This forum not as popular?

I greatly enjoy this site and long may it continue to thrive.

I don't think a lot is wrong, but would I be right in saying there has been a relative decline in female participation here? Has the overall tone become too blokish, too betting oriented for some tastes? But even if it has, I don't know what can be done about it, other than reminding people that this is a mixed forum.

Re OTB's suggestion of a naps competition, I think he is thinking along the right lines, and the prizes he is offering are very generous. Nevertheless I agree that we need to think this one out.

We already have a certain history of tipping competitions on here that are usually quite popular. One of the weaknesses, however, is that they are not announced far enough in advance, relying as they do on spur of the moment decisions by certain individuals to put up prizes, and another weakness is that the scores are not updated quickly and frequently enough, with the result that people don't know how they're doing and lose interest.

My own proposal would be to try and link up the various competitions that tend to happen throughout the year (Cheltenham, Aintree, Punchestown, Royal Ascot, Galway/Goodwood, Bet Idol, etc ) into a structured calendar and to put up a prize not only for each competition, as before, but also a separate prize for the person who does best overall in the year as a whole.

OTB's suggestion of a naps competition could form part of such a calendar of events. I would be prepared to repeat last year's Galway/Goodwood competition as part of it, or to contribute in some other way if some other consensus emerges.
If we need someone to do quick scoring than I'm your man. I think we should run the Naps comp exclusively for the flat season. That gives us time to do it right.
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Probably a bit off topic, but I would like to point out that some of the things that krizon writes [well, quite a lot, actually] has me in tears, it's so funny [and very eloquent]. How about a daily diary?
She does a foxer as a "dear auntie kri" column on here from time to time. Her expertise is in advising lusting naive teenage boys. Her advice is very harsh but fair.
(Krizon thanks you both, and the £25 each is on its way to you for those entirely unsolicited testimonials.)

Ah, Gears-dearest, you've matured so much in the last three years, there's hardly any need at all for me to advise you on what to do when one of your harem locates the underwear stashed by the last three lovelies to visit your den of lasciviousness.

Chaps, and remaining chapesses: suppose we all pony up a tenner towards a comp? It's lovely and very kind of some of the members on here to offer to contribute, but a weeny bit unfair for the pot to fall on just two or three members' collective shoulders. Even ponying up a pony wouldn't be too excessive, would it? And it'd sure add a lot of keenness to proceedings. Did I mention that I won two, yes two, tipping comps on Finally the Last Furlong? True. So, get back to your My Little Ratings Books and polish up your theorems on XYZ's weight x stride length x rider's weight x inches of going. You have not yet seen me on form. (Come to think of it, my form would read 011-POOP of late... )
OTB - We'll get it going. Maybe a fiver or tenner to enter as well? Make it as big a pot as possible. What do you think?
Sounds good to me - great idea for a Naps competition and the Today's Fancy thread is one of the highlights of the forum for me.

ps. there's nada wrong with the current membership IMO :)
OTB - We'll get it going. Maybe a fiver or tenner to enter as well? Make it as big a pot as possible. What do you think?

Yeah - good idea with the entry fee - I don't want to sound undemocratic here but it will be impossible to operate a huge number of tipsters - how do you limit the numbers??
Yeah - good idea with the entry fee - I don't want to sound undemocratic here but it will be impossible to operate a huge number of tipsters - how do you limit the numbers??

How about some kind of qualifying comp? Run it the week/fortnight/month before you want the 'real' comp to start, top 20/30 go into the Nap comp, which, if held on a monthly basis could involve relegation for the bottom 5 to keep an injection of fresh blood and also peak interest in it?
Two divisions maybe - if there's 30 have two divisions of 15 starting with a play-off as Steve suggests and then 3 up and 3 down every month.

Qualifiers sound like a good idea, Stevie-T. Perhaps we could get EC1 to rate us all? :D

EC1 to rate the entrants - thats a great idea - if he could include a comment line also to add insult to injury!!!:lol::lol::lol: I would be expecting a favourable mention as I have supported his stance on the KG and HF - others on the other hand might feel the wrath!!!
EC1 to rate the entrants - thats a great idea - if he could include a comment line also to add insult to injury!!!:lol::lol::lol: I would be expecting a favourable mention as I have supported his stance on the KG and HF - others on the other hand might feel the wrath!!!

I don't think i know enough about you guys tipping prowess to rate anyone - Luke would be a contender obviously:)

i like the idea of a qualifying period..that way you earn your position