This forum not as popular?

Warbler - debate in just 140 characters? You're avinalarf! 140 pages, more like, and that's with all respect, Alun old bean.

It probably depends on why they left the forum, Gams - if it was because of a bust-up with someone, I doubt they'd come back for a lifetime supply of Black Label, let alone to Twitter.
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Nah Warbler isn't on Twitter but Aidan, Pru and TDK have all gone over there and tweet regularly and are never sighted on here.
I post on here and Twitter and have found my level on both. TDK is now busy flogging a horse syndicate and bigging up Coral. If people think TH is clique I urge them to try Twitter! I pander to no one I don't have to on there but love some of the Irish racing contributers.
If people think TH is clique I urge them to try Twitter!

I know what you mean to some extent, I like what Simon Rowlands and co. offer but it is a bit "we know more than you" on there at times with some of their tweets. James Willoughby is highly knowledgable and very approachable and engages with most people on there to be fair to him.

Just think this forum has lost contributors to Twitter and reckon we could win them back if the forum had a presence on there personally.
You might well be right Gamla and fair play for even putting out the idea. I like Twitter because opinions I respect are out there instantly after a result etc. The forum will always lure me because debate is rife on here and no concedes an inch. On Twitter there is a massive element of bowing to the 'knowledgable'.
I Googled 'racing forums' the other day and saw a reference to TH as believing itself superior, with racing 'experts' (their inverted commas); OH as full of horsey kids, and Atacanta with 'lots of girls'!
You might well be right Gamla and fair play for even putting out the idea. I like Twitter because opinions I respect are out there instantly after a result etc. The forum will always lure me because debate is rife on here and no concedes an inch. On Twitter there is a massive element of bowing to the 'knowledgable'.

Instant opinions aren't considered ones.
Agreed Sheikh - and a lot of them are merely regurgitated versions of the opinions or statements of someone else.
How do you get to hear 'new voices' on Twitter? What I mean is, do you only Twitter someone who you know already? Isn't it better for people to think through what they are going to say before they put it in print? [apologies for my ignorance; I'm not too good with new technology..can't even send texts...]. Does Twitter make people feel they are conversing with famous people? Went to see Tony Benn the other night; when asked if he Twittered he said he did so twice and realised that thousands of people were reading his Tweets, so he stopped Twittering, as he would have to think so carefully about what he was saying [which defeats the whole object of Twittering, I guess].
Okay - as someone who, like Moehat, can't even Text, what exactly is Twitter? Is it for mobi users only - you can't access it through the Internet?

I'm wondering about getting a bit more 21C like our ex-manager here, who is also a friend, and has moved into the block I'm going into next week. She has dumped her landline and only uses a mobile, but she does know how to Text properly. She's got a deal with Orange for the mobile and b/b for her laptop - that's another issue. I'll be seriously short of space in the new flat, and think getting shot of the desk/desktop/processor and going back to a laptop is in order.

Anyone on here using a mobi only, and no landline? Is that good? Any drawbacks? It certainly seems there are some cracking deals to be done.
You can access twitter via mobile or standard pc/laptop etc as long as you have internet connection. I have an account and mainly follow racing based stuff such as the Bloodstock Al, the RP bloodstock section as well as a few trainers and jockeys. I find it's quite good for getting fairly instant race results and sometimes you pick up nice bits of breeding info i.e. winner of x races related to horse y, from family of z which I find interesting. Some people tweet a lot and the quality of what they tweet can be good or bad - sometimes it's people having 'conversations' with each other about yesterdays bbq, kick about etc that's really not very interesting but there can be some good/interesting stuff about. Personally I don't tweet that often, nothing all that exciting to say, I just prefer to read interesting points from others.
I do have Internet connection via my desktop pc, Imagine, so does that mean I could see twitterings? How do you access it, please? I'd just like to see these things, not join in. I tried Facebook for about a week before exiting - not my thing, esp. as I don't yet know how to take or put up pix, vids, etc. I'll probably try to do more stuff after I settle down a bit more this year, after making yet another move and disrupting myself!
I just tweeted the "So You Think - Hype or Substance" thread on my Twitter account 15mins ago and the thread has had 36 views since. Interesting.
Kri, if you go to there's a search bit on the front page. Type in what you're after and you're off. If you register as a user you can 'follow'' people that you're interested in but it's entirely up to you whether you actually tweet anything yourself.
Thanks very much, Imagine - I'd like to see what it's all about, even though I've pre-emptively thought much of it sounds like G-G's description. But us old codgers must keep open and inquiring minds!

Well, I joined up and the first person I put on my Tweetlist was AP, followed by some odd-bods like Cornelius Lysaght, just to fill up my first 10, at which point Twitter said "Awesome!" Well, hardly that, Twit, just a list. Now to sit back and see what happens...
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I thought they all went to Atacanta?

I would imagine none of those would be seen dead on Atacanta. They have half an idea what they're talking about!! TDK & Pru in particular probably wouldn't even be understood over there. They don't pat ponies often enough.
twitter beats TH hands down for instant conversation & debate. without anyone criticising or being a smart ass.

besides i get to see kissjessicajane tweet pics of herself everyday
above all, twitter is a great information scource for any sports addict.
it doesnt have to be about gambling.

but any information can be used properly.

there is no such thing as useless info.
unless ur a couple of TH, so called "experts"