Tottenham Riot

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I've just switched on Sky News. There is a double decker bur, police cars and a bookmakers on fire.
Just switched the news back on - its still going sporadically - 8 police in hospital, still looting the retail park...

All those poor people who lived above the shops and offices that have lost everything - just hope that everybody got out and is safe.
Started because a group of people related to the man who got shot on Thursday wanted some answers from the police (I dont think they had asked for a meeting just turned up in droves but I may be wrong!) and when the police either didnt answer them quickly enough and/or didnt give them the answer they wanted then it all kicked off.

Reports were that a lot of the "disilliosioned black youths" were on their mobiles getting others to come down and join in with the rioting and looting - saw one clip on TV where a trolley full of soft drinks was being wheeled away!!!

Its got me a bit worried because its the Notting Hill Carnival in a few weeks (August Bank Holiday weekend) and if there is trouble now there is bound to be some at that and as I live on the route its not filling me with confidence.
Police should mow the fuckers down with rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannon
I'd use real ones Dan, just toned it down for the forum

Police got to be careful in case they push someone over and the subsequent £2m inquiry is launched like last time.

Gutless shithole of a country
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Get the Army on the streets NOW - the police are powerless thanks to Goverment cut backs and the need to be "pc" and "respect the rights of the others" - wheres the respect these thugs are showing the business owners and local residents?

Will they cancel the Notting Hill Carnival - like fook will they.
They wont though - its all about politics and keeping on the right side of hte minorities

OMG they are just showing lavender hill - you stay safe
Anyone who lives in London know what the problem is, and where the issue with crime is. Offending that 'community' isn't worth it for any political party. I would use taser guns on anyone involved. I don't see why a policeman should go to hospital, or worse, because of this lot.
Hope all forumites are ok. Hearing reports of rioters in Birmingham setting fire to the Children's hospital although not sure if that's true.
They wont though - its all about politics and keeping on the right side of hte minorities

OMG they are just showing lavender hill - you stay safe

We're fine, the police have closed Lavender Hill and the rioters have headed towards Wandsworth now and the Southside shopping centre is apparently their next target.
Please stay safe, all of you in the area. I daresay that this mob of home and business wreckers are just idiotic fools from places like Hackney, out to do maximum damage for minimum punishment, and don't even belong in the area. They also spy a really good opportunity for smash-and-grab looting, flogging the stuff off cheap the next week. They're just garbage. Just like the thugs who buggered-up the student fees protests - they were nothing to do with universities, just so-called 'anarchists', for which read out-of-work layabouts.

I don't know why we just don't send in the Army, either. Special Services would put this lot away in ten minutes, tops. The police are bloody useless at crowd control.
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I live in East Croydon, about half a mile from the trouble. Nothing to do with minorities, it's all creed and colours that have gone past my flat on the way into central Croydon to join in tonight. Mindless hooligans that need extremely hard and strong tactics used against them.
Anyone dare touch White City Westfield and I will personally come out and piano wire them!!!

These "kids" are already posting videos on Youtube and bragging - take down the social sites NOW
This is just the start.

We reap what we sow eh? Birmingham now, which shithole is next?
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The police are not useless at crowd control, they are under orders not to provoke. Whilst the rioters may be of all hues and colours any hard tactics would be seen as racist.

Strangely many years ago on some of the anti racist marches they were much more forceful- I still have a dent in my jaw. For the coppers most of whom are pretty decent, it is a case of damned if they do , damned if they don't.
Announce a curfew then shoot on sight

They're doing it because they can
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When the Watts riots kicked off in America, Asian shopkeepers - particularly the Vietnamese - armed themselves with shotties and threatened the bastards with the death of a thousand pellets. They soon scarpered and went on to molest other businesses.

I get the feeling that the Met is just letting this take hold so that they can claim they're already undermanned, and that any cuts to their numbers in future could lead to the whole country being taken over by roaming gangs of pillaging youths. In other words, let's frighten everyone to death with this and we won't have our numbers reduced.

Person after person interviewed by the Beeb tonight is saying that the police just weren't there when places were set on fire, as if they were quite deliberately not responding to the rampage.

Meanwhile, yesterday, I heard of a friend's daughter's car being rammed behind by a bloke who didn't seem to realise she couldn't zoom forward, owing to there being three cars in front of her at an intersection. He ranted and raved at her, said he didn't have his insurance docs or licence with him, and was incredibly, loudly, abusive. When she said she wasn't going to be intimidated into leaving, he said "I'll run you over and crush your skull, you bitch". (An American, btw, not an Ingleesi.) When the police came, oh-ho-ho, he suddenly does have his docs and says that she's a mad cow for saying he didn't. She then yelled at the very young cop that he'd threatened to kill her, and what do you think happened? He threatened to arrest her if she didn't calm down. Luckily, her company has a very hot lawyer who is going to take the police apart on this, as well as the other driver.

And today, at Lingfield: a dear old boy in his early 80s spotted a cop car driving close behind him, and slowed down a bit, in case it wanted to do the usual and tank past at 140 mph. It didn't. Its driver hauled him over, and very sharply said, "Get out of the car." Just that - no "please, sir" or kiss my arse. When the old lad asked why, he was told he was driving too slowly. He explained why, this wasn't accepted, and he was told he was to appear in court this week, and possibly lose his licence for "dangerous driving".

Good to see, then, that our resources are going into such useful support of the public.
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