couple of points...

1. The forum has always had a reputation for being cliquey. New members' contributions were often more or less ignored, as long time members continued their chummy private debates around newbies' posts. Also, there is, or was, too much "I'll pm you later on that, Sid" stuff, and you thought, "who's Sid?", "why am I being excluded from this exchange?"

2. A lot of people (myself included) felt that there were two sets of moderation rules in place. Some members seemed to be able to get away with murder, while others were quickly sh*t upon from a great height.

Just my observations.

That's possibly true, although I am in a clique all by myself. :whistle:

Never been in trouble with any staff members, so I wouldn't know. ;)
Well, there's still a lot of 'in' talk among the lads in particular, especially about footie, which probably excludes those not involved in following the sport. But I don't find that exclusive, as if I was interested in whatever they were talking about, I'd join in. I don't think the forum's anywhere near as divisive as it was when regular and very personal squabbling used to take place - but natural attrition seems to have sorted that out. I think that at that time, stronger supervision was needed, but one hopes anything similar would be dealt with much quicker.

Overall, I find it very enjoyable. If I didn't, I'd bog off soon enough. No point in tormenting yourself!
As someone who used to post a lot here, a couple of points...

1. The forum has always had a reputation for being cliquey. New members' contributions were often more or less ignored, as long time members continued their chummy private debates around newbies' posts. Also, there is, or was, too much "I'll pm you later on that, Sid" stuff, and you thought, "who's Sid?", "why am I being excluded from this exchange?"

Just my observations.

Spot on Venusian, I get the odd email inviting me onto the site but quite honestly please dont send them anymore, this site is about the established and new members are simply ignored....

I have not posted much I admit but generally when I do I get a tumbleweed response, it is demoralising...

I even tried the chat box you had for the festival (invite emailed to me), my predictions were half decent (for once) but did not get one spontaneous response yet a reg posted the exact same response as myself and within ten seconds guess what happened! Yep they got replies from their buddies with a load of back slapping....

Sad as I think I could contribute but no encouragement to do so, the clique though I really respect but not enough to feel like a leper.
I even tried the chat box you had for the festival (invite emailed to me), my predictions were half decent (for once) but did not get one spontaneous response yet a reg posted the exact same response as myself and within ten seconds guess what happened! Yep they got replies from their buddies with a load of back slapping....

It's tough to get anything noticed on a chat box, it's so fast paced and jumbled up. So naturally one is drawn to more familiar names. In the last year or so plenty of newer members have made good contributions and for me if a decent judge perseveres he or she will get noticed. Not all of us have been here since the start of the Forum after all.
but did not get one spontaneous response yet a reg posted the exact same response as myself and within ten seconds guess what happened! Yep they got replies from their buddies with a load of back slapping.... .

You should try Twitter. No one ever disagrees, especially not with an established 'celebrity' or 'celebrity pundit' from horse racing and the back slapping richter scale is automatically set to 9.6.
I think anyone who is sensitive, or thin-skinned, should stay away from internet forums.

They can be very cruel places at times but thankfully not always.

Stick with it Jakers.:cool:

I see that I have posted over 12,000 times and I still get ignored, so feckin' what!!
We're used to members having Arsenal moments on here. Now that you have declared it, it won't be held against you!
Jakers - if you don't want to get admin emails just go to your control panel and change the setting there :)

I think on any forum 'newbies' get less responses than regular posters, but if you post a bit then you do get known more, there are members who currently post alot and get a lot of replies who have only been members a year or two

On The Bridle for example, has only been a member since November last year yet gets as many responses as anyone when he posts.

I get ignored more than anyone when I post and I've been here longer than anyone lol

As so many ex forumites are happy debating racing in 140 characters on Twitter why doesn't the forum set up a Twitter account to lure past posters over to the forum when they're in mid-debate?